Frage von adrenalin64:
I want to save the GEZ fee and abolish the TV and log off completely synonymous. However, I would still maintain DVDs and videos from the DVD / video player (there's even able to see both in our budget).
Is it practically possible to connect (without PC), a DVD or video player directly s.einen simple LCD monitor?
If yes: Which interfaces should have the LCD monitor? I still would have to buy.
Would be very happy about easily understandable information.
Thanks and regards, Adrenalin64
Antwort von prem:

There are
1. Equipment supporting analog YUV / SVideo / Composite Connections.
2. Devices that take place via DVI / HDMI digital content.
The StandardTFT the store will be able to present a PAL picture.
Has Extron scaler, which can convert PAL signal into RGBHV / DVI.
But please pay first, then complain about the price.
As you use the TFT as a viewing device, it could just as
request for payment to come. In many parts of Germany
is the analogue television signal switched off already anyway, so will be a
Viewing device no longer just a TV, but all
bildwiedergebenden devices. Formerly a TV had a tuner
have put forward to be included as such, no longer so
because theoretically one can synonymous DVB-S/T-Receiver s.einen TFT
be connected.
mfg chmee
Antwort von oliver II:

Hello adrenaline (as a name certainly fits relating to license ;-))
The following link disillusioned sure, because at the GEZ says quite simply: PC = Internet Radio and therefore a fee!
By the 8th Rundfunkänderungsstaatsvertrag have adopted new regulations in the countries Rundfunkgebührenstaatsvertrag (RGebStV). The treaty is S.01. April 2005 entered into force.
It was among other things, a succession plan for the up to 31.12. 2006 establishing a temporary moratorium on PC-created. According to § 11 paragraph 2 RGebStV deleted for Internet PCs s.01.01.2007 the temporary suspension of the license fee requirement. This shows that the legislature has introduced a new license requirement for Internet PCs. Because synonymous before 01.01.2007 Internet PCs were under the Law radios.
The succession plan leads to an equalization of non-private sector with the private sector for the Zweitgerätefreiheit in terms of new radios. § 5, paragraph 3 RGebStV now provide that pay for so-called "novelty radios not only in the private sector" under the conditions referred to in paragraph 3 no license fee.
Novel radio receivers are radio devices that do not have radio communications part, but the reception of broadcasting can enable new distribution channels and new receivers (for example, reflect Calculator, which deals from the Internet, PDA and mobile phones with UMTS or) Internet connection.
In ready homes, the radios and / or televisions, the new radios remain synonymous on 01.01.2007 also exempt under the so-called Zweitgerätefreiheit of the license fee. As in most households, radios and television sets are ready, reduces the issue of mandatory license fees for new radios in the home to rare exceptions.
In the private sector, not only to advanced radios, no additional license fees to be made if already on a conventional radio and television and the same property or on contiguous land and are ready to be signed. If there are no conventional radio devices available, but new radios, then - regardless of the number of these devices - only a license fee to pay.
If the PC is fitted with a TV-/Radio-Karte, the device - regardless of an Internet access - sign-in principle and subject to charges, because the radio communications TV-/Radio-Karte one part of the PC and therefore is a radio receiver.
Antwort von StefanS:

On the subject GEZ and PC reminds me of something.
It's so that the PC considers the GEZ fee, no preference whether that box is really on the Internet, may, might, or not. It is crucial that you own a device.
We can even test out views, if not with the same reasoning would apply, for example, synonymous family. There could be:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I hereby apply for child benefit.
Before you ask, no, I have no child, but I have this device!
With shaking their greeting
Antwort von oliver II:

My proposal relating to the simplification of fees would be, that anyone with healthy ears and eyes is equipped dissipates immediately s.The GEZ fees. Still, it is quite possible to listen to the radio by mistake (eg on the street, etc.) and where would we be then, if any un-due-tion radio would receive.
You should also perform all its FernUnterhaltungsRundfunkZiffer, short fart tattooed on his forehead.
Antwort von Markus:

In these examples show precisely that the GEZ fee in truth one of the taxes and the government would s.liebsten if any, they would have to pay. And s.besten) is equal to several times (keyword: radio at work.
You can get a television out of the GEZ-out requirement, if one so that no program can receive more. For this you have only set the tuner out of action. Through the AV input (SCART Connections, etc.) can continue to watch DVDs.
A VCR or DVD recorder may be synonymous, of course, have no functioning tuner more. DVD player which can accommodate no Programs and are thus critical.