Frage von Jack43:
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Hello s.alle,
The beginning I would have ever ... The Camera is on a narrow street s.Boden. It is night. In the background a street lamp illuminates the scene. Left and right of the road can be dimly per a few older houses represent. A car appears in the bottom of Picture (The lantern falls steeply from the road) and is slowly approaching the camera, where it stops. The headlights are off, the door opened, after the latter Extras hear the steps from the car (s.der Camera ago) removed. Now I ask you, how would you continue? 3Meter left of the car is - in the Picture invisible - an old wooden hut (where after the war, refugees were living) I would like to incorporate into the action. It should be a kind of thriller. Length approximately 10-12 minutes. I'm curious to see your ideas. Danke schon mal and
Grüsse of
PS: Not that I myself would be too lazy to look for ideas, but I already have quite a few films - according to their own ideas - rotated, and slowly walk me ideas!
Antwort von Eva Maier:

Quite simply ..
First comes the Strasser agreement and then maybe a nice sunrise.
/ E
Antwort von Jack43:

well, not exactly a thriller is not it? :-)
Antwort von Markus:

Why do I only knew what reaction such a question in this forum cause? - Jack43 Sorry, but I am almost afraid, very productive, the yield of (in your meaning useful) ideas.
See synonymous:
Antwort von Axel:

The driver goes into the hut. He knipst a light bulb to see in front of a mirror halbblinden something frischzumachen. The Pendulum bulb illuminates a series of strange bundles in the background from which hervorgucken feet. From a table is a
mirror and he goes out.
Cut: The evening promenade of the river glittering in the background, smiling people on the terraces. It leans left s.einer small wall, the magazines in his hand. A handsome woman approaching him. "Are you Lover13?" He smiles ...
Antwort von Jack43:

How about I presented the synonymous Mark ... But who knows, because if I use the idea of Axel read, I find that because you have a few interesting elements for the building has a story ... Thank you Axel! Find the idea halbblindem mirror with your feet and good! Let's see what happened to me personally or into just extra :-)
You have a nice evening and greetings of
Antwort von Jack43:

That was krass! Adventure story I read what Mark Krass ... there expires or is gone!
Antwort von
In the background a street lamp illuminates the scene. Left and right of the road can be dimly per a few older houses represent. A car appears in the bottom of Picture (The lantern falls steeply from the road) and is slowly approaching the camera, where it stops. .....
3Meter left of the car is - in the Picture invisible - an old wooden hut (where after the war, refugees were living) I would like to incorporate into the action.
is quite filmreif your gegend ...
on something you would come here garnicht as absent.
gruß cj
Antwort von Jack43:

I live in a beautiful 60Seelen dump. The area is synonymous beautiful, but only with a beautiful area, unfortunately we do not have film ... I think you live in the city, and because it has lots of good venues or?
Antwort von smooth-appeal:

Without a story, I would not even come up with the idea of a film.
Car, lights go out, people run away from the car has nothing to do with story, sorry. That would be at all what the storyboard, but you need to stop synonymous erstmal a story you would like to bring over.
Your approach seems to me to be very questionable. You have a single location and you will want a proper story from sucking their fingers (or the synonymous nor should others do)
Think you a story and try to implement it cinematically - if nothing is you should seriously ask if "movies" to produce a suitable hobby for you.
Does not mean evil, just a well-thought.
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

