Frage von Jan Lücking:
I'm interested in starting a film with Magix Video Deluxe 2006 Pros to create. Now I want in the Project commenced a movie is in avi format, adding. The file, which is in the program is 11.2 GB in size. Depends if I want to import, but the program is on and I must stop.
Somehow I have the file but get into the program! To DV tape I have the file no longer synonymous, but still on the hard drive.
How do I clean the file in Magix? Can you help me?
Antwort von Ivy:

Hmm ... this should really be no problem regardless of size. S.Magix If it really is, then you can only pray that the latest update (for
Antwort von Jan Lücking:

synonymous've been thinking that it is s.Calculator. But that can not be. I have 3.2 Gigaherz, 2048 MB RAM.
So ein Mist. It still has to go somehow. But how?
Does it help if I agree with what the film and enfüge smaller parts? How can I share the movie?
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Does it help if I agree with what the film and enfüge smaller parts? How can I share the movie? For example, with
Antwort von gast0815:

What sort of AVI's it all about?
Avi is only a container format that can very different video formats such as Xvid, DV-AVI (with included 2 types, etc.). Be at this, the source from which it originates or with which program you have edited it creates /, then mam can help you better eventually.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Jan Lücking:

So the file is in avi DV codec. I have taken with a Panasonic NV-GS 180 and with the included software of Panasonic (MotionDV Studio LE for DV) to the PC.
The problem is that I got another small video tape of the program and already processed. Now I'd like this page Add this video.
However, the program depends on it.
Antwort von Ivy:

Ok, s.Calculator and s.Arbeitsspeicher are solltees not have time .... ;-)
You may, however, synonymous clear on the other page, that damn long Magix need to invite such a thing, ne? This can, if you are unlucky, and the program retrieves the file again and again, truly take a few hours. Stop is the disadvantage of the program. But I guess once you've run it for so long, right?
With the parts it could work, of course, because the Einlesprozess is shortened. Someone had already mentioned above the VirtualDubMod so I would make it synonymous, you can of course, respectively, with all other editing programs do (look synonymous times on this site under "freeware").
PS: Stop us about your progress to date!
Antwort von rush:

then perhaps try your great times dv-avi file into several kleineremit virtualdub etc. to split ... Perhaps yes, then creates magix, where other smaller files could be imported ...
much success
Antwort von Jan Lücking:

I do not come with VirtualDub clear. Synonymous, there is a German, free cutting tool? How can I cut it?
Antwort von gast 0815:

Go times as follows:
1.) experiment, the avi file in Magix under load into a new blank movie. If that succeeds, there! continue editing the film. Then
Films join as follows (does not come of myself, the author is no longer known, but works):
Download Movie 1
Download Movie 2 (Movie 1 close to the question answer with no)
Film 2 is now shown in the timeline
Early marker set (left mouse button) s.den movie beginning, end markers (right mouse button to the end of the film, The easiest way to optimize this with a mouse click on the View button or keyboard shortcut SHIFT + B!
Now, you choose Edit from the Edit menu - area - area to copy (CTRL + ALT + C)
Menu item select box to choose where the bottom FILM 1 (as always, the synonymous words, it appears there with his name!)
Film 1 is now on display in the timeline
Early marker set exactly to its end of the film!
Menu item Edit - Edit the field - insert field (CTRL + ALT + V) choose.
The timeline should now s.Anfang Film1 and then Film2 to be seen.
Again s.der terminus of Film1 check whether Film2 connects directly or may gaping overlap or a gap and correct any.
Film1 (s.Besten save under a new name). Close everything!
The new movie download - Ready!
2.) Magix would not want to open the film to split it as mentioned above, with Vitualdub (gibts under, freeware). If the avi file can not be open here, you still need a DV AVIcodec
(gibts), for example, under
Instructions for Use of VDub Hauf's to see the web, so that I do so closer spare. Just this: if some do not play VDub your avi, is probably a bug in this file.
After the split should be the files into Magix (at least according to Method 1 capture).
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von gast 0815:

