Frage von marceau:
in the network appear repeatedly company, called Video Producer looking for, the Company Portrait spot of about 30 sec to 2 min for the Internet should produce.
The reward for this is under! 100 Euros.
This portrait will be the contracting firm on the ground a lot in this matter.
Has someone of such a job you have ever made and what made this experience?
With thanks for an answer.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

the result, I have seen time: Since a traipses with a shop in the pure, wackelschwenkt on the shelves and from a non-educated speakers are bumpy comments from the owner stammered a few words of customer orientation and service to the internal front and Micro and rear is a taste of concern drangeklatscht title.
But that is not more than 20 minutes the customer is, and the whole genausoschnell zusammenschneidet could pass the Hunni to keep fit.
The customer presses 500, - Euro s.and again is one more because the entire video industry for a bunch of evil Abzocke holds.
None Must have.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

The customer presses 500, - Euro s.and again is one more because the entire video industry for a bunch of evil Abzocke holds.
None Must have.
Christian As can be synonymous happy ne 0 depend on it, already experienced.
I say clearly hands off of things and so s.besten legal action against it before the next Buhler go.
B. DeKid
Antwort von KrischanDO:
... and s.besten legal action against it before the next Buhler go.
B. DeKid Dirt cheap sell expensive is not illegal.
Such offers come to the part of even the telephone directory publishers.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

But there are certainly situations where that is what was offered, not the same as what you paid for it - against something you have to proceed.
Mir is known as a company, I am with the times in the hair got - this "professional" company making "professional" promotional clips for movies and advertising Web sites and wedding clips - to TRUE "professional" prices.
After me (a friend) was so annoyed with a clip and the price, I've tried the normal way - Question / discount etc. ..... Patzig only got answers.
Well, I've pleased me not long - several customers contacted material sighted - GEMA titles and other such things are not really allowed discovered - display - Action - shop.
My friend and others got injured while no money back but the company is now tight.
There are out there so blatant rip off the ignorant over the table and pull the other prices and destroy their reputation, so people need to be tough to proceed - if that is not synonymous my way, but it makes no sense.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
Sorry but when stories are so I quickly go sour and as synonymous court before if need be.
I have the past few years thousands of euro in the building my company put me reg and then when I experience something.
Yes, finally I have my Softwear and pay freelancers, how I can make it if people sollche the work done is broken - and tax evasion and stolen Softwear and so on - make a 'wedding film "The business is broken.
From a 10 000 Euro Deal (less promotional clip or similarly) remain me minus all costs, etc. and about 500 - 800 Euro
The times the reality - we are not here at MyHammer.
I call this time from manufacturer and the customer's perspective into account.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Approval dirt sell expensive ... Such offers come ... even of the telephone book publishers ... So I would not leave unchallenged: The short clips for online phone book will be very convenient to customers and offered to all emerging video board as "filth" dismiss them is synonymous not fair.
The phone book publishers do not employ incidentally Video Producer in the sense mentioned above, for a pittance of Recording everything to cut it, but to share the work to be fairly paid freelance cameramen, and their own professional freelance editors and spokesmen. Such suppliers as obscure as DeKid of experienced, there is unfortunately synonymous, but the phone book publishers do not belong in the pot.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

@ Bernd E.
Please something s.Original stay longer and somewhat less hereininterpretieren:
"Such deals are part of even the phone book publisher"
Antwort von marceau:

very excite discussion. Finde ich gut!
I notice the company spontaneously "Sightseeker" that synonymous because such "Video Producer" searches?
Even someone with experience of this company made?
MfG. Marceau
Antwort von ed-media:

Of those times had a question, because you have a minimum
2 free test videos - and all for free as free travel and even cheaper.
Just synonymous VJ experienced in operations, first book and then not want to pay - and say that you always several teams (free!) Test. Many colleagues have told me many similar reports, the use only of the crisis, often synonymous with the interns mesh.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

I say yes - so people s.MyHammer directly refer.
Antwort von marceau:

