Frage von Theofilm:
Short time, ne ask s.Euch,
I turn a number of years since the successful industrial and image films.
Now I am often asked well-known of what is now my profession.
People Put a yes like in a drawer.
Well, I write the scripts themselves, lead Directing, standing s.der Camera and cut the films synonymous. So to sound, editing, technology, such as crane, rail etc do I make the most of themselves.
"Only" cameraman or cutter or "only" author or director shall not be.
Could one say? or is that term reserved for the movie?
Antwort von LightTrancefer:

sounds like shit on
I always wanted formerly Farmer Robots are - just listen to shit
Robot builder is so synonymous in the German krass ambiguous: O)
You're the producer or director Amateur
(is now in the camera Technical untergebuttert but naja)
"Producer in the film industry"
sounds good - done
Antwort von DoBBy:

Now I am often asked well-known of what is now my profession. If you think this image and film industry professionals really make money and so deserving, you're in this division. Do not know how to express it differently, because you are so pretty synonymous nor anything to make themselves seem. Do you do the whole thing, however, only incidentally, and it jumps holding times of one or the other euro for your movies are in and out of reality at an employment office registered as a tax, then you are of professional tax advisors and make sideline or hobby just for the movies that business, where you stop occasionally to earn something.
Antwort von KrischanDO:

"Video producer in the industry," sounds quite p * rnös,
would be as easy as
"commercials". Industrial and image films advertise so times now.
Or say, you turn porn, then you will need a coach to all the volunteer assistant with them. ;-))
PS: What is it for a comic, the "p * rnös" (with "o" instead of "*") anmeckert, "porn" but durchwinkt, and to themselves as
"anti-spam filter" imagining?
Antwort von LightTrancefer:

I love Google:
"Theo DVD p * rn movies"
There is really ...
Antwort von Theofilm:

Good idea, I say Pornofiler and have just free wizard ;-)))
Time in an emergency. So I'm doing the whole Full. So earn my living. However, not only synonymous but commercials for television documentaries.
So because of amateur is not the speech.
Yes maybe sounds funny but it is probably the most common term.
Or maybe and director?
Director and producer were synonymous, but then do I make trouble with the Artists' Social Welfare Fund because it is not artistic enough to listen ;-)))
Antwort von KrischanDO:

Or maybe and director?
I do not frivolous. If it fits the description, it is okay.
Antwort von DWUA:

@ Christian
Well, there are quite
comical. "Make Monei" is not synonymous with, if you type "Money writes.
Even experienced.
Experiment's it!
@ Theo
Review here:
There absolutely
trash carter listen!
Antwort von Pianist:
Could one say? Could be, but sounds more artistic and therefore not take quite the point. In principle, it is with me so as you like, just that I still synonymous the entire content of the work do. Therefore, I occasionally refer to as a "major political film", or if it fits into the context, synonymous with a slight wink like to "full story teller."
Otherwise, if it is only a single word may be, it would probably actually "film producer" s.besten, if synonymous with the close approach is simply wrong, because we do far more than a producer usually does. In Anglo-Saxon, there is a wonderful word, exactly what is going on there for people like us who is "Producer". Unfortunately, here in Germany but synonymous again a totally different meaning and there is more to the purely organizational work.
We must be well to accept that we need a strong statement profession, the only one with two to three sets can be correctly described.
Antwort von KrischanDO:
There absolutely trash carter listen!
;)) Jau, PSR Sinnlos phone is class!
Antwort von DWUA:

And a "Drawer"
commercials is exactly right!
For Artists Social Welfare Fund or the Tax totally sufficient.
As long as people like Kübelböck & Co as an
artist are, this is true for
Commercials ever.
Antwort von Chezus:

Hm, film-makers (as described in the title) seems to hit only if you have begotten a new ...
Or if you, all you've done, successfully go into production;)
I think video producer or film producer quite fit.
When I asked who, rather then video producer, because I have little to garnicht to do with film hab.
Antwort von Theofilm:

yes trash carter I grad belongs. is super. :-)))
I enclose my now so synonymous with a concept, you know all the decision and if not, at least it sounds important.
Storyteller is synonymous not bad. Is a lot of light no real title, but maybe somehow exactly what the earlier times were.
Well I have just several names. I do so several synonymous. And those who strictly believe in drawers, you need me just open up more.
Have a nice evening still wants