Frage von andi1987:
I go as follows:
I cut s.einem film, save in with a new name on an external HD s.and close the program. Turn on the PC.
New Day, New PC Start:
Program to open this file open, and then comes the problem:
I have cut of the material of each scene
Picture no more, I can say the cut scenes only listen, but can
no longer see
video. The first track is completely empty. The second still remains to save everything in order.
What am I doing wrong? Spins the program?
Please implore for help. This program depends on my final exam!
Schon mal Danke
Antwort von Pianist:

I know your software can not, therefore, a general remark: For any editing program is shared between the project data and the picture and sound distinguished. If you do not pay attention or not using the right functions, then it may happen that it still has its project data, for example, the timeline, but that the picture and sound wholly or partially offline, because you made a mistake Part of it has cleared. Conversely, it could be that all the picture and sound data are available, but no timeline more, because you accidentally deleted the project file has. You must therefore look exactly times, because really what you have tamed. Your phrase "... save with a new name on an external hard drive from ..." can mean everything. And it may be synonymous everything wrong. But it is probably the original band still exist?
Antwort von Duisburger:

Which version do you want?
News update installed?