Frage von Christoph29:Hello
I try the whole s.einem current example to explain.
I have an animation, let's call it test.Sie consists of 36 levels.
A few of the levels are sub-compositions with 5-18 levels.
The test animation in 10 other compositions verwendet.So the animation and everything else is fertig.Nun but I would like the animation to 3Sekunden extend from synonymous immer.Wie found what am I doing this s.schnellsten? The speed of the animation should not be changed will
Antwort von Christoph29:
Now I would like .... but the animation to extend ...... 3Sekunden The speed of the animation should not be changed .... Just let the picture last longer stand. or how?
Antwort von Markus:
Another solution is now synonymous, I can not see if the speed should remain unchanged. Or stop later start. ;-)
Antwort von *the.jokeR*:
guck ma "composition" -> "komposition settings" under oderso time ...
Antwort von Christoph29:
Prefer to look at expansion time.
Antwort von Christoph29:
Guck prefer time elongation the Geschwindihgkeot should remain the same!
Antwort von Christoph29:
I try the whole s.einem current example to explain.
I have an animation, let's call it test.Sie consists of 36 levels.
A few of the levels are sub-compositions with 5-18 levels.
The test animation in 10 other compositions verwendet.So the animation and everything else is fertig.Nun but I would like the animation to 3Sekunden extend from synonymous immer.Wie found what am I doing this s.schnellsten? The speed of the animation should not be changed will you have the length of the composition in the compositional change settings, and indeed in all unterkomps.
you can in your final comp the end of this komps synonymous expand
Antwort von Christoph29:
you have the length of the composition in the compositional change settings, and indeed in all unterkomps.
you can in your final comp the end of this komps synonymous expand Yes exactly what I mean but you have to manually do? Is there no other automatic solution?
Antwort von Christoph29:
No, you have the comp for each individually.