Frage von stpr001:
I have a 16:9 DV project as a QT movie exported from FCE and burned by iDVD. 1. It was then 4-3 and 2 clearly see compression artifacts. Me if I increased the allegedly better encoder Toast 7.0. The pdf manual does not say much more than you would do intuitively itself. Expertentips missing. In automatic mode, the result is as with iDVD. Who can help me? What is the best way a 35 min Qualitatively film FCE possible to get the memory of the DVD fully taking advantage of them? Menus and without frills, just simply the film. In addition to directly import the DV tape rückgesicherten film breaks toast after 28 min 40 sec. bounce off the tape with iMovie will unhesitatingly captured. When I try the encoder to adjust manual settings (high data rate), while I'm at least 60-70% utilization of the DVD, but the Kodiervorgang will not even started and brings the error message: Problems with the source material: - 18771st
Antwort von Axel:

I have a 16:9 DV project as a QT movie exported from FCE and burned by iDVD. I only know Final Cut Pro, not FCE, but after what you write, where the error has s.Anfang, because not a
Quicktime movie, but only Mpeg2 and can be used on DVD. Although I've heard that iDVD can make even the compression, but if it is so, then the wrong export settings have taken. Using the highest quality. Sorry if this is such a little fish in troubled waters, but 28 minutes DVD? As described at the highest data rate of just 50% of the disc. I'm going to pass from Final Cut Pro s.iDVD, perhaps I can then give `nen accurate tip. Stay tuned!
Antwort von Axel:

Thus, when the droning of iDVD's rolls up a truly toenails. Did not have the nerve to do so. So I create a quicktime movie s.Toast passed ( "Video"> DVD> quality "better", but Menu own files and add images everything is disconnected). Although I have burned only 3 minutes on a-RW, but the result is absolutely perfect. So you can not help unfortunately. Give the next question.
Antwort von rush:

can now start with fce not much ....
But since there is the possibility that the whole rather than export them as quicktime movie-perhaps as a quicktime refferenz too?
And then with tmpeg one (create dvd compliant mpeg2 stream to about 16:9 line at 8000kb / s) and then fry it to ...
Antwort von stpr001:

Danke erstmal. I'm going to take my time with the DV Cam and burn on a DVD recorder in HQ +. come let's see if the same artifacts. Then I can narrow the "error".
If one of the experts read this again:
What is actually the difference between FCE and iMovie / Final Cut Pro. I do not mean the range of functions, etc., but the Programs to process the DV material but in different ways, perhaps a little easier to understand for the layman ... ?