I do not come with VirtualDub clear. Synonymous, there is a German, free cutting tool?
Stay calm in VDub, there is nothing better, and is not synonymous difficult.
1.) Avi download: menu File-> Open video file
Cut 2.): Go to the top of the cut out area and click the box under voletzte the Slider.Geh the end of the cut out area and click the last box. Write to you at the start and end frame, press the Delete button nschließend. you are now just a part of your film left.
3.) Choose menu Video -> Direct stream copy
4.) menu, select Audio -> Direct stream copy
5.) menu, choose File-> Save AVI and save your movie from some under new names.
You can now re-Beginning with Item 1 to back up the other parts of the film as Einzeldatein too. Use your pace notes and the menu item Go> go to frame you'll find the earlier cut away scenes that are to remain, but will now ....
Greetings from MR
Antwort von Ivy:
does not works. I can not load the film synonymous to a new project. Did I honestly thought. And shall not synonymous going? And wait synonymous bring anything? The latest updates are installed all? And the file can be used in any other editing program to invite?
Frankly, if all that is the case - then there is hardly a chance. It is likely then that is the *. avi file damaged and can not be read. One can only hope that it was not an important film for you or that you have lost the DV tape only and will not be captured, so look for them again and can.
Wait a minute: Can the *. avi file, if you play it just like that star test? If so, is still a possibility.
Antwort von gast 0815:

Does your Avi as the Media Player, or there's problems there?
Antwort von Jan Lücking:

I can play the file.
The cutting is now. I can import the video piece for Srück synonymous.
But now I have a new problem. The cut part can be played without problems in Media Player and import synonymous in Magix, but where is it then Picture and sound interference. What am I doing wrong?
Antwort von Ivy:
The cut part can be played without problems in Media Player and import synonymous in Magix, but where is it then Picture and sound interference. What am I doing wrong? Please specify. ;-) What kind of disruption? Are Sound / Picture asynchronously? Missing frames? Attempt in any case, once the
smaller bites Magix blame for food. This should at least provide the frame problem.
Sound and picture are asynchronously to each other, then it could be that the tracks have a minimum of one another different starting point. Zoom get as close to s.The trace origins of Sound and Picture ran and look, they just s.der same place to begin. That makes Magix sometimes, unfortunately.
Antwort von Jan Lücking:

It then rushes and only then at some point is synonymous nor the picture away. I do not understand. When playing in a player everything is normal.
Antwort von Ivy:

Boah, what were you there please brewed? Well, then try it once just with smaller parts (part a 1 GB max.). If this does not work out that, then make short work and re-installed Magix. And if that does not work - shooting into the wind and Magix versuchs with Adobe or another (freeware?) Editing software. We'll give you instructions.
By the way: How old is your avi file? So when you have captured them? Very rarely, but sometimes it happens so, that recorded in the DV codec avi file too old for a new editing program is ... But it should not be more ...
Antwort von Gast 0815:

So, if you with your other DV Avis have no problems, I would rather expect the error in this spziellen file.
Just try to read, picture and sound as separate files in Magix.
To open 1.) Avi in VDub to save 2.) sound in Menu-> File-> save select Wave 3) select Menu> Audio -> No audio 4.) Menu-> video-> direct stream copy 5) toneless Avi-secure under the File menu> Save s.avi
Then first load the toneless Avi in new Magix-film gibts here (problems?) Then, the wav file into the track underneath to draw (problems?).
If all this fails, I would cut off the sound as described in VDub and the film (overnight or longer can be synonymous ......) VDub of new code. For this purpose you choose menu-> Video -> Compression of the Panasonic DV codec. Then Menu-> Video -> Full processing mod select Save, then the whole again as avi and go to bed.
Under plenty of sleep you will find hope in your case, no error message, but a functional, but somewhat poorer quality Avi Dateiund can capture Picture and sound Magix ........
Good night from Marburg
Antwort von Jan Lücking:

I will try it once. If there is something new I call again. Since one can be truly mad at. Oh man! Well, I think it's great that you want to help me.
Antwort von Jan Lücking:

I have it all time with a DV cable transferred into the program. Now everything works and the film is finished. If only I of the top-DV s.ein would have taken cable! A stupid beginner's mistake of me. A USB cable is not just good for the dubbing of shooting on the PC.
Antwort von Ivy:

Wait a minute! So first you've got all the time talked about the filming that you no longer would have on DV and secondly, you did not even mention that you have a USB cable used for dubbing. If you had one of two synonymous considered only, then we would certainly be able to give you a hint that there may s.der using a USB cable would have been ...
Do not get me wrong, it's nice to hear that the film could now be saved after all. But you would have spared us all a lot of trouble if you'd just mention this important fact.
Antwort von Jan Lücking:

Yes. I have my DV cable risen recently. Ich habs ja just tried with a USB cable. I thought that I had my DV-tape dubbing. Luckily it was not so. I'm just still a Beginners and has a lot to learn.