Frage von Cylet:
I use DVDLab Studio and am already a problem for weeks s.einem turn:
After the 16:9-menus have spun (why always synonymous), the present work synonymous menu no longer 4:3. Starting and he seems to be the right buttons to makie - and if he then again after the film comes back to the menu, is the mark completely goes away and nothing more. Somehow he seems to constantly new errors reinzumachen uncontrollably. Go to Start and then again not synonymous.
Bin schon wegen dem s.verzweifeln. Previously it had on other DVDs always works beautifully, AND aufm PC work created video files or DVD burned wonderful.
Can it be that the problem does not lies s.DVDLab (because I have every possible option durchprobiert hab, reinstalled the program several times and the menu have raised several new), but s.Brennprogramm (Nero
Is it vlt. da truth, that the DVD is just 500 MB of data (something was because of the calibration s.DVD standalone players read)? In Nero, I had the high compatibility mode in it, disc type to Automatic. Since vlt. was off or the DVD with "filler" on ne bring certain minimum size?
I'm with my Latin s.Ende, vlt. of someone you know so the problem or the solution ... : /
EDIT: Wants to add that I have DVD + R (Aldi-Disks), which previously had never made problems. Were burned 4x (lowest level).
Oh, and any standalone DVD player (s hab s quite old and new) have different problems with the DVD. With a menu you can select nothing, the other has problems with the correct link.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

With DVDlab you create under normal circumstances so your first DVD on the hard drive. Say you have after compiling somewhere a VIDEO_TS. Does your movie of hard drive flawlessly? If yes, then Nero problems or your standalone player. If the film has of hard drive spins, then you have errors in your DVD structure.
Antwort von Cylet:

jepp .. I always check before I burn ... so of the disk from running any dvd with the program because I did. no errors. if I burn the dvd and play s.pc works synonymous everything.
but the two standalone player (which would otherwise never had problems with DVDs) to build this purely error. other dvds work so wonderfully on the standalone ...
So it can only s.rohling or s.brennprogramm lie? + R blanks are not so good for video DVD?