Frage von Helge74:
Hello everybody,
I would like the avi files, which I on the Medion Jukebox (as a portable hard drive) have stored in my DVD recorder capture. My DVD recorder can only handle with avi, but it has no usb but a digital DV port for external devices such as camcorders.
Anybody who has a Ahnunung whether it is a kind of connection between cable and digital dv usb port there? So that I owned the jukebox Jukebox s.die cable and connect the usb port with this cable can connect a cable that on one Page usb and on the other side is digital dv?
Sorry, I am a layman, therefore, press' I am perhaps a bit of bungling :-). If I could still help you.
Thank you!
Your Helge
Antwort von Cutaway:

I would be the AVI file on a MINI-DV camcorder with DV-in time. Then from your camcorder via firewire s.den DVD recorder is s.einfachsten and works.
Hello everybody,
I would like the avi files, which I on the Medion Jukebox (as a portable hard drive) have stored in my DVD recorder capture. My DVD recorder can only handle with avi, but it has no usb but a digital DV port for external devices such as camcorders.
Anybody who has a Ahnunung whether it is a kind of connection between cable and digital dv usb port there? So that I owned the jukebox Jukebox s.die cable and connect the usb port with this cable can connect a cable that on one Page usb and on the other side is digital dv?
Sorry, I am a layman, therefore, press' I am perhaps a bit of bungling :-). If I could still help you.
Thank you!
Your Helge
Antwort von Helge74:

Cutaway Hello,
first thank for your quick reply. The problem is: I have no camera :-(.
Do you have a tipp?
Antwort von cutaway:

Hi Helge,
search times google at USB firewire hub. I've now done once for you. There is an article.
Cutaway Hello,
first thank for your quick reply. The problem is: I have no camera :-(.
Do you have a tipp?
Antwort von Quadruplex:
I would be the AVI file on a MINI-DV camcorder with DV-in time. Then from your camcorder via firewire s.den DVD recorder is s.einfachsten and works. How is this supposed to work? If I have understood correctly, the questioner an external hard drive. Whatever the digital connection because truth is: A camcorder recognizes as even nix ...
So, dear Helge: If your Medion box has analog video outputs, you copy the videos on Analog - costs of course quality.
Otherwise, I think it is s.einfachsten, s.PC your videos into a DVD compliant format.
Antwort von Markus:

Most DVD recorders with DV camcorder connection and only accept other than VCR player. A PC is no longer detected, even if it's a DV stream via firewire delivers.
How should then the jukebox with their non-DVD files are detected? - I agree, therefore, the proposal of Quadruplex to:
Otherwise, I think it is s.einfachsten, s.PC your videos into a DVD compliant format. Say: Make with the AVI file specification DVD-videos, then you can use them in DVD players.
Antwort von Helge74:

Hi guys,
viiiielen So thank you for your help. The way I see things, I have no chance with my Medion jukebox :-).
It is the way that I have opinions of course, synonymous with Nero and then burn on the DVD player can play. That is no problem. Only I only have a CD burner and that is, only one per Avi Cd :-(. And there are 22 effects are that I want to burn, I would have liked it to be burned on a dvd. Also my PC has only a 10GB hard drive and my Medion jukebox one of 20 GB. So, I have the consequences of the Medion Pc from over plays and hoping that I will simply s.den DVD recorder can then order the avis on blank DVDs to burn. That was the thought. Just look around to explain.
Now, I am yet another solution haggard. I take my jukebox with and go to a girlfriend or boyfriend, a DVDBrenner the PC has, then I put an AND JB burn everything down .... :-). A pity that I did not earlier in response. But you never know how often something happens .... yet
Thank you all!
Antwort von Markus:
Also my PC has only a 10GB hard drive and my Medion jukebox one of 20 GB. How old are the appliances? A hard drive with 300 GB costs around 110 ¬ ... perhaps a reflection / worth upgrading?