Frage von nostra:
hello together,
first a "hello" s.alle users. The forum here has given me many useful questions, but in my present problem (perhaps my ignorance) I have with the search in the Forum found no answers.
My problem is as follows:
with a Panasonic NV-GS500 suppose I watch in 4:3 mode on PAL. These I cut with Premiere CS3. Exporting to do it as a Flash file with a frame rate of 25 and a bit rate of approximately 1,000. The film is then, depending of the length (usually about 3min.) Approx 20-30MB in size. Then do I download the file at sevenload high.
Unfortunately, the film is then "pixilated" what disturbs me greatly.
Can you give me any help with the settings, or do I have s.Anfang something wrong, because I'm still beginners when it comes to the editing of shooting goes.
In youtube, the results look even worse, so I landed at sevenload because as the quality of the films have "anschaubar" is.
About the help of you I would be very pleased. If you have more precise settings of my needs, let me know.
A beautiful Sunday night yet ...
Greets, nostra
Antwort von scream: is currently the best video portal what it is. There, the videos are not up to "mobile phone recordings converted ..
In the best quality recording and rendering. Then in VC-line (File Size no preference, hauptsache the Picture is good) and you will be happy. Everything else is botch.
Antwort von nostra:

thanks for the quick reply.
My only problem is that there are very many movies and I like the large account and have to conclude as a student who really only for testing and for the lecturers to put movies online, a fairly expensive thing.
But on sevenload youtube and there are synonymous, the films are razor sharp, as the people make it?
Antwort von scream:

Razor-sharp probably only in the eye of the beholder;)
The whole experiment as .mpeg / .wmv / .avi render. Sevenload has a limit of 200MB / video, so have a little play with the bitrate for the best result.