Not genügent memory.
Frage von m23:
Hi, my grade had a very extensive DVD Project created.
If I use the whole DVD in a folder or an image I get to spend just before the end of the following compilation error message "Not genügent memory. Save and close all the files immediately in order to avoid data loss." The Erstellstatus says "crossfades are created ...: Failed." So, on the hard drive where the DVD ausgegben be are 42 GB free, I think this should be enough. Or does the error message from memory? Have 1GB. And anyway what crossfades? The Disk tab says 1.77 GB used. But if I create an image / DVD folder says it wants to create me in the Erstellstatusanzeige 1.68 GB?
I'm really vertweifelt, which has previously but everything works. Depends Perhaps with the size of the project in general together, I can only soundsoviel create pages and links? If so, why would not I warned?
If anyone knows any advice, please notify!
Greetings Marcus
Antwort von silentzero:

I can tell you quite sure that it is s.Arbeitsspeicher. Why can I not synonymous.
But I had ever been synonymous the same problem as I am simultaneously editing program, and Encore Effect program had run.
Antwort von m23:

Hello silentzero,
How much RAM have you? btw, I have to create or open any programs.
Antwort von silentzero:

I have 3GB of RAM.
But you have even written that it is a very extensive project is. As will also with the time when you work out longer, fill in your memory.
I do not know whether there is something good, but try this:
Right click on My Computer
Advanced tab
Settings in system performance
Advanced tab
There you find the bottom of virtual memory. That is a certain space on the hard drive is kept free when the RAM is full.
Click on Change
Then you see the very bottom "Recommended" and "At the moment of delivery"
If thou hast delivered less than recommended, then click next on top of Custom size, and give both the initial size as synonymous with the maximum size of the recommended value. Then on "Setting" button.
Show that you are the C hard drive assigns, or s.besten your fastest hard drive.
It would be best if you first set to "no paging file" button to delete everything. Then you start the PC and then add it to the recommended values.
So werdne all swap files in a row on the disk.
And do not worry, because nothing can happen.
Antwort von m23:

Hi, thanks for your detailed reply.
On the paging file synonymous idea I came, I hochgeschraubt to 4gig. Did not help much. And in a fit of madness I would go yesterday synonymous for 2 gig Corsair bought, have now so synonymous 3: p
Well, but still has not helped except that it now no longer swap space if I do Project in Encore, but quite pleasant.
What I do grade is all the menus in the order source / menus / rauskopiere and it is with understandable names to appear in a new Project together again to build. It has struck me is that some strangely or twice in earlier versions are available, what to vllt message "internal error" led to the often synonymous, I have received.
To a few numbers to call, the project is 6 languages, have respectively 17 menus, of which 14 alone with up to 10 others are linked. So the Project isgesammt 105 Menuseiten and about (very roughly into account) 650 has links.
Can that be a problem?
At least I have no warning while the authoring receive.
Did you irgentwelche experience on such matters?
I will now Projkt aufjedenfall build again and again and again by between Images to see whether the error occurs again, or the like and when.
gr m
Antwort von silentzero:

So menus on such a scale I have never done. Since I can already imagine that it is darann.
What are you doing that you need so many menus. And how long is the film and then the fits are still on the DVD:)
Antwort von Pechstein:

I was just so! A Project with about 20 menu - the same error message. My solution: I had the menus in 1440 x 1152 pixels and 600 dpi is created. This has worked well otherwise synonymous, only here it was probably too much. All menus to 1440 x 1152 pixels and 300 pixels resolution and even went down there.
For real professionalism there is always something at Adobe. Meadow, there is not a specific error message like "menus too big." Always you have to guess what's now the program has once again!