Frage von Reimer Reimer:
to a request in the
Filmstubehabe ich einmal zusammengetragen, was es so im Netz of unserem Schaffen gibt.
Und es sind doch 33 Stücklein zusammengekommen with etwa 200 Minuten Laufzeit ...
Hat mich überrascht; ich habe immer gedacht, dass es viel weniger sind, weil einem
spontan allenfalls ein halbes Dutzend Links einfallen. Leider fehlen of den etwa 90
Shooting sehr viele sehr gute.
Um die Choice zu erleichtern, setze ich einmal maximal drei Sternchen pro Film (with
Ausnahme der Häppchen).
Alles Gute Axel
Midway - Daniel Roßberg (10 min) **
"Hand in Hand" - Daniel & Steffen Roßberg Werske (11 min) **
in the basement - Steffen Werske (3 min) *
no Fish "Go again" - Klaus Frevert (4 min) ***
Photographer, The - Axel Braun (5 min) ***
Princess, The - Steffen Werske (8 min) *
Game - Steffen Werske (9 min) *
Thing, The - Daniel Roßberg (10 min) ***
Hartz IV, with consequences - Christian Grundey (9 mins) ***
- Steffen Werske (8 min) ***
Intermezzo tacito - Daniel Roßberg (4 Min.)***
iRomance - Jan-M. Studt (7 mins) ***
Powers variant, The - Daniel Roßberg (7 minutes) **
Another Day - Suntjes Free (5 minutes) *
request - Steffen Werske (7 minutes) *
monster of Hamm, The - Steffen Werske & Suntjes Free (9 min) *
X - Part 1 (Episode 2) - Steffen Werske (9 min) *
X Episode 2 (Episode 9) - Free Suntjes (9 min) *
...! - Free Suntjes (3 min) *
Mise-en-abyme - Björn Last (Häppchen)
with Night, A - Suntjes Free (8 min) *
Out of Paradise - Jan-M. Studt (2 min) **
Perfekte Plan, Der - Jan Frehse (Häppchen)Rose Time - Roland Willner (9 mins) ***
- Steffen Werske (3 min) *
Sommer, Winter, Tod - Steffen Werske (15 Min.) = In der Mitte "Der Online Competition" anklicken*
my game - Steffen Werske (11 min) *
Sushi - Ben & André Liese Orbahn (3 minutes) ***
Team Supreme "levelsupreme" - Christoph Hars (4 mins) ***
- Steffen Werske (3 min) *
Unusual - Steffen Werske (15 Min.)*
Four wins - Jan-Peter Ewert (5 min) **
Antwort von Axel:

A bit much at once. I start shooting times with two top of the list. Previously, a warning:
I tell my remarks in the "Output". First Watch, read, or, as in imdb says:
*** WARNING! CONTAINS SPOILERS *** "Midway" I liked it. My Internet connection is paused (or I should have liked the film really need to download), so it looked like a slideshow. Initially thought that it was intent, in any event was not bad, I must use times. Very philosophical for a short film, but the idea of eternal recurrence takes place in holding the head, not in the movie. I would like the movie a few times in a row view.
"The Photographer" is probably of you (?). The "Pointe," that is not, it makes a statement about how to find the essentials. Does the photographer on some viewers might like a blender, with its staging of the show, only a higher fee will be justified, serves the entire effort in this reality, the comic illustrator in various positions to be experienced. The "a" good image is still in the mind of the photographer, and only when it is finished, he takes the film insert. I would like some digital photographers recommend that the cut in 2000 to shoot photos. But synonymous for Videographers / Filmmakers and then would be: Will you clarify what you want.
Antwort von Reimer Reimer:

Hello Axel,
six years ago have hamburgers Filmmakers on the Internet-ken
NEN learned and started to shoot films on the basis of "I am helping you out
your movie, you are helping me with my film. "
And again and again encounter Hamburger or North German Filmmakers
to us, long after such a film have been looking round and then
surprisingly show that the film office for so long already there.
Some 90 works have so far emerged,
five times it has already "film office goes Cinema" movie night where.
The list is now not so much as a desire thought that everyone everything kucken
May ... rather than a "Hello, it gives us" for the curious from the north-German
land ... and as an inspiration for film enthusiasts elsewhere are also
(Then I will and when this thread get out of the closet ...
although it would be glad if anyone of them felt disturbed.)
The oldest post in the forum here for the film office is five years old
Film Lounge It was the first short film shooting, "The Laundromat" in the autumn of 2002,
just a bad run, because 24 people s.Set for a large implementation
themselves had provided. The film is for amusement only once all
Involved in a Notfassung at our 1,000-day celebration listed
leads have been ... all parties to laugh only when they are on the rotation
appeals ...
From mistakes can be learned, and so has the film office in the February -
Meeting 2003 of careful planning. The result,
"Rose Period", is quite
a valuable Kuck.
And, once three films as a recommendation to choose, I
"Sushi" and
"iRomance" added.
There are synonymous a small report about the film office at
Brittle TV - RTLregional. All the best Axel
PS These are good thoughts of you on the "photographers" ...