Frage von dere:
days have been the drivers I'm looking for jvc gr-DV500E can you help me
Antwort von Lupo:

Camera and "Drivers" into Google - that's it!
Did the link found in 10 seconds:
Antwort von Markus:

why you need a Drivers? You Connects to your camcorder as a USB s.den Calculator? - This makes it impossible! ->
FireWire FAQ">1st (b) camcorder via FireWire or USB to hook up? ;-)
Antwort von dere:

yes, thank you
I found this page synonymous but I wanted to pay nothing
yes via usb do not have a firewire cable
I can überhaubt anschliesen ding by the fire with me there is only usb and DVI??
Antwort von Jan:

Please trust Mark, did your camera even DV OUT / IN (Firewire)
Cable synonymous costs only just over ¬ 10.
Which is known for various providers for your USB Cam:
- USB PC Link (Video CD Creation, E @ sy E-mail video function, web-camera function, Digital Capture Stillimage)
Since it is in the older camera to USB 1.1 is even your smallest hope by dubbing the film in an appealing quality.
Ok, there are recent models which provide zb thanks very shaky Drivers JVC GR D 290
But why Drivers? In relatively recent with Firewire card is no drivers needed!
The industry continually trying to manipulate the people!
Antwort von dere:

Boa jungens thank
I thought that yes funster really has to do something with the dvi to watch TV
echt super danke leute