Frage von WWJD:
Hi folks
Did the user's guide in the search and leisure, but found nothing (or not searched for too long):
I want to FCS 6.0.5, two synonymous or several projects in different folders on the same disk (HD) store. How does it work?
So I have in my MacPro 2 HD's, one for system and PROGIS and the other for the recorded media (clips). My wish would be for each new project a corresponding (new) folder to create the associated clips and files etc. are stored. Is this possible?
Grüsse WWJD
Antwort von Spielkind:

but he makes it auto?
if you create a new project and zb render clips, it saves the rendered data in a folder with the same name as your project.
synonymous when he saves capturing the clips in a single folder.
or have I misunderstood you?
Antwort von WWJD:

Yes yes, but I thought I could have in the System Settings tab under the work volume already determined, then unfortunately I can only max. 12 HD's to determine, understand what I mean .......
Antwort von Axel:

Is it really
twelve? In any case, all the misunderstandings on your page, because it is thought that the work volumes in the full sequence, which you specify, not for any other project. What you mean by that aim, you better explain again.
Antwort von WWJD:

Logo, Axel, forget that with the 12 or 22 hard disks, that's clearly what I am presenting is based on projects already vorzubestimmen various folders, and the Final Cut Pro project files virtually to pull into the dock and then retrieve them when s.Project begun or will be further developed, sorry if I am not quite express ........
Antwort von Axel:

The materials from Capture Scratch, Audio - and video render files and other stuff are imported Krimkskrams in one or more "boxes" (volumes), Krimskrams
stupid. Only through a Final Cut Pro project file ( "List" film dampers icon), they are in their specific organization of your website. What you think I want is
a "box" for each Project. That is only if you have anything synonymous to a separate volume (HD, partition) did, a
folder is not a "box" but a "loose-leaf binders" that one, several or all "lists"
on the stuff in "boxes" contains. Move all the stuff you have a project in a folder, it still remains in the same box, but the list of the Finder (folder list) will no longer agrees with the list (which represents the browser) of Final Cut Pro on, so is your Krimskrams spill.
For archiving purposes, it may be about right with its own hard drive for each project to work, but this must be on the system level to be provided (System Preferences, Final Cut Pro), and therefore can not apply for multiple projects, or even, except that then everything ends up in the same box. The next turn is not tragic, because the Rules, the Final Cut Pro in this Rumpelkammer believes is infallible, but of course you're not.
Antwort von WWJD:

"What you think I want is a" box "for each Project. It's only when you are all synonymous to a separate volume (HD, partition)"
Exactly, unfortunately.
But what I want is a folder per project for all Krimskrams ......
Antwort von Axel:
But what I want is a folder per project for all Krimskrams ...... Your Final Cut Pro project file
is the folder. A folder is as described, yes or no "box", it "contains" is not what you hineintust. This from a folder that contains the name (ie the accounting references) to your "physical" material order, a box (only in your opinion, in reality, remains virtually everything), have to keep it on a new, separate volume, create ( " New Folder) and copy everything there. That is, as I said, useful for archiving purposes.
Your attitude is too much of thinking characterized analog, they will cut you with any obstacle. Stop it, wondering about the order system of Final Cut Pro on offense and take it out as it is.
Antwort von WWJD:

Yes, yes Axel, you think it's just good. I'm so synonymous you very grateful for your input, but looks, I have the feeling we are talking to each other (or I will insist to my wishes, may be synonymous, sorry).
"Stop it, wondering about the order system of Final Cut Pro on offense and take it out as it is."
Yes maybe you have so right.
It satisfies me in any way and manner ..........
Well, the world still revolves, not ......
I wish a nice weekend Axel