Frage von Korfu-&:
Hi folks,
because otherwise I'm less familiar with the topic, I initially guest.
In your rieeeesigen fundus unfortunately I could not answer my question, which there would be:
How do I get this annoying, unnecessary and cheeky message auf'm display my camera away which reads: "Sony disc recommended" when I, in this case, Maxell blank reinschmeisse?
zum Bild When Sony announced Germany to me with this message that you can not remove.
Since, however, I find that there is still the consumer can be about what media it uses for its Filmerei, I am looking for an opportunity to somehow Camera Software reinzukommen to this (sorry) Scheiss off s.besten over the USB.
During my 12 year old Sony minidisc recorder (MDS 501), I can at any x-MD's record without Gemotze of Sony.
With thanks for good tips, love and regards from Corfu, Chris
PS: If I find the Camera super ....
Antwort von Korfuchris:

hmmmmmmmmmm, I have now registered.
Weiss is not whether:
- I'm too impatient,
- Nobody said that problems with informed
- Or it simply is not an issue.
Nevertheless, if somebody with the Sony internal software know:
With summer regards, Chris
Antwort von Jan:

there is nothing to know, simply use the foreign brands.
Sonymöchte like to hold her because there are blank (the one synonymous supply company produces), is synonymous with the most expensive. Ignore simply a desire to use Sony blanks.
The Sony people are probably quite loud laughter in Cologne and is pleased that Sony is still the original customers are ......
Given enough of my customers every day of blank Maxell, Fuji, Emtec and Co. and have never used one returned, one can assume that there are no major problems.
The foreign Tested blanks that I've ever received.
Antwort von akinnok:

thank Jan,
the extraneous blanks funzen, I use 80% NON-SONY, just silly to me, the camera every time the first 5 seconds, during filming, I want to display with this unnecessary remark zukleistert, annoying me after 6 months, but very badly.
Therefore I am looking for an opportunity this message off in the menu. (And as for PC-Games, where a combination bestimnmte must press buttons to access the internal setup to come)
Gruss Chris
Antwort von Jan:

I do not know me but it would not be surprised if someone on the internet (with hate Sony) as a possibility had been carried out, eg via Memory Stick Pro Duo as firmware. Sony is certainly nothing in the relationship business.
Can not help you ...
Antwort von Fridu:
...... I would not be surprised if someone on the internet (with hate Sony) as a possibility had been carried out, eg via Memory Stick Pro Duo as firmware .....
Jan this is just my hope, but I am not yet found anything. Eventually, a hacker would have determined in nullkommanix the problem solved.
Thank you anyway ...
Antwort von Korfuchris:

shit, had already forgotten login ....
zum Bild
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Chris,
previously could Lanc interface via the program a camcorder in the editor on a PC open and modify. With the necessary expertise, it was in this way a long time, after the DV input unlock.
If the DVD405 such a Lanc port, would be an extension of the duration (or a shutdown synonymous) of that message certainly possible.
Important: Before changing any parameters necessarily the operating system security copy of your camcorder! Otherwise, laugh at Sony Again, if a camcorder fehlprogrammierter arrives for repair. ;-)
Antwort von Jan:

Hi Markus,
since when you give DVD camcorder tips - so I know you but do not - were you on vacation?
If I remember correctly the 405 has the blue Lanc jack.
Antwort von Markus:
... were you on vacation? Nee, in therapy. ;-)))
Antwort von Korfuchris:

thank Markus,
just what is the Lanc port, because, like Jan writes and says there is nothing s.meiner Camera "blue", except perhaps myself. ;-)
Or do you ensure that the AV in / out?
Anyway, software change trau I (still) not too bad, but there are some guys in the city that provides something "pimp" could ...
Will look at so 'nem specialist business go.
LG Chris
Antwort von Markus:

Look in the glossary of the manual for the word "Lanc".
I've just s.zwei my compatriots camcorder, because it stands next to the L-symbol in the clear on it. It is actually a 2.5 mm jack.
Antwort von Jan:

I have times when Sony Digital Link Europe Page 136 nachgeschaut - as my presumption, which has 450er Lanc control jack 2.5 mm.
Antwort von Korfuchris:

thank you guys, will speak in detail so Baelde employment, but today nciht more, I'm broke (working, not celebrate Father's Day) ...
LG aus'm sunny south, Chris
Antwort von Markus:
LG aus'm sunny south So you're actually in Greece? Your IP address was twittered to me, but I was just not sure if that's true. ;-)
by moderator
Antwort von bluegirl12:

Good morning, so the manual in German, I have already printed some time ago, (mine was only in Greek), and if now is the time Lanc remote to be
zum Bild as I come in because the camera software, USB adapter mini to mini jack 2.5 mm?
And yes it needs a program which provides me access to the camera allows. Hmm, I should at Sony queries?
LG Chris from Corfu ;-)
Antwort von Korfuchris:

.... and once again missed Login ...
Antwort von Markus:
... as I come in because the camera software, USB adapter mini to mini jack 2.5 mm? Lanc is serial and there is still s.PC right (!) For Connections: The SubD interfaces COM1 and COM2.
I suppose (do not know with certainty), that PC-based DVin-Freischaltkits a suitable adapter cable of 9-pol. SubD on 3-pol. 2.5 mm jack is. If such a Freischaltkit before, probably synonymous communication between your camcorder and PC to ensure (or at least described in the Instructions) to be. This will put a program change in the way of nothing.