it overrides any so often so that it provides a great place and there are a very great idea, what it can produce film could.
I will always do the following: I take me a note, try the area to describe, make (if I still have this image of) a picture and try my very strong area s.diese remember.
I sometime have a story to fit the area could get my book with pictures and slips out and I search the area again. Hopefully by then has not changed so much, otherwise I must just next search!
I would be the other way around Heransgehensweise synonymous propose anseiden you need to apply a quick Imagefilm of you, what you still need great pictures. But for this you do not need story (excerpts long then!)
I you have not yet been able to convince a different approach, I would still recommend you, even on a very creative great story to come (whether it is caused by certain music, or by going s.diesen place and go a bit herumläufst and you imagine, what is happening there could be mentioned -> everybody differently!).
Because ultimately, the director of the story be convinced!
(Indeed, the scriptwriter is anyway ^ ^)
Many greetings,
Antwort von AndyZZ:
Without a story, I would not even come up with the idea of a film.
Your approach seems to me to be very questionable. You have a single location and you will want a proper story from sucking their fingers. Well, he must be somewhere to start. I have a friend with 10 years ago on Hi8 synonymous times a film rotated. The idea came through a carnival costume, nothing more. Then we have a 1-minute rotated, quite simple. And then there were s.Schluss length 90 min film.
Of course, we have every weekend together and hang spun script, over a period of months. But once you start it.
Actually we want a second film, but we simply no longer in full swing. A rough idea is there, but only in two sentences on paper. Maybe we should just shoot a scene and build drumherumbauen ...
Do not be discouraged Jack43, finally, we would neither Spielberg nor Cameron.
Antwort von Macmacmac:

the beginning of the 80s the 90s gabs a whole series
nice little film from Britain with the stories
from the neighborhood to have.
perhaps as a very interesting suggestion.
gruß cj
Antwort von Macmacmac:

Antwort von PowerMac:

The Gedo with headlamps and the car is rubbish. This is not a film and certainly not an approach for a story, let alone a script. This is unspectacular and unspannende action. But a film is not only mysterious plot lines, but a touching story with people, characters, emotions! Think you a motive, a situation in which people appear. Like the protagonists act in it? Why? What motive do they have? The expectation that you have with your interpretations and estimates of the pseudo-mysterious because aufbaust quark, which can only versemmeln. So let the better. Even if you can do it, one minute thriller atmosphere to hold sometime comes from. Then everyone think somehow started well, but completely shitty story. So rather start one level lower. Not out of the scenario that you've started. Dear conceive a new story, where you then take those mysterious elements synonymous conscious film with linguistically and raison d'être can use.
Antwort von Macmacmac:

So like people, emotions and characters? Well, You'll laugh, but this is still a lot more and I already know quite a while! And why is because a good story does not begin exactly as I outlined above have next? And where I have since claimed that what I as a (potential) have described the beginning of a movie, or even a script is? Such comments, I can very well abstain, but thank you anyway, that you've made the effort to write something!
Antwort von PowerMac:

It would be lying if I said that I trust you ever had a presentable "feature" to have rotated.
You've sent you a tiny adjustment in your head ausgemalt which, if it is technically perfectly attentive audience at a high level of expectation towards mess to your cause. That is all. This is not a movie.
And if you claim something else ... then you do something!
Excuse me.
Antwort von kiteschlampe:

because once you see how different people are: I film while synonymous but honestly, I lack the tools. Sure, I believe it and then what rauskommt is ok, but I am always unhappy afterwards, I'm honestly not a good cameraman.
But ideas for films I have without question and would like to take a transpose need do is handwerker.
But I am already almost forty synonymous and cinema always been addictive.
So stay tuned
Antwort von Axel:

Stay calm when the starting point trashy. True, it sounds like a deliberate intro-up, the usually outrageous act stupid with poor performers follows. Make it stop better.
Antwort von AndyZZ:

We hold all the different claims:
Powermac earned money order, which must be professional, so he survived.
Jack43 and I was, how have / had fun just because something is on the footing. Our contributions will never be run on television, the movies we will never sell. And our friends, our view effusions, have also not these expectations.
Because it is simply funny, the friend / friend / lover / ... on the screen in a movie-like action to be seen.
My film was ... I have so much in life rarely lasting fun!
Hobby vs. living
Antwort von Axel:
My film was ... I have so much in life rarely lasting fun! I concur with me. A beautiful job, I can simply not imagine. Thus the effort invested not only in a show for cameo appearances of family members and friends the result, you have acquired his own taste film critical of their own actions to apply. And this is missing.
The atmospheric opening scene described whispered: Great Movies. Powermac is right, it is a promise, s.das can hardly believe it. But it is so cinematic and not a bad start. Now depends on what comes next. Poor imitation grotto or intelligent, exciting development. This is not all bad by acting versaut, are good, taciturn important dialogues. No one should be motivated to play. Better, the guy somehow fits the role (synonymous consciously against type works well) and we photographed him.
And Cut! The scene suggests: Now comes a thriller or something Düsteres, sick. It is a movies-topos. A snapshot of a picture that has already generated an expectation attitude. Therefore, is not in love with a beautiful recording, but they just stand for as long as necessary and as short as possible. As said DeLuxe 5 stars so beautiful?
The Leude wolln that what happens! Good films is difficult. If it would be easy, where would the fun? Why is not Trendsport sack race?
Antwort von Anne_trister:

Likewise, I will make Axel! And do not worry, I will do it better :-)
If a site earns money, does that mean is not that he is synonymous really "deserves"! Professionally be called so only that person with what he makes his living ... Professionally financed its says nothing about the quality delivered from ... Television on, eyes on and zapping ... Lots of scrap is because of certain "professionals served!
Thus, it is Andy, have fun together, something to make dei legs, and especially no one accountable to our work because we amateurs talking None Dreiner (except perhaps any Klug ....) and we must do what, and how we want it!
kiteschlampe not let you get! Your camera work attempts to improve, or you search a good cameraman / woman, because there are synonymous among the amateurs. Rotate a movie is teamwork and in this way you will designate one or more of your good ideas into practice!
Oh, if I am here in the forum would write something for me after what I have to apologize, I probably would prefer to remain silent. Decency, and waistline for some people seem still to be foreign!
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Excuse me. Powermac, you will now wimp?
Antwort von Blackeagle123:

: D
I would be happy then have a trailer or the film (depending on the length possibly only in part) on Youtube to see and here Kirtik representative.
Many greetings,
Antwort von Jack43:

Constantin can still take a while, because I must first look at the story, then write script, and at least 5-6 times so that each new version to make corrections / changes and improvements can be made. Well, then the film "only" be rotated :-) So I ask you be patient!
Grüsse of
Antwort von AndyZZ:

Upload one of your old movies.
Antwort von Jack43:

Andy if you explain to me what I must do it! Zb. I would have there a 13minütigen I with the Canon XL1 in (pseudo) 16 / 9 have rotated. How should I proceed to set this film? Have them miniDV cassette and DVD.
Grüsse of
Antwort von AndyZZ:

No clue! :-)
Have never been as far as compressed.
Time looking at YouTube, what prerequisites need to have your movie.
Then, possibly with video editing program, etc. in wmv, flash or DivX or ... and reduced Resolutionumrechnen leave. Then upload. If you, however, a normal DSL 1000 and DSL 2000 access did with a paltry vvon Upload 128 kbit / s, then you will need to upload a few days probably ...
Antwort von Jack43:

I'm just practicing on the movie :-) have imported into Edius and it as a web video. I'm curious whether it works!
Antwort von Jack43:

Andy this has not worked! I have the video under media player, but they are still 168Mb! Well, maybe someone else knows so Slashcam users employ it as I can!
Antwort von Axel:

When YouTube is the 100 MB limit and 10 minutes. The quality is lousy. It is better to divide the movie into even smaller size and lower data rate as a *. wmv or *. mov (H.264) on a server to have. Then you can use a small version for streaming and a large version for download, as is often the case with movie trailers is made, eg on
Even an argument, a short film to be cut next.
Antwort von Anne_trister:

Hello Axel,
Thank you for your reply! Sorry, but all this is too complicated for me! 've never done something, and leave it better!
A Letter of