Frage von der Maik:
Hi Everybody,
my FX7 has a few days a new "feature". In the overexposed areas, Picture pink aufeinmal, preferably as a series of vertical stripes.
The whole thing is the LCD & Viewfinder to see and be synonymous on the tape. Incidentally, the switch position at Zebra 70% ne s.aber over-exposure to 100% switch position s.diesen (pink) points then nothing more.
Could what I have adjusted or shut up now synonymous expensive equipment no longer 12 months?
Grüße Maik
PS: Blooming gibts ja wohl only CCDs with CMOS ne ... when should
Antwort von Markus:
... or shut up now synonymous expensive equipment no longer 12 months? I read between the lines, that you still have warranty. Claim your camcorder! Immediately!
Antwort von der Maik:

nja warranty? Warranty? stupid chaos ... what you stop after 6 months still has ... I do werd. But what it would have interested me.
Grüße Maik
Antwort von younes:

But what it would have interested me.
us (FX7 user) certainly synonymous.
gruß cj
Antwort von voxey:

What you mean is not blooming, but Smearing! ;-) Come but in fact only in IT-CCD and not CMOS before.
Antwort von der Maik: hab mal fix nen kleines (4MB H.264) mp4 Video erstellt... damit ihr euch mal ne Vorstellung machen könnt wie das aussieht.
Zwischenzeitlich hab ich synonymous bei zu dunklen Bildern -dann grüne- Bildfehler festgestellt. (Bilder gibts evtl. s.Wochenende - falls ihr das ma sehen wollt)
Cam ist bereits zur Rep. angemeldet bin mal gespannt. Ich hatte jahrelang nix with dem SonySupport zu schaffen.
Grüße Maik
Antwort von asa:

disgusting pink stripes
looks like false mpg compression from!
had earlier in the tmpeg encoder
Antwort von Markus:
For years I had nothing with which to support Sony. I have only good experiences with the Sony service done. Was everything in the (Zeit-/Kosten-) Framework.
Antwort von der Maik:

Hi everybody!
I just like the website of the Sony Support (subcontractor) has been found in the "TT-003-BOARD AND RENEWED ABGELICHEN," says someone who was?
Meanwhile I'm waiting on the postal woman:)
Grüße der Maik
Antwort von der maik:

I still owe you the answer to the precise error description from Sony Service:
... "on the main board was named the Camera Controller
defective for the activation of the CCD chip is responsible, since these
Control was defective, there was this color ."...
While CMOS indoors ... but I think they can be synonymous wrong job:)
Everything clear?
Grüße der Maik
PS: let's see whether and how long the cam now durchhält