Frage von heinavesi:
Presumably this is now a silly question, some people will laugh about: But how do you actually sighted with a SonyEX3 recorded material
outside of the camera? For tapes that's the power of three simple: Just raussuchen purely in the player, using scenes of Time Codes, voilà. But with memory material is probably not so simple. Or I'm here totally on the wrong track?
Thanks for any enlightenment - and if possible synonymous understandable for a computer dummy like me!
Antwort von deti:

- Install the supplied XDCAM EX Clip (browser on your PC, for download here: https: / /
- Aka VLC Of Download and install.
- Aka Sony Vegas Pro 9 install (;
- The camera via USB infected and turn to Play mode
- Put the alternative: the SXS card into an ExpressCard slot (; zBsNotebook or via PCI-Express Card adapter in the normal PC) and the SonySXS-(install device drivers, available for download here: https: / / / sony-software-model-SXSDRIVERS.aspx)
- Alternative: using the case record on SD cards or hard drive to your USB adapter.
- XDCAM EX Clip Browser and start sift material, importing, etc.
- Start aka VLC and play mp4 files on the SXS card drive.
- Open aka In Sony Vegas Pro 9 the Device Explorer.