Thanks for the info!
Seems everywhere just waiting to rip off. Did I somehow thought synonymous. If you have camera crews running behind, then there must be lazy as well.
Antwort von Syrtah:
Thanks for the info!
Seems everywhere just waiting to rip off. Did I somehow thought synonymous. If you have camera crews running behind, then there must be lazy as well.
On the statement of a single guy, not even at the company has worked, you're leaving? Just because it's so easy, herzuziehen about things, with which you do not even have extensively employed ...
If you're interested - this time an argument of the other. I've got about a year for worked and what many of them small (perhaps synonymous term crooks operated since missing me now return to the insight) company has made, it was their concept, build a portal, the world's small specials (good cafes, restaurants, shopping ideas, etc. .. also things that are unique to this city, there jerweiligen) films and for travelers network. Would you look at their Page times, you would have noticed that:
- You must not sign,
- No (!) External advertising on the page is
- It costs nothing to look at the clips on view.
The Producer of the company were sought because Sightseeker the most extensive range available, wanted. The movies created at the cost portrayed nothing. Of course you can with such a Page Earn Money alone can not, so the company obviously synonymous in other areas is operating. And now when the fees for their producer are lower than for other firms, then that is no reason for a long time for wild speculation ... after all, it creates jobs, inverstiert in technology and software and keep their quality at a very high standard.
A s.Bernd Thanks for the item with the phone book - such films are synonymous of Sightseeker over.
All in all, herewith I would like to believe that your there makes you too easy when your all companies producer at a boat yard.
Thanks for the Language on Sightseeker came - is a good example of an innovative company, which is far from making more than your limited experience with it appear to be.
Regards. Syrtah
Antwort von Syrtah:

Just synonymous VJ experienced in operations, first book and then not want to pay - and say that you always several teams (free!) Test. Many colleagues have told me many similar reports, the use only of the crisis, often synonymous with the interns mesh. And it should Sightseeker been? Did my Jobanfragen and cost plans always BEFORE a rotary resolved and there were never problems. And that is a sample video hinschickt advance, so synonymous is not unusual ...
Who are because "many colleagues" and what does "similar"?
Such generalizations really almost limitless s.Rufmord. Can your frustration so synonymous desist something productive, I think.
Greetings, Syrtah
Antwort von WideScreen:

Will someone here for under 100 euros verkloppen his material? * lach *
Unbelievable. So as a company, I can not expect a promotional video for less than 500 euros synonymous only to the touch of quality. Sowas Who "buys" is itself to blame. And when the ten-fold has been sold, then I would probably turn around the neck, if I for 5000 euro Deletant scrap do so. Finally, I pay for a promotional video is not easily seen to have. At least my clients do not. A professional speaker takes between 400 and 1000 euros, synonymous wenns perhaps only 3 min are. Who da drüber yet discussed whether he received an order for 80 Euro incl cut accepts ... sorry but the one in the Klappse ....
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ Syrtah
Here nobody wanted to actually make someone ill.
Only it can be for the operators and providers of Page little benefit to the prices to act.
For newcomers (no preference whether or Camera production people), this can hardly be the path.
It saves on the Production Page and never comes in a certain league (quality)
For the cinematographer - he will be on permanent view the Prices Broken make.
There are of course exceptions, for example. TV and Verkausfs Strip (xxx) Web Cam provider .... they can even the cheapest scrap market well.
Should this Geschäftsprinziep in the industry etablisieren, it creates a "My hammer" system, ie, the customer is not ready for some work enough money to pay because he says he bekämme the cheaper made synonymous.
(Is it nice in the advertising photography and stock footage to see)
Since then fall all the possible occupations in the salary back.
For example, video would be the cameraman light sound editing, etc.
So you have to see.
Because if I placed an order for less budget can I get my employees synonymous less money / time that the contract to act diligently. Then suffer from the quality and supply.
So to be clear No. chen hype.
B. DeKid
PS: Good if you go between 5 and 15% can generate profit. My Visagist aka hairdresser makes hrs 40 - 80 euros and there is virtually (are you) still "nothing".
[/ quote]
Antwort von Syrtah:
Here nobody wanted to actually make someone ill. Hey BTheKid,
then you must but do not have professional group which, because each video production company, follows the simple economic objective of the competition in price to offer. And the customer decides whether he wants a more expensive product quality or cheaper imitation goods.
One can not blame the companies, but the consumer. At the end we should still be cheaper to manufacture video recording technology to account that it allows small companies to mediocre poor quality and thus can produce serious providers to lower their prices "forces" ...
Antwort von WideScreen:

