Frage von timofox:operating system: windows vista 64
Program: Adobe Encore CS4 4.01.048
I created a DVD on the 7 bildern screen presentations with about 50 - 70 are.
Create DVD no problem
now if I want to display presentations with music backing the program, the breaks in the creation s.with following error message:
In PGC presentation name "An error occurred at 00:01:42:06.
The data rate of this file is too high for DVD. Replace the file with a file with a lower data rate. - PGC info: name = präsentatinsname, Ref = AApgc, time = 00:01:42:06 I then tried the audio file as mp3, avi, wav and asnd documentary on the quality of each synonymous ruthlessly runterkomprimiert import. without success ...
always this error message. what am I doing wrong?
Audio File:
File Type: Windows waveform
Compressor: Uncompressed
Sample Rate: 16000
Sample Type: 8 bits
Channels: Mono
Cache cleared, and once again tried to create a DVD with the same result
attempts to create a Flash problem to result successfully
Antwort von Enno Winde:
Change the file only once in a file at 48kHz .. 48kHz as DVD requires. let time pass the test before you create the DVD. Come da mistake?
Vorm create the audio file right click once s.and choose among trans code settings to Automatic.
Vielleich will help the next ..
Love Greetings
The Enno