Frage von readysteadygo:![](
I need your help. As I follow Beginners s.Euch question:
Can I project using files from Premiere CS3 all necessary export movie info so that the entire film cut in another program like Final Cut can be further processed.
As I have seen, there are three export options for Premiere Cs3:
" Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) (Windows only)
" Adobe Premiere Pro projects (PRPROJ)
" CMX3600 EDL (EDL)
Can I still make all information, which are deposited at the intersection, so that export and to all movie clips and audio access and edit the next?
What is with visors and effects that have already been incorporated? can be regarded as such in Final Cut and erkenen EVISION synonymous next?
How will Final Cut then to the raw data? If the project files synonymous all "batches" or Editlisten, to allow the Final Pro "intersections" and to recognize the original (gecaptureten) footage onto it?
Hope I have at my question was not forgotten ...
For your support many thanks in advance
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Antwort von ich33:
synonymous times I would be interested in because of the grade synonymous current premiere CS4 update ..