Frage von monzon:
because I recently bought a MacBook Pro, I am now in search of a small, fast external hard drive ...
This should in any case without power supply to operate, because otherwise every time I NEN plenty with me rumschleppen technology needs ...
therefore I thought it would have really an external 2.5 "disk without the power adapter and FireWire 800 port, or? had net-geguckt, but not much, or not found ...
has anyone of you might experience, tips, or links to products? There is such a hard disk at all?
many thanks for the reply ..
Antwort von Klaas:

've recently upgraded my macbook and NEN housing wanted for my old 2.5 "... just gabs of sata to usb ... as far as I know there is still no other synonymous except eSATA, I think
gruß, klaas.
Antwort von svennibskciu:
There is such a hard disk at all?
Klar gibts das Daisy Cutter eg: &
Yeah, I own, but Firewire 400 and USB 2nd So far everything easily.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

2.5 "and quick bites but fairly.
Antwort von monzon:

exactly, the daisy cutter, I have already found synonymous, synonymous, however, was the only ...
wieso bites are 2.5 "and" fast "? me know with hard disk is not so ...
Antwort von jazzy_d:

Because hard disks are the slowest (5400rpm). These are the normal notebook panels. There are synonymous 2.5 "with 7200rpm (somewhat faster). If what you really want to fast, I would have the Raptor 150GB SATA 10'000rpm of Western Digital recommended. They are but 3.5". There's external enclosure with all possible connections (USB2, FW400, FW800, eSATA). Do not stop completely, which is a small power supply with a lot of technique rumschleppen to do.
Antwort von monzon:

naja, already looking for the sockets example in cafes is also annoying, I could so synonymous in other areas (train, car) without directly sockets of the disk-cutting ...
Furthermore, the power supplies in most hard drives are not exactly synonymous small (AC adapter) ...
I already thank you for the many times the answer, think it will be on the daisy cutter also run ...
Antwort von svennibskciu:
naja, already looking for the sockets example in cafes is also annoying, I could so synonymous in other areas (train, car) without directly sockets of the disk-cutting ... Remember that the external hard drive but then synonymous s.Battery your laptop sucks. If you long to work without electricity wants / needs, it is therefore better to the internal disk for such actions to be free and clear after the external use abzustöpseln soon.
Antwort von jazzy_d:

If I have, I would in any case, a 2.5 "sata 7200rpm with and take a housing with FW800 it.
Antwort von Futz:
If I have, I would in any case, a 2.5 "sata 7200rpm with and take a housing with FW800 it. mmmhhh ... s.diese possibility synonymous, I have already thought of. 'm after a (brief) research on these two products encountered:
Plate: and housing: which agrees with the power of course, but is still practical platte ne small to have, I think ;-)
Edit from Mod: shortened links.
Antwort von Tommy Tulpe:

Hi Alexander,
what experiences do you have with your Mac Pro and made with whatever software you cut.
I'm just in the making Apple or Windows.
or Mac Pro or HP
Thank you and nen schönen evening
Antwort von Tommy Tulpe:
because I recently bought a MacBook Pro, I am now in search of a small, fast external hard drive ...
This should in any case without power supply to operate, because otherwise every time I NEN plenty with me rumschleppen technology needs ...
therefore I thought it would have really an external 2.5 "disk without the power adapter and FireWire 800 port, or? had net-geguckt, but not much, or not found ...
has anyone of you might experience, tips, or links to products? There is such a hard disk at all?
many thanks for the reply ..