I would like a few tapes capturing HDV (on a Windows Calculator), it is the resulting video on hard drive and saved for Final Cut usable.
I have the following options: AVID Xpress Pro, Sony Vegas 8.0
What should I take and in what format?
Thank you in advance for an answer ...
Antwort von Markus:

[list] "
CS3 - Premiere Capture / Worksflow Mac + PC "
HDV of Mac to PC - does not work "
Capturen with Premiere (PC), Schnitt with Final Cut " ...[/list:u:d87cf1d2fd]Meine Suchworte waren "PC Mac Capturen". Das ließe sich vermutlich noch next konkretisieren.
Eine Frage stellt sich mir jedoch immer wieder: Warum soll die Nachbearbeitung (inkl. Capturen) auf zwei verschiedenen Plattformen stattfinden? Das ist doch unnötig umständlich.
Edit: typos * grrr *
Antwort von PowerMac:
With neither one, nor with the other. Take this ominous HDVSplit and native games. M2v files. The s.Mac you can with MPEG Streamclip comparatively easy to convert quicktime files, which Final Cut Pro work.
Thank you very much! Did everything as awaiting download, and will speak tomorrow s.die work.