Frage von duvancam:
Hi folks,
I've a question. I would soon start a bigger project, a documentary about juggling and am so for some time on whether it is worth moving to HDV.
I read here with a couple of days and have some pros and cons carefully, but I have a decision to be difficult.
At the moment I have XL 1s and consider whether it would pay me a XH A1 zuzulegen. As for the film, I travel a lot will, that would be handy format of the XH A1 course of advantage. However, some people here believe to be that "documentary" and HDV a little in the way of each other, that is an argument for the XL 1 would speak.
I will be a lot of "moving" pictures, and then pans need rides and would like the movements of the best jugglers can capture. Is the picture really so strong losses at some of HDV as described?
I would be very happy to answer a couple of people to hear, which is really familiar with cameras:)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

So I've synonymous ne XL1S to find for my purposes synonymous sufficient.
(It still ne now and save a XL1H buy)
But XH 1 A is of course fine ne thing (regarding the journey of you mentioned - weight handling, etc.)
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Now fast movements are here now but rather the crux of the matter
I've already seen things fast bike in HD quality but the real pleasure to view.
Whether you're umbedingt but needs a new camera if you have a XL1S has a documentary to make ..... so now what will be the further distribution appearance? This could possibly mooring whether HD material available, or GOOD MATERIAL DV does not have the same purpose.
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? If you have the WW for the XL1S? - If you do not prefer buying of the Money and the WW maybe NEN better tripod head, or light (you can never have enough )......
Alla MfG
B. DeKid
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
However, some people here believe to be that "documentary" and HDV a little in the way of mutually Look at times "Berlin - Symphony of a large city" to, and although the original from the 20s (download here: This is an artistic documentary. An HD video or even has as yet thought None. Then look at Planet Earth (BBC). Was rotated in HD, just ... toll! And in between, a whole range of ... to ...
I would take HD. Even if it is only in SD should be shown. Once HD is running, you can sell it again. Synonymous with SD and HD material looks better, is if carefully mastered. The BBC documentaries are the best proof of this.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
Then look at Planet Earth (BBC). Was rotated in HD, just ... toll! Yeah, HD Cam and not just HDV. I can not imagine that the BBC can produce in HDV, which corresponds Konsumerformat not the usual standard of BBV documentaries.
I guess this is just HD with HDV Cam confused.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
Then look at Planet Earth (BBC). Was rotated in HD, just ... toll!
I guess this is just HD with HDV Cam confused. No, it was not.
Synonymous with SD and HD material looks better, is if carefully mastered. I've already written quite deliberately so. HD
V is short or long format for the consumer, if not already the poor comes AVCHD.
Antwort von duvancam:

first thank for the informative replies.
@ B. DeKid:
the distribution is still not 100% clear. The Project is not designed for television, but through a few pages after the termination distributed via DVD. I would however also be a festival cut version, as same is often a limit to the length of film is 30 minutes.
The WW I did not, it could help me with my needs, however, borrow. And just under ¬ 1000 is to me synonymous honestly not worth it (although I would be interested if you hire a synonymous XL H1 can use?)
The XL H1 seems to me due to their gigantic price is still very attractive, and until the price drops, are certainly different and better cameras for the money that they now cost on the market.
Probably would be good DV material rich andernseits it would be nice, now first experience with HD to collect. In view of the fact that the shooting but in a few weeks off, the good'ole XL 1s perhaps preferable ..?..
@ Gast1: Sure, the film is known and a great classic. Planet Earth is of course an entirely different class, I now s.die maximum wage in my dreams;)
That with HD & SD, however, is a point that I turn the HD appear to be an attractive alternative.
@ Gast2: HD Cam confused with HDV? I can not be particularly experienced in the area called HD, but I think HDV - as far as I know, the XH A1 HDV under the category and I can simply not afford Cams BBC hehe
Antwort von scream:

For many motorsport events, however there are some TV-teams have a HDV camcorder with you. Also in the ADAC Rally Germany, the Park Service for the World Champion Creates belongs.
Hollywood seems to favor synonymous HDV / AVCHD devices have found:
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
Planet Earth is of course an entirely different class, I now s.die maximum wage in my dreams;)
Let your dreams you do not prohibit. Without which there would be today not a single movie worth seeing, probably not even the times do not see. Film IST dream - synonymous if it is "only" a BBC documentary is.
Antwort von duvancam:

@ scream: thanks for the link, looks interesting
@ Eugene: because thou hast certainly right! which I thought were synonymous, as I am with the canon mv300 almost eight years before my first film was rotated;)
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

