Frage von snapco:I'm switching from a PC (Pinnacle Studio) to Apple (Final Cut Studio 2). For the PC and for Pinnacle Studio Ultimate 12, I have lots of smart sounds purchased (
Question: Can I use in Final Cut on my Mac?
Antwort von Axel:
Question: Can I use in Final Cut on my Mac? Real Audio (unlike MIDI, what is it?) In the Apple program GarageBand, Soundtrack and Logic in the same way the library is added by imported and ge "tagged" is (tag = label). Format? Well, the Apple things are. Aif or. Caf (core audio file), which must not mean that nothing else funzt.
... Smart Sounds a lot ... Sounds like
a lot of colorful Smarties. I guess as a sort of SmartSound software is only of hand. Question is whether this would be proportionate.
Schonmal in the Apple Loops reingehört? garage band for the musically completely Ahnungslosen, but even musicians say that quality was not tuned suspension. Here are about 100 ¬ for the Jam Pack Symphony Orchestra "(among others), with a lot of loops and software instruments. Soundtrack is synonymous with a library of effects, loops, etc., all contents are interchangeable (to be synonymous for Logic apply what I do not know).