Frage von jibmunk:
Hi folks!
I've more or less big problem with Premiere.
So I ma beginning of beginning:
I've recorded with a camcorder stinknormalen made s.diesem however, the "cinema" feature turned on, so did the top and a black bar utnen than 16:9 filem if I would ...
After that I can complete in full (have a widescreen) and have a look and hold the right and left no margin above and below NEN black.
Then I premiere with a project under the default settings (4:3) times and made an unaltered piece of the footage is exported.
Everything as before ... look at the full
so now I have the material processed ... psd plane inserted .. set keyframes and so ... exported ... and had full right now synonymous and left a rand ..
However MIDDLE in video again, I do not rand right and left, and while there where I was the only original material inserted and did not post with or änhlichem effects.
That leads me to the close with something after the edit has to do. I've really tried everything and s.einstellungen googlewith my suchversuchen overloaded, without result.
Now I hope I can help somebody as I can solve the problem ...
Thanks in advance!
Antwort von Markus:
... the "cinema" function ... What exactly is the camcorder then? 4:3 with black bars? So something must be in a 4:3-Project will be processed so that it's true.
After that I can complete in full (have a widescreen) and have a look and hold the right and left no margin above and below NEN black. Zoomed? Broad Withdrawn? What-ever-synonymous? - For me it sounds broadly drawn, but that would be not entirely correct.
Then I premiere with a project under the default settings (4:3) times and made an unaltered piece of the footage is exported.
Everything as before ... look at the full Zooms Your Television 4:3 with black bars or car ran as the coming into being? Normally would have the whole video with black bars left, right, up and down and you have to run the hand of Television switch accordingly.