Frage von AfterEffectsJunkie:
Hello the following problem when I am with my Sony Vegas video coding what I've recorded with Fraps is the picture not so very well.
Here you can even look at times:
These are the Divx settings I use:
zum Bild zum Bild zum Bild
Antwort von Rene K:

Perhaps you should time your correct frame rate, on pal (not NTSC) and 25 images
a higher data rate and two encodierdurchläufe would certainly synonymous nor helpful.
Antwort von AfterEffectsJunkie:
Perhaps you should time your correct frame rate, on pal (not NTSC) and 25 images
a higher data rate and two encodierdurchläufe would certainly synonymous nor helpful. What do you with higher data rate =? Bitrate? And how do I connect 2 Encodierungsläufe?
Antwort von Rene K:

in default encoder and bitrate control. but the other two of the first things to me are more important.