At the end we should still be cheaper to manufacture video recording technology to account that it allows small companies to mediocre poor quality and thus can produce serious providers to lower their prices "forces" ... The comparison limps. Anyone who wants to work professionally to be good and so synonymous expensive video equipment are not drumrumkommen. And as forces synonymous None cheaply to someone, or someone thinks the SR11 in a concurrence ne VariCam is?
I think the problem is simply that the customer does not know what he would get it if he reasonably should have paid. (this is now mainly on advertising and image films. Not for television, who know more about it.))
However: The cameraman is an article about VJs. It states that the VJs mainly for web portals and "unimportant" productions are used and the important things when you prefer to return to his 3 mann team picks, as VJs are overwhelmed. I am pleased to hear that.
However, an acquaintance from NRW few days before his camera aside for ever, because $ 150 for broadcasting minutes simply no longer have ausgerecht. The Prices in the news are just s.Boden. The well, which is specialized in:)
Antwort von alles:

High Qualitätsniveao speaks for itself that the video makers
accordingly be able to earn a fair to be happy.
I was a long time intern, either want to discount all
or have you / your knowledge in question, which in turn
Company is good for the price again and again to press next.
Sure, when it comes to advertising and video production
and customer is satisfied, then everything is okay and the
Advertising agency, where I did make Provit internship, but
when you come and fairness after frägst, you're suddenly
not good enough. That's sucks, but that I recognized.
Although the formula is quite simple: quality = price = for all
Internship is good and beautiful, the highly enriched, but the
Duration, it seems that you never get out of this status
can come, because the prices of each press may want to
cost of employees. (In the media industry is the extreme).
Scenario (dialogue) for thought:
chef - "Hey, without you it was bad when you were away, there were many customers"
alex - "Okay, I am glad that I can do a good job"
chef - (crooked eyes)
customer - "hey Alex, how are you?, your movie is very consistent"
alex - "thank you"
customer - "now I come to you with a new contract"
chef - (is happy)
alex - "Mr. xy, I .."
chef - "ääääh ... alex, do this job, and then we talk later"
alex - "I think we can once again relating to a fair reward talk"
chef - (stressful)
chef - "do you know alex, so good were your films are not synonymous, you need more practical, ..., hey John has sent you the new intern even matter?"
chef - yes, alex, we have several people called to the job for pocket money, it would be ... even my nephew can do "
alex - (again, back to the top of the loop)
Call me a company where this scenario does not happen? least one company.
Length Lab - Welcome to the gray world - and I type that every time in the discount / internship period was, if not then congratulations!
Antwort von lxRox:
...., If not then congratulations! THANK YOU! ;-)
for discussion: I'm doing such jobs recently, but with much better pay (about 300, - per job) is synonymous not much, but since I 3-4 per week of such jobs have very good return on the time and effort holds into limitless.
what was in the month rausschaut, so you see .... add my own projects directly with final customers, so the business runs (now, before 2 hard years)
Great Depression ?.... was isn das? ;-)
not let you get!
Antwort von WideScreen:

What is "so jobs"? 300 euros for how many minutes?
3x300 euro x 4 weeks, ie 3600 euros per month. Cons taxes and health insurance and pension and equipment depreciation .... Find is not much to be honest ... Since then needs to be on "own projects directly with final customers' eingies yet to come.
Antwort von lxRox:
What is "so jobs"? 300 euros for how many minutes? 2-4 min eb contributions
3x300 euro x 4 weeks, ie 3600 euros per month. Cons taxes and health insurance and pension and equipment depreciation .... 300, - net, and cut for camera
Find is not much to be honest ... Since then needs to be on "own projects directly with final customers' eingies yet to come. about as much again
So I live like this very good office, I did not, of working at home ...
Antwort von WideScreen:

Hm so 2-4 min for 300 euro, which are about 100 euro for min. With all due respect this is nothing. Some years ago gabs per min or 600 euro.
But well, the mass machts then halt.
I myself do documentaries and commercials, as are all other per-minute prices asked synonymous because the effort is of course another because we Docus partly 1-2 months abroad rotate ... Also, you can live like this:)
Antwort von alles:

The question I would like to put here:
- What am I allowed per film incl minutes cut demand?
For example, with my background:
- Several years of internship to DTP Video (advertising agency),
- Several DVDs full with shorts and 3d animations (~ 30)
- Studies Certificates: web designer, 3d designer, media designer
- I do own the music I use for his own films
Well, what am I allowed per film incl minutes cut demand?:
s.als intern?
b) employed?
c) a freelancer?
I'm really excited about all the answers ;-)
Antwort von WideScreen:

