Frage von darklord77:
I have a menu in Photoshop created. Yes I can invite into Encore. So far so good.
But how do I get it out the next to the button has a small preview of the film is to be seen?
Antwort von Jörg:

make a video of a button, button (+ #)
Antwort von darklord77:

Unfortunately, it went so überhaupt nicht. Have it with (%) attempts, then the video, I was able to pull it inside. But only as a Still Image and not as a preview.
Antwort von Jörg:

You have the menu, then moving render?
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Have a simpler yet:
1. Put yourself in Encore one of the buttons from the supplied archive, which already carries video on your menu.
3. Documents the button with the link to your video, what Encore communicate any motion in the video portion of the button should then show. Motion menus in Encore, incidentally, unfortunately, only after an explicit rendering run or on the finished DVD in motion instead!
4. Right click on the menu and select "Edit in Photoshop" (or something similar).
5. In Photoshop, changing everything until you s.diesem Template button as you want it like to have, but keep the Ebenen-/Ordnerstruktur and vorallem Ebenen-/Ordnerbenennungen at.
6. Save and back into Encore and you have exactly what you wanted!
In this way you can be sure that functionally and syntactically everything is working correctly, but you full control over the look of your button and you've still not with the help of the online locker to find definitions for the indigenous production of menu items herumplagen need!
Think outside the box! :-)