Frage von Ragues:
I habs now with all possible settings (MPEG, AVI) Files tried every Encore refuses the file in my current case, a stinknormales AVI file with the default settings (recorded with premiere) in Encore transcoding completely. He imported the video + audio and then changes into an import mode where he was almost asleep and thus makes it impossible for a DVD project to be completed.
I'm working with Encore DVD 2.0 and am somehow with my Latin s.Ende.
Antwort von robbie:

Genügent memory?
Enough memory?
All update loaded?
What happens if you have a DVD Mpeg 2 directly into Premiere encodierst and load?
Antwort von RaguesII:

Hard enough memory is available, also is the brand new calculator with 4 GB Ram Intel Quad.
Regarding the updates I do not notice what the last update was / is because the calculator on his cutting room is open and because several users have access.
At the premiere itself, I actually encoded nix, I cutter all the files in AVI mode and finally I encode with the Canopus Pro Coder 1.0, before ichs into Encore reinziehe. However, he makes both Macken after Canopus Encoding as synonymous if I directly as an AVI file in the Project purely prefer.
Antwort von idee:

Start -> Run -> regedit -> HKEY Current User -> Software -> Adobe -> Common -> Media Cache
such times the link here dafür.Das might help, although your nature is another problem.