Frage von Blackeagle123:
I have an expression for my size. I would like to wiggle with the size of "dancing" can.
Now I have the problem that the proportions are not maintained, although the hooks (or snake) in the box in front of the scale variable is enabled.
What should I change to ...
a) ... both the same variable to change?
b) ... only the x coordinates with the wiggle-command to change?
c) ... only the y-coordinate by Wiggle to change?
Thanks in advance!
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von kriss:

a) w = wiggle (3.50);
[w [0], w [0]]
b) w = wiggle (3.50);
[w [0], value [1]]
c) w = wiggle (3.50);
[value [0], w [1]]
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

wow, thank you! Funtkioniert super.
Small question about the expression:
Is the "w" an arbitrarily chosen variable? Or is there a set AfterFX in importance?
And tell me what the values in the brackets? [0], and tell me what "value [1]"?
Thank you in advance in advance!
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Mylenium:
Is the "w" an arbitrarily chosen variable? Yes, but really stupid isses such short names to use - we forget too easily what they mean, if the Project after three years rauskramt. , O)
Or is there a set AfterFX in importance? Is it synonymous, but please read the manual.
And tell me what the values in the brackets? [0], and tell me what "value [1]"? Arrays. The number indicates the position of the element in the array.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

Mhmm ... I understand the reason simply put this line here yet:
[value [0], w [1]] What an array, I know. (At least in other programming languages)
But where the position in the array is defined, I do not know where or "value" is defined.
Liebe Grüße,
Antwort von Mylenium:
Mhmm ... I understand the reason simply put this line here yet:
[value [0], w [1]]
What an array, I know. (At least in other programming languages)
But where the position in the array is defined, I do not know where or "value" is defined.
Liebe Grüße,
Constantin "value" is a reserved keyword for the current stream Property before the expression is applied. Does not matter what the straight sets while its syntax is correct.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

... with German words would give me easier!
Lg, Constantin!