Frage von rosine:![](
so now she is there, my new FX7. Did some test scenes made by me a picture of "Picture" to make :-). I'm quite zurieden, only one thing I do not quite understand, could not synonymous solution can be found in the manual. If I do not picture profile telle (off), only the shutter to 150, had complained to the HC1 proved to me the picture in the middle of something "mushy" in front. Usually, the Focus is on the middle setting. As soon as I start to zoom the picture is sharp down to the smallest detail. I have truly created a profile and the sharpness adjusted test half on 13 On the PC monitor looks good now, on the canvas, I must still try. Is this normal so that you load a profile or create needs? 've Read the FX7 and unpack losfilmen. Has anyone of you an idea? Incidentally, the remaining settings are on automatic.
Perhaps someone to post their preferred settings, which he in the "everyday" uses. Otherwise, I am very satisfied, especially the 20x zoom and stability are high. The Micro is not bad, a bit quiet perhaps, but spatially quite what I had not suspected, because the capsules seems to be ahead.
Danke schon mal für eure tips.
Antwort von Axel:
Did not the FX7, but "sharpness" in the Picture Profiles can only Kantenaufsteilung mean di artificially nachgeschärft and staircase leads to artifacts, image noise and increased even more terrible things. Finger weg!
Antwort von rosine:
Hi Axel,
yes, you're right, had my grad on the canvas views, does not look good. So no alternative.
Antwort von Carina:
If I do not picture profile telle (off), only the shutter to 150, had complained to the HC1 proved to me the picture in the middle of something "mushy" in front. Usually, the Focus is on the middle setting. As soon as I start to zoom the picture is sharp down to the smallest detail if you have time to recruit If you make everything set to manual ...
and in low light the shutter to 50 and the maximum gain to 12dB.
peaking in the red or yellow for the focus control is very helpful and
when needed, you can just push the focus will be briefly
Autofocus to Sharpen added.
the profile picture, I am using 3 of them have little to assignbuttons 4-6
laid (SW / Cinema / on your own) and on the assignbuttons 1-3 are stedyshot / peaking and makierung (which I do not necessarily
need-would be better here tonaussteuerung .... but this is unfortunately not).
a lot of fun with the cam.
gruß cj
Antwort von WoWu:
@ Rosine
Axel is quite right when he says "hands off of the edge sharpening" only you can completely shut them not synonymous, because on the one hand this means stress for the MPEG Bewegungsprädiktion and leads to artifacts and on the other hand, it can be in post by Filters will be replaced, because the edges are sharpened in the camera is always in front of the Encoding and is so artifact-free.
Furthermore, most of the sharpening filter to the post "in the garbage can occur."
So you like such a setting in the "mild" range, where the noise is synonymous not yet noticeable.
Antwort von rosine:
Hi together,
Thanks for the suggestions I will be again tomorrow so extensively addressed, hopefully the weather is good. Komme of grad work, had now no longer stand. But I will post my successes.
Again thanks s.euch.
Antwort von rosine:
Hi together,
how do I promised myself again what my problem has become. Last Sunday, my lady and I pointed the weather and are used according to Moritzburg (Sachsen, baroque castle) Cam driven by various tests to make. I had previously done a factory reset and now with almost "automatic" my shots attempted. Result: I'm thrilled. Eventually, what was obviously verstelllt. I have only the shutter to 150 due to the motion blur and the white balance depending on the chosen scene, after the Optics and then selected by pressing the menu wheel Syndicate leave. What should I say, almost everything looks very good. Thus, everything is best. Now, I have yet another question s.euch FX7 Owner: The Cam is facing what ND filter can be set. The proposed uses her attitude? During the shoot anyway so should not be changed, according to the manual, which I did not synonymous.
Incidentally, I am excited about the color, which will be recorded. I knew of the HC1 is not so. The sky, for example. is really as blue as in real life. AND: I find this very useful synonymous Micro, windscreen I created, so that no interference could recognize. So, 2550 Euros perfectly created!
