Frage von Ellie:
Need urgent help! Work with Ulead Video Studio 10 pros and have a video in MPEG2 created. The manual is, I can simply highlight the clip in the archive and then click video file to another medium output "button. Then the message "Microssoft Active Movie control using yes-no". Have now tried both, but somehow it does not work. I myself can open while the film, probably because the link to my own hard drive accesses. Will I have the link for the movie s.jemand other ship, it can not open the link and thus the film synonymous not see. What have I done wrong and how does it work correctly?
Antwort von Georg:

The film will be but once only in a local HTML file embedded. This must then surely irgendeien on webspace loaded. I've still never done.
Antwort von Ellie:

True, this is exactly the problem. I will create my site with Macromedia Dreamweaver and tried to install the link, but it does not work. The manual is synonymous: "If you use this page for your Web server upload, you need to change a single line of code." What must be changed because that?
Antwort von B.DeKid:

the internal / local link links to your PC - the location of the file
You have the clip in a separate folder on your webpage (the hosting server) to store / upload.
Then the address of the link (just the file stored) in the generated link local mount.
Well, this link of a Page (frame) to be sorted.
This is appearing in all images or videos, etc. the same / same ;-)
Only then can you for example upload Index.htlm to be synonymous is accessed.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Ellie:

Thanks for the tip. What I do not understand - as you describe that it has more HP with my application to do so than with Ulead, right?
> Then the address of the link (just the file stored) in the generated link local mount <
Does that mean I should be the first of Ulead created by the new link to replace or append or what? Sorry for my ignorance ...
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Sure, the INet administration with what to do.
Pass on
If I understood you correctly you want a finished clip show your friend.
This click can be Him.
To do this you must either
- The clip in a Net Page I embedded in a domain I Net / Server download (Youtube, or your own website)
- Your friend access to your own PC grant (VPN / P2P)
Your video progi provides only a link with the player functions, the Konrolle is in this link to your hard drive the file being linked / called.
If you have this link into your web page appears in the embed player feature but no video .... because the player is now available on a non-existent address being accessed.
Accordingly, you need the player to link to the file type.
So until then upload video link to the video in the "Players" link.
<object> <param> </ param> <param> </ param> <embed> </ embed> </ object>
To link it to your system and between the "" below (the link) must be changed with the new target address of the uploaded videos / Picture.
<object> <param> </ param> <param> </ param> <embed> </ embed> </ object>
The belief that with
"If you use this page for your Web server upload, you need to change a single line of code." MfG
B. DeKid
GGRRRRRRRRR mom, I do as a screenshot, I can not code for type GGRRRRRRR