Frage von david1603:
I have a problem, maybe someone can help me.
I wanted to burn my home videos and a hi-8 camera to DVD and got me a grabber of Digitus, and have purchased the software Ulead VideoStudio 7 se basic and Davideo VHS copier 2006th
Now to my problem when I watch the videos s.Television the sound is consistent with the Picture. If I want to watch the videos through the process with the above s.PC Grabber Software /, I am struck by the Picture and Sound are shifted by about 1sec!
Can someone help me, would be very nice.
Antwort von david1603:
Now to my problem when I watch the videos s.Television the sound is consistent with the Picture. By that I mean if the videos are unedited, so play with Hi-8 camcorder.
Antwort von beiti:

You'd be the first with a "grabber" get their videos in good quality and the sound synchronously in the calculator. These things are not their (little) money worth. =
(Especially section 1c note!)
Antwort von Nightfly!:

If it is moved evenly over the video, at 1sec YOU can try it with virtualdub as synchronize or move in accordance with your program cut the soundtrack.
BUT test whether it is really erstmal everywhere about 1 sec!
Antwort von anonymchen:

I know not exactly how it with other consumer video editing programs ist.Weis but from personal experience that with the MAGIX Video deluxe and MAGIX Movies on CD & DVD software for the possibility of A / V Synchronitation () is given in milliseconds increments, can be found there in the "FX-effects".
Antwort von Markus:

Hi David,
when the grabber does not, then perhaps one of the other variants ... See
Five Ways to Video8/Hi8 can burn
to digitize (to point 4: ... or on DVD). ;-)