Antwort von chlorophyll:
ND filter: I try to filter always in the highest possible level, so that the aperture remains open. This may be synonymous, that the proposed Tier 1 Camera and then I turn on Level 2.
If I but no particular value to small DOF lege, then I trust the proposal of the Cam.
Antwort von rosine:
sorry, please help me on the jump:
If I but no particular value to small DOF lege, then I trust the proposal of the Cam.
I'm just (still) the opportunity filmmaker, I miss it again s.der "Filmer" slang. What is DOF please?
Antwort von B.DeKid:
DOF English abbreviation, you do not know ;-)
Antwort von rosine:
Thank you for the link,
nice Page. Is grad wandered into my bookmarks.
Antwort von rosine:
At the same time still 'ne question: Which filter do you use? I have a Hoya UV filter fitted. Now I consider whether a circular pole filter is useful. Had at that time had a s.meiner HC1 and was only quite late that I noticed something s.Helligkeit lost. Had I actually like it must come, as the polarizer was quite dark. I have no idea but apparently drüber made. The problem is that the polarizer can actually be adjusted depending on the light (or?) And this is set up with the sun visor does not. Now I am anxious to see your times "preferences". :-)
Antwort von WoWu:
ND filter: I try to filter always in the highest possible level, so that the aperture remains open. Very problematic attitudes in regard to non-filtered fraction of the non-visible area. The result may be too blur. In addition, the open aperture for several reasons not to propose synonymous. A camera has a so-called "beneficial Aperture", which reflects an optimal performance .. and that is never open Aperture.
At the same time still 'ne question: Which filter do you use? Generally as little as possible! Every optical glass influenced not only in the intended meaning of the beam path but sometimes leads to significant side effects.
Furthermore, a filter is not high enough. So if you are in his camera with a halfway reasonable HD Lens to store a 30 EUR vorschaltet filter, must be completed, the results are not surprised .... and it is not the Camera buck.
Antwort von rosine:
Thanks Wolfgang,
for your detailed info. I wanted to be with the UV filter first, above all protect the lens. However, I must say the colors synonymous and the overall impression of the filmed scenes seem to be better than without UV filter. In Sonnendurchflutet-as synonymous in the "murky weather" - the area. I think that I not only imagination, have A> B comparisons filmed. So think you're basically hands off of "cheap filters? The UV filter HOYA of coating both sides with multiple cost around 35 euros. Now the question is, of course, where does "cheap" to, and secondly, how do I protect my lens. I use the Cam actually (at least all verherigen Cams) for the holiday film, but in future more secure. In any event, often with stronger winds and event. synonymous "Sand Storm" to be where I am afraid my Lens "to sow" to make.
Antwort von Elenex:
The rules for the beneficial Aperture, as we know them as small-format photography of the know, are very limited for ultra-short focal lengths, because the light diffraction effects s.der Aperture Aperture is already open in a role to play. It is not on the relative Apertureöffnung, but on the absolute aperture in millimeters or Zehntelmilimeter to. The wavelength of light is an absolute yes synonymous.
Thus, the micro-imaging camera Minox meaningful way at all but just not Aperture Graufilter.
So is: at focal lengths as for the small chips are common in camcorders is usually open Aperture (or just after) the best
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... basically hands off of "Cheap filters "?... Absolutely! The filter is indeed part of the optical system and if he is inferior, even the best benefits Lens nothing.
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von WoWu:
@ Host
That's right ... However, the effect depends crucially on s.and pixel pitch for most small lenses, as they are currently on consumer cameras are of course one falls like a compromise in the next, with pixel pitches of approx. 2-3y anyway because it has no aperture large selection and will be somewhere at 4 or at best 5.6 land.
So have you seen absolutely right. Actually you have only the choice of lesser means worse.
As for the ND issue, unfortunately, are just among small 8und cheap) sensors, the filter of a relatively low slope and thus offer a relatively large entrance channel in the neighboring areas. What besides the above-mentioned phenomena synonymous still leads to the automatic exposure (inevitably) is no longer true.
But basically we have the same approach and oppose us do not.
@ Rosine
Your observations are as likely to not be so wrong.
