Frage von akeemo:
which PC-editing program to approximately 100 euros, you can recommend? Have a Course with Premiere CS3 made, however, is to me for home use too expensive.
In c't 17/2008, p. 146-151, there was a test of "reasonable" cut programs. Listed were:
* Power Director 7 Ultra
* Video Deluxe 2008 Premium
* Studio 12 Ultimate
All three were in their pre-test and disadvantages, and perhaps knows your synonymous nor other, more favorable and / or better?
Own a Canon FS100, so far, the program may not necessarily HD.
Antwort von Marco:

Movie Studio Platinum for about 78,00 Euro as an HD-capable version or movie studio for about 42,00 Euro as the SD version.
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi akeemo,
Magix VdL 2008 Pros get in PEARL already for 30 EUR (synonymous for HDV editing).
... as everything is a matter of taste, I have been working for years with the Magix products and can only recommend ...
Gruss Jörg-Emil
Antwort von shipoffools:
perhaps synonymous knows your still others who are cheaper and / or better?
Budget (approx 60 - 70 EUR) and better:
Edius NEO
Professionally little coal. Optimum price / performance ratio.
Antwort von beiti:
Have a Course with Premiere CS3 made, however, is to me for home use too expensive. Then Premiere Elements would be the obvious choice.
Antwort von Commanderjanke:

Work now with CS4 and had previously used Magix Cs3 and I would
Elements or recommend Magix Video Deluxe are both super PROGIS with good P \ L ratio.
Elements Advantage:
you know the flat surface of CS3!
Magix advantage:
Austattung more!
Antwort von immanuelkant:

I recommend Pinnacle Studio Video 11/12 (plus or ultimate).
Work so many years to my complete satisfaction with HDV. The performance with AVCHD but synonymous very good.
I appreciate the high productivity, which I do with the software.
Absolutely stable and performing well under Vista64 (with quad-core)!
Antwort von beiti:
Work so many years to my complete satisfaction with HDV. The performance with AVCHD but synonymous very good. The TO will only MPEG2 in SD resolution Cutting (Canon FS100). As it should be None Software with serious performance problems.
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:
perhaps synonymous knows your still others who are cheaper and / or better?
Budget (approx 60 - 70 EUR) and better:
Edius NEO
Professionally little coal. Optimum price / performance ratio. EXACTLY, I would first recommend synonymous
Gruss Rolf ..
Content owners Edius 5
Antwort von Eggerd:

If you have a premiere course shows you, get Premiere Elements.
Are you with the cut, I would rather get you the quality of Edius Neo recommend. Because now comes a new version. You must be well-yourself and decide. Both programs were tested Slashcam. Read the Test Reports.
Find out at times by telephone, the people there to advise you best. Such firms are not many deserts in the service of Germany. In forums you recommend most users, the program that you use yourself. I cut with my Premiere 6.5 DV Avi. I can do for you but do not recommend Mpeg2. I am looking myself for a new program is no longer timely Premiere 6.5 and think that I Edius 5.1 growth.
mfG Eggerder
Antwort von cutty:

Magix Prox is slowly becoming a top program. Especially in multi-camera operation.
Antwort von Rolf Hankel:
Magix Prox is slowly becoming a top program. Especially in multi-camera operation. How can one of Magix just thrilled?
Gruss Rolf ...
Antwort von joerg-emil:

... just s.Mehrkamerabetrieb should still be improved, I do still in my old method, because in a multi-camera operation for now, the motion effects on the various tracks to be reset .... I think there is still Magix demand.
However, what has worked very well is the synchronization of the video tracks using the audio ... this actually saves a lot of work, especially for larger projects I'm working .... s.zwei 3 hours and a 2 hour project with 3 each camera angles .. .
@ Rolf
inspire it, if you can handle it .... very helpful contribution, incidentally ....
Antwort von Conducator:
I recommend Pinnacle Studio Video 11/12 (plus or ultimate).
Work so many years to my complete satisfaction with HDV. The performance with AVCHD but synonymous very good.
I appreciate the high productivity, which I do with the software.
Absolutely stable and performing well under Vista64 (with quad-core)! I can only fully and completely confirmed! Synonymous with PS11'm very satisfied.
The workflow of the software opens up really fast and of course the results are excellent. MPEG2 is certainly no problem.
In forums you recommend most users, the program that you use yourself. Yes, what else? I think it would be criminal to recommend things that I do not know.
You mean, certainly, that it synonymous is important to ask people who know more than one program and a comparison basis. Yes, it is an argument. But there are possibly synonymous personal preference or commercial interests of an objective opinion through.
I have at least been with older versions of Premiere, Ulead Movie Studio and Avid Liquid 6.2 geschnitten guess at the moment and the ergonomics and convenience, and the stability of very PS11!
Antwort von akeemo:

Dear All,
thanks for the tips! Now I can in any case a few times in the Programs take closer Choice.
Antwort von domain:

One of the most prominent criteria for a choice among the various ¬ 100 - NLEs is the nature of possible color.
If they do not have the three areas: light, medium and dark and also separately for the 3 RGB colors is possible, then you can question the NLE mE equal times, because according to this lack of opportunity synonymous entire rest of the editing program accordingly pruned will be.