Frage von jeantier:
either I'm too stupid or what have overlooked, but
In all my research I found two shortcuts and general program capabilities in Vegas does not ...
Links, or fill gaps
Save and Reset 2 User bring display, that is a possibility of the GUI Vegas oer to normal level at.
At the latest after a Project siehts for me that is always wildly
Antwort von Marco:

>> Either I'm too stupid or have overlooked what
Hast thou, that's all in the manual, or in the helpfile of Vegas.
>> Fill close links or gaps
This makes the "Auto Ripple", or synonymous, the function "Post-Edit Ripple.
To save>> a way, the GUI of Vegas
STGR + ALT + D key to save the current layout and then press a number key of 1-0 high on the number bar (not on the number pad) to assign this just saved layout of a number key.
Consult on the layout then ALT + F, then the corresponding number key.
About this method can also store and retrieve up to 10 layouts, scripting can be saved through an infinite number of layouts and retrieve.
Antwort von jeantier:

I hab'nach all Bergiffen searched but to "ripple" I would not have in life ...
Layout finally I found out myself ...
anyway, thanks dear
Antwort von jeantier:

've Now found in the help, but
Ripple is then not what I
I am looking for an automation gaps
to close, and not manual
by removing or moving
to fill.
When is Final and Premiere 's
I mean having the function of the
Gap. Then schmeisst
he has to go all the holes and push the
Clips together.
For even more grateful nen Tip
PS. Matchmedia was, incidentally nen klasse hint ... :-)
Antwort von Marco:

In my opinion, the workflow is optimal if only arise any gaps, which is guaranteed by the Auto-Ripple. Precisely this is the automation there.
But who wants to have different, can dissolve in Vegas on a similar script. One of these scripts is called "DeleteEmptySpaceBetweenEvents" acts on all selected tracks and is available as a free download in the big Vegas-script collection of
Antwort von colding999:
LOVE daaaaaanke! ;.) such immediately after the script
In my opinion, the workflow is optimal if only arise any gaps War usually for ages streams delivered,
I hate to trim, so I dismemberment of the material before
Thus the gaps ... I am also an avowed Slob
and thus work to the chagrin of my partner, synonymous chaotic.
Thanks to you soon no more.
After all, is what comes out s.end
mostly to the satisfaction of all.
And is the result matters.
Thank God ...
Antwort von jeantier:

had vergssen to login ...
So thank you again indicated