My recommendation is to filter only and then only if you achieve a specific outcome like.
The best protection for your lens is still mostly the lens cap.
But even if you look at a very high quality glass filter (glass only, without any effect) growth, this is a protection, which at least has no side effects. There is very good Rodenstock lenses, we are synonymous as the rain set in the compendium. There's certainly Schraubfilter as synonymous, or an optician can do in the version of an old filter.
I remember in connection with the insertion of optical elements s.die only EX1 recent discussion in which the introduction of ND changed the sharpness suddenly.
It is therefore not only on the glass, but only synonymous slightest "Schiefen lead to deflection of the path.
So, my tip .... less is usually more.
Even if something is sitting before, once to make sure whether all parts of the image are sharp, and if you still synonymous (sharp) durchzoomen can.
You see, with the optical beam path is not careful enough around .... However, it is synonymous with a good or bad picture can do.
Antwort von rosine:
What you do not even learn. Thank you very much. For me as a former "holiday film" such matters were not relevant, but now, through the FX7, with which I s.Anfang schlehte experience with the Focus had to make, it is extremely important, not only with "its" almost "- ProfiCam rumzulaufen , synonymous the result must be correct. Therefore I ask here again and again after. Anyway I'm thrilled times what the factory reset from the Cam "came out", even my lady saw a clear difference with HC1. I ride in a big lake s.den weeks and will be there next test. So, any other tips welcome, thank you ever so far for the tips.
Antwort von Elenex:
I have a few days ago bought the FX7. The pictures are really cool. What struck me is:
The Gehäußefarbe my FX7 is much darker than the pictures on the net. As the camera looks rather from light gray. My FX7 is very dark. Did Sonywith the time the color changed?
Antwort von rosine:
So I would be the color medium, colors denote the direction of Titan. I think the color can be very handy, the surface is not quite so. It has fast tracks / abrasion daruf of different things, whether of the finger nails. BUT: It might be difficult to produce visible scratches, which in any case an advantage is :-))
Antwort von Markus:
Now I consider whether a circular pole filter is useful. [...] The problem is that the polarizer can actually be adjusted depending on the light (or ???)... Yes, a circular polarizer is useful. No, we should not it all the time aufgeschraubt, but it only needs to use. And yes, we must always re-align him so that he synonymous achieved the desired effect (and not the opposite effect reinforced).
See synonymous:
Filter effects such as videos (polarizer, ND filter, etc.)
Antwort von rosine:
Yes and precisely because it is so critical of the handling, because the filter is indeed behind the Compendium aufgeschreaubt, so I change this to only be removed. Certainly it would be useful if a longer period of time filming the same motive, apart from this so divided opinions on the filters to prevail. Ok, so for me to be a part of growth and taste. On the 50 Euros, it is now, I believe no longer synonymous.
Antwort von Markus:
Yes and precisely because it is so critical of the handling, because the filter is indeed behind the compendium is aufgeschreaubt ... Use filters to work does so, the recording to try to improve. That has always been associated with overtime, just as with an additional whitening or a better sound recording synonymous.
... apart from this so divided opinions on the filters to prevail. This must be differentiated view. There are filters whose effect is synonymous in the later Postpro can achieve (eg, some color) and those where it is not possible (eg, pole-and Grauverlauffilter). The latter one has to use during recording, you want the associated Effect achieve.
Antwort von WoWu:
At such subsequent filtering in the post-production you just always make sure that the filtering is done inclusive of all artifacts. Where the optical filter in the pure light field work, the electrical filter, only all together, so incl. CA, edge sharpening, noise, MPEG artifacts, etc., etc..
So all the disadvantages that no man really wants to see, are often used by filter modified, so that they are quite light.
"I'll fix it in the mix" is often used to boomerang.
So optical should be very much know what to do and what not. Otherwise, there is behind the nasty surprises.
What indeed is synonymous aggravating is the fact that in the Camera did not even see what on the tape afterwards, because each monitor is in front of the data reduction and show off never the result that the tape is recorded.
Also it is worth remembering.