Frage von alois:
- Hello,
- Camcorders and Equipment can be rented so far, so good
- Question: can we but synonymous editing software like Vegas 7 somewhere just for
the time required to rent, we suppose, for 2 weeks?
- If there is something there, it would be really nice short info.
- Cut Square can rent synonymous, right?
- I am a beginner.
similar to the following Music Software
Antwort von alois:

- I need Vegas 7 only for 2-3 weeks, and just want to know
where the software to rent there
Antwort von Marco:

The software is expected to rent from licensing reasons somewhat difficult. If there is a unique period of two to three weeks, you can synonymous with the demo version of Vegas use.
Antwort von alois:

- Yes, of course, the demo I use it.
- But what if the thing I want to publish it?
necessarily because I need the original version, no demo.
Marco, please look at this link:
... How do I search for a service strictly for the Vegas 7-editing software.
It is certainly a cut synonymous rent space where Vegas would be installed,
and that would be fully legal, or was I wrong?
Follow this question: Should you be in credits in the credits of the film
Softwares register, with the help of which the film was made, or is it without?