Frage von modulist:
I hope that is not already answered somewhere here - have searched and nothing found:
The "simple" export a mov to avi (no compressor!) Of 25 fps to 25 fps (App-material) are in avi some frames twice, some are missing. Total length unchanged.
I work with Final Cut Pro 5.1.1 and QT 7.1.2.
Apple refused any comment expired (90 days, cross-grade of 5.0 to 5.1 Suportticket not renewed, even though it cost's.) But the abbr. .. through Apple's arrogance, I can save me now.
Can anyone confirm the "bug"?
Or did I do something wrong?
Or there's a workaround?
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Do not confirm! But the conduct of the manufacturer really speaks for itself, right?
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Since most cuts a developer's personal s.dem Apple chair!? =
Antwort von modulist:

Hello, Nightfly!
Now I'm next thing:
Other Macs have in the agency (and even) WinPCs with QT 7, the same Macke.
At other times had my 10.3 partition installed with QT 6.5: As the clean runs!
As I, though Final Cut Pro fan, had not yet found a Mpeg, may extend the TMPEG the water, I now always above 3 Calculator for optimal MPEG. Diagonally!
Regards, Michael