If you offer what you are always liberal. Employees receive their monthly wage and ready. It is their job to produce minutes. An intern is synonymous "salaried" gets not only halt Money * lach *
So at the minute prices, you must have to say now whether or news or documentary ....
And then one thing you just broadcast ablieferst contributions, and the demand is high. So full Sendetauglich ". This represents not only the image quality, sondner synonymous professional speaker and something. What you've done beforehand, eigenltlich is not so important. Put a reference, which corresponds to what you want to do and hope it is for. Perhaps the show you someone of them understand what that can give you the passage in the editorial perhaps save.
With me was so that I only ne Doku at its own expense, have rotated, and then had offered. Folgeauftäge already come of their own. (The Act vorraus course, it was good what you done hats * lach *)
Remember, please insgesagt at ZDF 200 requests arrive daily. Mostly with materials and ideas, and the 99% of them ... must be abgeleht. The chance at all come through is very low ....
Unless you have material which is so spectacular is that they let you pull out of the hands. * lach *
Antwort von alles:

I am interested in per-minute prices for:
- Commercials for the Internet
- Advertising in general
- Documentation
- News
- Sitcom
- Video Producer (as discussed above)
- Film (assistant camera)
- Film (Assistant Editor)
- Film (assistant director)
What are the minimum that all are satisfied? (Filmer, customer)
(eg if the camera for each Project for rent suppose)
Antwort von MK:

It is this advertising Slashcam seen at:
The tutorial has at least some entertainment value ;-)
Antwort von frm:

Hi leute,
I must now synonymous times interfere.
Per-minute prices are quite nice, if I bereinbare that I have a 15 -30 or 60min Docu do, but what is in the advertising if I have 20 to 40 sec do. Requires no hourly wages because of you?
If so in what Liega since their 40-80 EUR so?
Antwort von B.DeKid:
... Minute prices ....., that all are satisfied? ...;) ;-) 5, - Euro / min (-;
B. DeKid
Antwort von ed-media:
It is this advertising Slashcam seen at:
The tutorial has at least some entertainment value ;-) Hi, this insertion, I have been synonymous discovered severe type,
its really great homemade TV aids. I wonder what
turn some paid advertising, but such videos,
amusement suitable to all.
Antwort von alles:
;-) 5, - Euro / min (-; Price per minute for 1 minute of finished film, or price per minute for ongoing rotation and cut (the time)?
Antwort von WideScreen:
I am interested in per-minute prices for:
- Commercials for the Internet
- Advertising in general
- Documentation
- News
- Sitcom
- Video Producer (as discussed above)
- Film (assistant camera)
- Film (Assistant Editor)
- Film (assistant director)
You ask for a statement in the media industry is an extreme secrecy is made .....
Internet: No clue, that was always a byproduct of the promotional film.
Advertising in general in relation to DVC PRO HD:
Pro shooting:
Camera Rental 350 euros
Cameraman 350 Euro
Producer $ 500
Cut hardware incl: 600 Euro
Speaker: $ 500
Native English Speaker: 600 euro
Speaker enclosure: 200 euros (relations)
Depending on the quality Cast: 100-600 euros
Technique: See rental companies.
These are the Prices for a simple film of a smaller company. Für nen advertising derision for Audi and Siemens are not rich.
A 2 minute film productinfo costs around 6.000-11.000 euros. The elder Rama advertising ridicule had 74,000 euros. This is just for info.
Docus: Depends on the customer, on the effort and so next. Are rather fixed. For a good international documentary can be seen 70.000 Euro start. But as I said, this is now only very roughly. And please do not expenditure you have forgotten! There are no s.ende yes 70th t euroscript left:) The rotation period is then synonymous several weeks ...
News: 100-300 euros per min Kommt drauf s.was we have.
At the film, I know I do not, I am interested not synonymous.
Antwort von ed-media:

Had already worked for various companies, normally as a cameraman
or video journalist in action.
In many activities, it often just turn up the s.and
Material is uploaded or a tape or Quicktime s.den
Client passed, the synonymous over the cut.
For some entities, material must completely synonymous
sliced and coded to the server load.
Normal EB Prices there are not, but it tries to more
Shooting pool and then the daily rate similar to that
EB-like shoot.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

@ All
300 euros per hour - no preference for what (and as a basis to understand without extra cost, etc.)
Antwort von alles:

