Frage von Nick, Der:
Hallo ihr lieben,
I want a video of Final Cut Pro 5, Cubase SX3 (PC) to export ... but somehow like Cubase hardly a codec ... once I have done it by accident, but unfortunately the codec never found again. now before I 10000000 export opportunities through s.euch here my question: How Exports of its Final Cut Pro Cubas?
MPEG2 works in Cubase, but it weighs the computer but then decent.
Can you help me?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Quicktime first. DV, Still Image JPEG, sowas!
Antwort von noch n´Gast:

mal ganz doof asked what willste because with MPEG's in Cubase?
Here it is as for video files - even compressed, is compressed, or the loss of quality is always reformat.
Of Cubase and then back again into Final Cut Pro? Brrrrr .....
Antwort von Yasmin:

No fear ... I finalize the film not in Cubase ... Our musicians but it works, and the film needs to be set synchronously Music ... The music is then exported as uncompressed WAVE again loaded into Final Cut (and thanks to the video file in Cubase synchronously) ... I do not intend to make the finished film from Cubase to export.
@ PowerMac
Thanks .. "OfflineRT PAL (Still Image JPEG)" works as opposed to almost all other export formats s.besten.
Thank you and liebe grüße
Antwort von Yasmin:

How do I do it because if I CUBASE wants 16:9 video?