Frage von Lutz Dieckmann:
This time we have adopted the theme of our design section. It's about the boring things that MUST appear in many shooting. How do you create that interesting?
There are many opportunities and we show some of our new tutorial. (;
I am always happy to answer questions such as here in the thread.
Antwort von friedsam72:

Hello Lutz,
can be found on your Page, the new tutorial not. The last thing I see is "much ado about nothing"
Browser cache PS I've already emptied synonymous
Antwort von Axel:

The "Agent Stories" will probably copy a hint of irony, the cops and robbers theme of cinema. I would say that this is not so good. The film looks like the super man in blue pajamas Linnet, who warned in an old VHS-pirates-Spot: "Piracy rob shooting the Money for quality."
There's erstmal the agent, presumably your son. Despite angepapptem goatee much a young person. Older people, especially those with a few lines in his face, almost automatically give a film an added value, keyword patina. The James Bond wore sunglasses s.Strand of St. Tropez. However, the office in front of the Day for Night filters is apparently so brightly lit that the spectacles are needed, but what makes the unsexy small flashlight look strange. He held it between his teeth, because he needs both hands for digging, it would be
somewhat more plausible. The lighting is not synonymous s.Schluss exciting, with too much color, everything looks very artificial. If at the present time somebody rolls in secret files, it must of course be damned old files, sometimes missing that certain something. Anyone who takes
seriously his scenes, can not follow cutting tricks, he needs to dramatically cut set based on each other and in any case on the basis of a Music.
I know it is indeed all be "just" an example. It would be but certainly more people feel addressed, feel
taken seriously, if this example would be something impressive.