¬ 1 thousand for a 2 Min.Werbeclip - is this a good deal or rather discount? (own equipment)
(roughly speaking)
Crew: Cinematographer, Tonangelmann, editors, make-up artist
Equipment: Canon A1, Vegas editing, microphones, tripod, light
Storyboard: ~
Shooting Time: 2 hours
Cutting Time: 6 hours
Buffer time: 2 hours (journey preparations)
Antwort von KrischanDO:
¬ 1 thousand for a 2 Min.Werbeclip - is this a good deal or rather discount? (own equipment) ¬ 1 thousand for a bike - is this a good price?
Probably depends a little bit of effort.
Antwort von frm:

Will probably not very high quality if you are only 2 hours and turn the cut in 6 hr.
I've long days preparing for a 30 seconds as Ausleutchten, building, etc. spent turning test.
Not to forget, if you want abreiten with professionals, will do nothing None, mask, sound, light, camera, props .... yes and the equipment is available and costs nothing? Did you get Gift? Have you bought the computer interface? Software from the Internet?
So for me it is not so and therefore cost something nunmal synonymous rent!
Antwort von alles:
Will probably not very high quality if you are only 2 hours and turn the cut in 6 hr.
I've long days preparing for a 30 seconds as Ausleutchten, building, etc. spent turning test. Before turning many preparations and planned that eventually the work will need to execute that during the production phase to concentrate on the video drive to a harmonious team is probably not a problem.
Equipment (Camera / editing / original software) long, but there was synonymous options given to 'rent (if the customer best. Techn. Wants quality)
Back to my question: is it more Diskountpreis or Normal? (2 = 1Tsd min.)
Antwort von KrischanDO:

Back to my question: is it more Diskountpreis or Normal? (2 = 1Tsd min.) Ei Gude,
how should this be a serious answer?
For the course you get two or three minutes in the News section, I know synonymous people who make a little video of this Image (Interview with head, swing by the shop floor, a few products, a happy customer laughs into the camera) to do so.
The calculation with "The equipment I have anyway" are hobbyists-in-the-bag-Gelüge-Tinnef.
Calculations, from which clear a minimum fee of 80th - ¬ per hour for a freelancer with smaller equipment indicating there was even more frequently.
Stop-over times, how much time you might need 50% hau drauf, accountable to what it would cost to rent your equipment, and the third pack will cost.
Antwort von PowerMac:

Extreme discount! How should I ask several employees (Camera, Kameraassi, stage, OB, Lighting, Directing, Actor, volunteers as a minimum) alone during the shoot to pay for so little money? Alone s.Lohnkosten I calculate at least 2000 euros for a lousy shooting. In addition, all the preparations prior to filming, for example-many unimportant-a concept or a script (the first someone must write udn especially it must be good!) And organizational measures (Book of insurance, planning to create, search equipment together), the synonymous similarly expensive impact. The cut is certainly not synonymous free. So we times with 6000 euros wage. If the second item, the travel expenses. Gift. Third Item: Material. Everything costs. Tapes, bulbs, Eqipmentleihe, insurance, lunch, cut square. Conservative 1200 Euro. Did the whole stuff added, you can start winning, action costs for your company to the pure production offset. Out comes a price somewhere between 8000 and 10000 Euro. And that's still a lousy video shoot.
Antwort von WideScreen:

I as a customer would be someone the door out of me says it for 1000 euro makes commercials.
And I, as a manufacturing Frima would get up and go if the customer tells me that he only wants to pay 1000 euros.
2 hrs rotating time. * lach * man man man.
Antwort von WideScreen:
Out comes a price somewhere between 8000 and 10000 Euro. And that's still a lousy video shoot. Ah someone comes to the same price as I:) Freut me.
But I think we are talking with his semi. So for a video of all: This is Herbert's bakery and here he gets the grade rolls from the oven, because of 1000 Euro. Is halt ne onemanshow. Passt know, everything will be alright.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

"Advertisement" probably covers a similar range s.wie "promotional photograph."
Antwort von alles:

Term professional / semi is relative, as well as other factors.
You have been absolutely right, but my concern is where and are otherwise here:
Many smaller businesses are not ready, a lot of coal for its own advertising (- video) to invest. Especially when it comes to a video on the homepage to install, associate with the whole project Youtubevideos quality, which is again a deal for the price pressing Deal experience. You can get up and go, that would be the simplest, but in these times companies are looking at 3 times every cent.
And here are companies that would be "equal work" for a price for far less of the normal price to make. What is being done?
At the negotiating table comparisons are made, "s.ich may be cheaper here and there to produce the video."
It is like a flyer design:
Many people think (have in mind) misconceptions that a flyer as good of a friend for money can be produced
instead of the same at an advertising agency for several hundred make it. Sadly, however, so this trend I've seen in my internship and the development is unfortunately in the unfavorable direction next. Whole media industry tends to change in discount.
Antwort von frm:

