Frage von mureis:
hello, I have a problem with Final Cut Pro 3rd my mac is a fairly new macbook with intelprozssor.
sometimes is in Final Cut Pro ton simply gone. I do not understand this, because the left-right sound from anzeige proposes yet. synonymous for the beep sounds ungerenderte "sees" on the display, but not hear it.
Another problem is iMovie. I have a few files with Final Cut Pro saved dv files in iMovie import. iMovie crashes but always from. then we open it again, so is the imported film is at least in the iMovie trash, but he has always 4:3 format even though the dv file doubt as anamorphic gespecihert was 16-9. imovieproblem the same way, there are if I file with Final Cut Pro as QuickTime movies.
Antwort von PowerMac:

The problem is simple and easy your old Final Cut Pro version that is incompatible with your hardware.
Antwort von debbi:

Hello you:)
If you come by chance in iMovie and Stop Motion draus?
If so write to me: debbi.frei @
would be super!
liebe grüsse