Frage von Roberto:Hello
My colleague is off a site for me to the legs.
This is a sort of video gallery with Seq. à ca.20Sekunden.
When you upload with a. Wmv file auto run after the termination of the upload. a 3GPP Converter which the file for the video-enabled to provide disposal.
I have now received the message in the short term. Wmv is not supported.
What are the differences of mpeg and wmv?
Which Programs recommends mass processing of your order. Avi to mpeg (with web-ready settings) to convert?
Thank you very much.
Antwort von Burner87:
wmv is the format of Microsoft and a general mpeg video format
When a video file beosnders small to be of good quality at even, then I recommend kannn wmv or divx. Web videos to wmv for offering very much.
So of to convert avi to mpeg, I always use my video editing program.
Your problem with the 3gp converter I have not fully understood.