Where lands because the final product? On television? Laughable. The picture should be? DVB-T? Do the same with Hi8 stay. Cable? Since normal ranges from SD. Anyway everything is "made artefaktet". Why some channels hochgestochenen any requirements s.unsere tapes make, is a mystery to me. We have copied synonymous HDV (yes, "V") to DVCAM by just to irgendsoein public service Heini technique could be satisfied.
Interesting is the next movie (16 mm and 35 times ignored). But then right, but then goes HD synonymous almost no longer enough. Perhaps the RED? Nice for those who like to sing gospels, while the camera boots ... but still far too much beta. Who of us because even rotates for Movies? We have commercials to inflate to 35 mm (out of HDCAM), no sow remembers anyway, because the audience only to cool the main movie and its neighbor are headquartered.
Everything that is for the average film is interesting, are occasional festivals and DVD. In turn, the festival ranks behind the resolution cinematic statement, the DVD.
Where we land? In SD.
Nevertheless, change today. The trend is on the higher-resolution formats, synonymous in the private sector and on consumer side. With a mediocre HDV (yes, "V") will you then still can score points, with SD no more. As will soon become a very nice price set.
Antwort von PowerMac:

HDV worthwhile. SD is dead and out
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ duvancam
Yes if you like the WW you can borrow or find it even needed.
It is pleasing defenetiv the Lens.
Solo times durchschaun test should convince you.
And if enough money later, just an HD Cam as XA1H or a new XL1H buy.
I think the HD is worth synonymous, but I see in good DV recordings (eg, with 35 mm adapters) no real deficiency was now the purchase of a new device warrants / absolutely necessary. I think hardly anyone in the audience jumps and complained that there was no HD ...;-?
The WW of the XL1S can not use H s.der (I was here and explained / recommended) is only conditionally sold bad because you get the lens anyway. (If you will ever be sold ,`!?!)
For the juggling as sollches mal ne question / suggestion:
Two are in a circus arena in front and throw the balls to turn ......
It could be beautiful with the help of WW from 2-3 scenario, the prospects include ....
This could avoid any pans and later cut by good vernuempftig mount.
? Idea / question? Ne opportunity via the Camera uebr Suspension rope and float to the boys .... so let the viewer about the scene is ....... with fire torches and a relatively dark / long exposure could be as some nice pictures NEN come
Alla besorgs WW and SPARS Money mach ne Doku nice and then you buy HD should not be the cheapest.
Good luck and enjoy
B. DeKid
Antwort von duvancam:

@ Eugene: Very honest answer, Thank you very much, ultimately, you have probably right that you prefer to be early than too late with HD should start Kladderadatsch
@ PowerMac: This is called then, might a "very sophisticated" statement; D
@ B. DeKid: The Lens pleasant in comparison to what? The "standard" 1s XL Lens? I find that hard to fine .. or my you the XH A1 lens? About the latter one is so divided.
35mm adapter for the Project is not in question, because as I said I would travel a lot and hardly the right fat 35mm Lenses in your pocket will have to hehe
Short to your "question": Basically, is not about the "juggling", as most here know it's but "Poi" spinning. I have it here for simplicity stop times called juggling. If you are interested in what this is, look at the following times video:
thus not necessary settings in which I have two players at once wants to capture.
Ok, thank you in advance for the opinions, I would like to end the week a decision, but now tend to have strong XH A1, on the one hand, for practical reasons (smaller, more compact, "better"), on the other hand, because the switch to HDV apparently really, after all, which I last night had yet s.Vergleichen views (assuming that you have the proper hardware). Moreover, the camera really still affordable and within my financial means.
If anyone here is a striking argument for the XL1S has, I would be happy if not, may he forever silent hehe;)
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... I can simply not afford Cams BBC ... The BBC turns a lot with the Sony PD170 and Z1, but really expensive productions then you will have devices that go beyond the normal budget.
... because the transition to HDV seems really worth ... I stand for another documentary project facing the same issue and had me in the sense that good data today for a distribution as a DVD would be totally insufficient, but also for the HDV format as rotary decided (if the budget exists, it would be XDCAM HD has but that's another story). The argument for me: HD recordings offer the chance of the material or parts of it later for a possible re-BluRay (or whatever synonymous always in demand) will again be able to exploit. With SD you in a few years - unfortunately - not very far.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von KarlKramer:

The BBC is not übrigends HDV material - recoded and copy it itches but suddenly no more. Elitarismus s.absurdum ;-)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Gude duvancam
I have my WW against the Standard Lens ..... So I did the standard almost garnicht more use if I am honest, the WW is a lot better.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:
The BBC is not übrigends HDV material - recoded and copy it itches but suddenly no more. Elitarismus s.absurdum ;-) Come to me of German broadcasters synonymous somehow familiar. Play the stuff on DVCAM or Beta ne olle, look at times like this is fine :-)))
Sometime I have seen how some types of cheap booze from the Tetra pack into a bottle with $ $ $ label have transferred. The man then gave a real Schnöselarsch to taste. Among many roles and with eyes Schmatzemäulchen swore on the precious drops of his life ...
Antwort von PowerMac:

The myth remains. One Digibeta recognize you and they can be of DV differ.
Antwort von Eugen von ...:

There is no "myth", but his own long experience of the others also shared. Could be that you have different experiences. Everyone does as his own.
By the way, the
visibility was synonymous not the speech, but of the packaging.
Antwort von Der Die Das:

The great s.einer Doku in HD has been rotated and after the SD output is for me the "zoomable".
I have, for example, a docu rotated, for a DVD was designed. And the interviews for the documentary I had a XH-A1. In the interviews I could be the picture in retrospect is still very strong influence, as I do the 4-fold Resolutionzur disposal had (but should not be ignoring the screen when turning lead).
So for example I had an interview with four people and I did so then look as if I had 2 cameras. And when's the right way, you can even travel camera (small) account.
So has advantages.
Antwort von WideScreen:

Never again SD. Hab mir ne ne Z7 and S270 bought in Jan and fly after Benin / Africa for a documentary shoot. HDCAM Sure, you can not compare with HDV, but there is some Drehbedinungen (unfortunately) not possible damn close to his, with its large HDCAM. After cutting the whole again to HDCAM copy and a good color correction, but it is strongly recommended for HDV. Although cost of coal, but the budget must be in there, then klappts synonymous with the television stations ...
But one thing is clear, HDV is s.unteren end. If possible it should be as XDCAM or HDCAM Verwedung find. And the end is probably see above, at least in price:)
Antwort von B.DeKid:
........ Hab mir ne ne Z7 and S270 bought in Jan and fly after Benin / Africa for a documentary shoot. HDCAM Sure, you can not compare with HDV, but there is some Drehbedinungen (unfortunately) not possible damn close to his, with its large HDCAM ........:) Both Sony models but have not synonymous HDCAM .... which means you then with HDV or HDCAM rework? But otherwise, but are you satisfied with the HDV?
Are you in the 25 p mode hangs the record or of the situation?
B. DeKid
Antwort von PowerMac:

It is just that, supposedly better color only with lust, etc. are feasible. Luster, DaVinci eat but rather an HDCAM tape as HDV Fummel stuff.
Antwort von WideScreen:

True Powermac. And the color is synonymous with HDCAM "broad" so that you can make more since. And I do eh achivieren on HDCAM of so ... No color can be synonymous with Preme CS3 or FinalCut do not need the half-million cost, but if someone knows of one that makes, then I prefer, you can not do everything perfectly mastered.
And Yes, I copy of the then on HDCAM to HDV. If the customer paid for it, then I am pleased whenever I can turn on HDCAM. :-p
I film in 50i because it is for television, and do not want to 25p. And for the Blue-ray you can convert pretty well synonymous. 50p would be a dream, but ... naja. :-)
Antwort von david2:

Man / - In, here's ja ganz schön ab ...
What's with
The The The already popular - the camera work is changing a bit (with HD and HDV), (you do not shake so much more).
Antwort von PowerMac:

Is basically correct. I do prefer synonymous Color correction in a specific grading space in the equipment for one million euros rumsteht. When the CC-drauf an expert it has come to several days grading with a beautiful master out again. It would of course synonymous with Final Cut Pro. Approximately when someone uses the editing room professionally set up, the controller for color and has several official previews, then there are synonymous. I have to contradict that HDCAM has a larger color space. HDCAM has about 3:1:1 with 8-bit and 1440x1080. Since XDCAM EX is better. Even if you HDCAM HDV on a tape playing, nothing is better. And you obviously have a lower compression. Farbkorrigierst you are in uncompressed HD, you will get less compression artifacts than if you only work in HDV test. But the color is even smaller in HDCAM. In contrast, HDCAM SR is turn everything better.
Antwort von WideScreen:

The color with which I am aware. But HDV to HDCAM SR to copy ... so this is quite perverse:) HDV is and remains (for me) a format which is located at the bottom. ... But how was the synonymous, for television, it seems:) and that is yes. Prefer a good story, as the best form and no content ....
Antwort von duvancam:

Embarrassed as I said, contrary to the general opinion but for the XL1S decided .. and am quite satisfied with the result
Who is interested in the extent, two teaser trailer
poi documentary - one teaser
poi documentary - teaser two
thank nochma sbdekid the coal, by which I would not purchase savings, I sort of had sorely needed for the film;)
Antwort von B.DeKid:

;-) ... Un DVD and synonymous s.TV looks good or ;-)
For the "saved" Money can often be nice to travel around the world and with good pictures come home ;-)
B. DeKid
PS. Trailers are good, especially the 2 is nicely cut and live acts you.
Send out a lot of success and fun.