If 1 thousand EUR 1000 should be called and it produces reasonable, it can according to my criteria above do not work. If all the cost or amount of work for nothing, certainly.
Well if you're saying and equipment will cost you nothing because it is so (würd think again!).
Powermac describes exactly synonymous what I mean. When it is professionally and you are working with professionals, this will not be possible.
If you still have to pay actors on PowerMacs can cost you even nochmal minimum 500 to 300 EUR drauf pack (apart from the buyout).
What sound do you use? Rights cost synonymous with Royalty Music! Unless you Komponierst and game it self.
But do it for 1000, then you're no competition * g *
Antwort von alles:

You are absolutely right and a good production team sets good, technology and knowledge of the matter from. But ..
The problem lies where otherwise that the advertising companies want to become too stingy. Whether it's video, DTP or Web page.
The thinking is that the good quality for little money can get.
For comparison: a website will cost at least ¬ 3000, and some make it with a student / friend for ¬ 100 - krass! (30 x)
The Deal with 1000 ¬ / 2 minutes, of which I have spoken was an example of how customers think, the cost of production would not cover, on the contrary, it would go in the direction Cons, = safer death own production company.
Antwort von frm:

If you ever go to Audi and say you want a new A8 for 5000 EUR. What then say to you?
Antwort von alles:

I speak of smaller companies Usin smaller cities.
Large investments have and without much discussion and get to their good quality, as it should.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

times adopted:
The one-man team with under 10,000 ¬ Equipment occurs with 100, - per hour. Photographers get to this course, with Praktikant years.
One hour of meeting and Watch (which many customers eh 'would not pay because they believe this acquisition and is not synonymous of their customers get paid).
Three hours with the camera by the firm, interviewed a few people, nice architecture settings, preferably in the Dämmmerung, meeting a few scenes, a few products in use.
Okay, three hours is almost doomed, because half the people just can not do, or has forgotten what they say.
Then you have 45 minutes of material, not great, but better than if the junior with the holiday compete.
Five hours after cutting 08/15 concept with "creative crossfade" in between: A look at the hut, products, people, boss, hall, lodge guy.
Music to one of the GEMA-free Compose factories.
Once purchased, customers p.20 passed.
Prestressing + guy with company logo reingezimmert, done.
And the comment addresses a buddy who can reasonably high German.
This is nothing for Cannes or for television, but the large craft or small SMEs get what Moving to the Web site.
And the would and simply can not invest ¬ 10,000.
Antwort von frm:

Da geb ich euch right, 1000 are still little. There are 3 to 4 thousand already realisitischer. Any way he wants.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
This is nothing for Cannes or for television, but the large craft or small SMEs get what Moving to the Web site.
And the would and simply can not invest ¬ 10,000. If you can not afford may be clever, you should leave it entirely. Nothing is more embarrassing for a company as unprofessional film. There are several German satellite on local stations to receive - if I dilettantes commercials from car dealers Blechle or butcher Preßwurst see war, I always scabies ...
Antwort von alles:

Usually, it is so, then, that small businesses want a good advertisement, but have no money to do it for you. Then begin the endless discussions, for a film in no way a positive end. The vexing issue is "quality = money", usually it is "quality = discount" to 10000 of a deal, a no-pants-Deal to be. That would be the reason to get up and go, what happens often synonymous. (The tricks of a deal to settle down are not too bad).
If you can not afford may be clever, you should leave it entirely. That is the sentence at the end when you stand up and want to go. (Thank you)
So besides an obvious enterprise invites me and wanted me to be an elaborate web site included video for defeat 400 do. The border actually s.Frechheit. Couple weeks later:
(Newspaper ad) "wanted a trainee with expertise in web design and Videopro, 400 basis."
Antwort von KrischanDO:
... Nothing is more embarrassing for a company as unprofessional film. Unfortunately, the visual education is so neglected that a very large proportion of the people is absolutely no preference.
There are several German satellite on local stations to receive - if I dilettantes commercials from car dealers Blechle or butcher Preßwurst see war, I always scabies ... Even under the highly professional adverts on television are so miserable a lot of stupidity shudder that one (sadly, the 38-tube n.schweren rubble increasingly rare) the agencies and entities Television with his swing through the glass facade into the lobby wants to throw.
I just sach "The longest candy or anything with detergent to do.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Even under the highly professional adverts on television are so miserable a lot of stupidity shudder (..) I just sach "The longest candy or anything with detergent to do. Logo - but still have a professional speaker and the picture is usually fine. On local stations (or even the cheap-produced web videos) you'll see even really holding stuff, where the chef personally stiff as a poker before the window is and what the quality of "Biggest Choice at low prices" and tells the drop shadows on your face has. Schön are synonymous unimaginative pans over the sausage and bread counter, if the budget is no longer being made ...
Antwort von kiteschlampe:

