Frage von Die Talla:
I would like to make "private," a film about terrorism and women's rights violation. The film should be a Menschenrehs movement.
Where can I get footage of the subject LEGAL?
Can I use material with YouTube as private source, which I have, right from the TV so seen in the U.S. but synonymous in Germany.
And what is with the videos, the Islamists online job if I using?
Antwort von Funque:

How about because if you go out and photographing themselves. using your signature you seem to be so equipped very well. Said already 2 big topics at once. what kind of film because coming out as a result? Is it a private Menschenrehs movement or to the film but not be related?
Antwort von Die Talla:

Hi funque,
How about because if you go out and photographing themselves. If you give me the travels through the Islamic culture niche pay and pay attention to me very much.
Is it a private Menschenrehs movement or to the film but not be related? The Project is private, but I want the film later put on YouTube and Google on-line.
What I do not understand is that people have made the whole 9 / 11 conspiracy theory videos but 90% of all illegal material with which nothing worked why this happens, the videos are everywhere and download?
Antwort von Alf_300:

Do you fear that Bin Laden sued for copyright protection or out of state then collects?
Antwort von Die Talla:
Do you fear that Bin Laden sued for copyright protection or out of state then collects? State protection is to me no preference, not Bin Laden!
One sees what filmmakers and cartoonists so everything can happen is with the theme of the employees.
Antwort von Alf_300:

In such cases, always keep CAM ready, because videos are from the old AM Rar. ;-)
Not to mention that it does not infringe the rights of women in Arabia, but only in European countries, ie in the problem areas of Cologne and Berlin, there is plenty of terror and despised women's rights.
Antwort von Die Talla:
In such cases, always keep CAM ready, because videos are from the old AM Rar. ;-) ha ha ha ...
Antwort von crassmike:
Not to mention that it does not infringe the rights of women in Arabia, but only in European countries, ie in the problem areas of Cologne and Berlin, there is plenty of terror and despised women's rights. What are "women's rights" mean? To my knowledge there is only so-called "human rights" - and that they are respected in Arab countries is not so, but you can see especially in these times.
But - I beg you - you have indeed not the same across the Middle East on a mule ride - with Camera, Solar Charger and fünhundert memory cards ... But to speak for research purposes synonymous with some locals and - at least in any Islamic country (with perhaps not soo many threats) - a rough image of the situation to gain is probably a journalistic minimum ...
But yes, a [quote: "private"], video - what does this mean? There are a lot s.Urheberrechtsverletzungen on Youtube that are tolerated - that does not make them legal. If you refer to have human rights organizations to ask you but sometimes there through, maybe one has contacts there to free journalists and camera crews .. you can assign rights s.ihrem material?
Antwort von iMac27_edmedia:

@ The Talla: How you find the video - very unusual [/ list]!
Antwort von Piers:
And what is with the videos, the Islamists online job if I using? As you can see from your question in another thread, you is not really familiar with the topic of copyright. # 481 784 From your questions appear out for you the copyrights to end up in the moment when something "online". Just because something is publicly accessible, it is still not free of rights. It is and still remains the work of another, and you feel you have of her / him to obtain the right to use this work themselves.
As far as I know have various stations under contract, which grants them the use of Youtube videos. Somewhere in the YT-AGB's legal language is synonymous to continue to use the YT each uploaded video itself fully, or may pass on for further use.
There are a reseller of video archives, video material, or sell rights to use. Have even a film for the Federal Ministry for Development and Cooperation made, in the amount of material from the Third World was built. The film consisted of about 20min purchased directly material that has cost more than 25,000 DM. So nothing for low-budget-just-once-fast-a-small-private-video-rotated approaches.
Antwort von iMac27_edmedia:

If you upload material, eg at Vimeo, the the (if you put the information on the rights wrong) sell synonymous, the author then goes empty-handed!
Antwort von Alf_300:

Legally, one must of course take anything that one does not own, which should be clear.
other sets, there are finder's fee if you find something ;-)
So you should first save the found and behold if someone reports DERS missing.
Antwort von mann:

My humble opinion on the question:
You make it a documentary, right? Then you must document the existing material without violating rights. It may just not seem so dominant in your work, that it is practically a copied original. But you must not of course show in part, for the purpose of documentation, it 'quote' also (in a document with the correct source), document containing a newly-compiled work.
Would be surprised if this were not so.
Mucke occurs only when there, I would still be cautious and they would at most only a very short show, for the Gema makes itself even their own laws.