Customers who do not understand that a good advertisement not only from the moving picture to be exactly the price paid for the necessary.
The same, the other afterwards, when he first result will look.
Antwort von B.DeKid:
¬ 1 thousand for a bike - is this a good price? The front fork - even under somewhat better Equitment to be settled - but synonymous get broken,-p
B. DeKid
Antwort von handiro:

what in the music industry has long history (values with digitized copies / Internet, dying as a professional musician, Royalty grits, everything sounds the same), the video industry in the next few years before.
The above discussion is a good example. Then even the pros are nothing more valuable and can be about whether they work or go for 1000 ¬ to accept jobs that they do not times for 10,000 would make.
Antwort von KrischanDO:
... Then even the pros are nothing more valuable and can be about whether they work or go for 1000 ¬ to accept jobs that they do not times for 10,000 would make. No, do not.
It is not a matter of individually designed, with great staff and great expenses machinery produced "correct" image video for 1 / 10 in price, but it is about a different product:
A through standardization and rationalization with little effort producible "Company Profile".
The opportunities are there already. The image will be the video for> 10,000 euro will not replace it. Because a company, ¬ 10,000 for a video image can output a certain size and their advertising is not otherwise synonymous of the Secretary can make.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
what in the music industry has long history (values with digitized copies / Internet, dying as a professional musician, Royalty grits, everything sounds the same), the video industry in the next few years before. Ne - contradiction. PC and digital recording technology makes it easier Lizzie Muller, in the subject to incorporate. The first field on the computer and equipment traditional occupations ousted, it was - it's has already forgotten about - the magazines-/Buchproduktion.
But what happened? The Coasters and the Manufacturer of machinery sentence were suddenly superfluous. But those who write articles and design the pages, you need still. The fact that any theory s.PC 'ne magazines can produce, is yes or no, what clever at rauskommt - like a lot of shitty flyers and littered with spelling mistakes brochures to prove every day.
Even in music, photography and film in the recording and editing equipment is dramatically cheaper. But when my band does not even sound rauskriegt benefits me the greatest recording technology nix. I can be a maximum lay directly s.PC using synthesizers to play - if I s.meinen MIDI files tinker long enough, I get it maybe err out.
Digital photography has made film producers unemployed. But without knowledge of studio and lighting and the correct preparation of a photo object, Your Still image still modest.
And for video, it is precisely this: The cost in comparison nix - but who is not light, sound and sets and cares not for the staging hands, would that make shit.
Yes, I know: In each of these areas there are dozens of examples of people / companies who ignore all this and think, with 'its somewhere Camera draufzuhalten enough - yes, you can back everything in Photoshop / make on average. Who once this work has made and / or had to pay is usually cured.
But clearly it will be another 20 years synonymous handouts or web pages with 30 quietschbunten eye cancer type fonts - and the "advertising" from the movie Autohaus Blechle synonymous.
Apart from the fact that the wheel of history do not turn it back: I think it's great that the PC technology, many people have a way to creatively without great cost auszutoben. The access is easier and cheaper - it is nice if not only the type with the rich daddy can shoot his film.
Antwort von WideScreen:

Generally I would be as a production company, just ask what I want. I want 0815 video shoot? So I will not, so I ask the plumber around the corner do not wait until after his contract .... But these are synonymous customers who do want to please. Clearly, the demands and lower you can make much cheaper, but that is simply not the way I might go. I want the best rausholen .... and search the synonymous customers want and pay for (them).
Antwort von alles:
I want the best rausholen .... and search the synonymous customers want and to pay (can) Sure, quality and costs in accordance with Money. Customers wishing to pay for "may" there is rather less, usgut functioning companies.
But I hope I am wrong, then I would be happiest man.
Antwort von WideScreen:

Do not know where you live, but in FFM, M, H, HH, Berlin, next Wü and so it will always give the company the figures can. Of course, if you only to his village of 5000 inhabitants hopes it will be nothing.
And I can not work through lack of complaining.
And hypothetically, it would come as far as the company only $ 1000 or less pay, then I would stop myself and what new umgucken because I satisfied with its production can not be cheap. But we are far away. Previously, the Klemptner just around the corner and no video ready. In times without Internet wars eh not so interesting. Now everyone wants to halt the present and therefore more gibts halt "Bastel Buden" the videos drehn. Is synonymous legitimate. The question for you is: If you want cheap rotate videos? If NO, then do not start so s.sondern give correct gas, you learn to look really good quality videos to make the cheap image that you will never let go. And if YES, then get started.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... If you want cheap rotate videos? If NO, then do not start in order ... the cheap image that you will never let go ... This argument is good from your point of view to understand, but pure camera because most people have much less fear with new formats as production companies. I know perfectly colleagues in a week a commercial for a car manufacturer with a large team on the RED rotate and thus have no problem in the week the material on it alone for a few videos in the online phone book delivery. But added: You have it easier because it deals with how the phone book publishers do not get new competitors, but new clients.
One problem, I have - and because I write under your above quote fully and completely - if clients claim and wide disparity between the budget, a costly product image or video that is quite cheap to be produced. Those who discover it really is your own fault and nobody is doing a favor. I have experienced such a suggestion, however, so far only 'correct' image of video, not in the phonebook shooting.
Antwort von WideScreen:

I find in one film, synonymous when a Webefilm, there is lots of blood, and if the would never appreciated, then I had to leave it, otherwise the work on a spoiled and never fulfilling.
Yes cameramen have it easier, that's good.
Companies for which I work have been mostly ne marketing department, and who know what something costs more than the butcher around the corner. It is therefore easier.
Someone said earlier times: "an intern sought with expertise in web design and Videopro, 400 basis."
But that is only synonymous but again short term thinking. Just because a Videopro? kenn, it means not to NEN clever film can do. And in his web design interns? Lol, then the students so ne homepage. Sooner or later the firm view that nothing so clever rauskommt. And if they do with the promotional video Bastel are satisfied, then just shows the company is unprofessional. Such customers will never pay. Forget next and are looking for.
Antwort von alles:
Just because a Videopro? kenn, it means not to NEN clever film can do. And in his web design interns? Lol, then the students so ne homepage. Among other things already, but not always true. A friend of me did an internship for a few hundred, because for years he could find no employment.
Customer feedback and recommendation, however, have placed him next.
Such customers will never pay. Forget next and are looking for. He has canceled his internship (; right) and now deserves sideline with smaller productions, thanks to word of mouth.
Antwort von Syrtah:

"What sound do you use? Rights synonymous with cost-Royalty Music! Unless and Are you Komponierst it themselves." Na na na, sometimes slowly. GEMA-free music is not just a bunch of "extra-for-the-GEMA-freie-zone-produced" (cheap) sound loops in different lengths. Even at times or similar pages for Music under the Creative Commons license sought? Depending on the scale-free license to use, as long as you know the name of the artist mentioned. What more could you want?
I think your paint everything so black and gloomy and sounds as if you want your price of 5 years ago today defended. And in a sector that is rapidly developed, as many of you expected. Questions, how much per MINUTE film may require, are idle and so on each individual film (Whether Werbe-/Image-/Fernseh-/Internet-/wasauchimmer-Film) individually in terms that are inevitably a range of prices shown s.verschiedenen needs.
Nowhere can you find to write, how much film can still cost in order to remain profitable, just because your all completely different ways for the film have found. A 3-year training costs more than a 6-month seminar, but both graduates can be found on the market today. Some technology can rent free, because they are in his club, while others pay ¬ 500 per day for a camera. What can they judge?
Hence my request, at least as much tolerance to prove not every price exposure as an attack on their own creations to be seen.
Give each other guides from our own experience, but do not get down, only to "newcomers" that fall short of a 2-minute on the internet for ¬ 100 sell. After all, they have 100 euros more than if they would sell nix.
Greetings, Syrtah