Frage von WWJD:
Hi folks
Have a small but very annoying problem:
I have with my Fotodigikamera video clips in 640x480 pixel format and shot them in Mpeg Streamclip to DV-NTSC format umkonvertiert. Then in 6.0.4 FCS as DV-NTSC sequence imported.
So, now my problem: It is nothing, if I any effect to a clip wants to apply, whether gamma, color correction to name just one example, or other, it does nothing.
Can I get a tip as a solution to propose?
Say thank you ever
Antwort von WWJD:

Probably all on holiday ?????
Antwort von PowerMac:

Can not be. Screenshot? Beispielclip for us?
Antwort von WWJD:

Hi PowerMac
Stupid question (sorry): From what a screenshot, of the sequence settings. for example?
Greetings Jack
Antwort von WWJD:

Please, please, None has a tip?
Antwort von PowerMac:

Yes, screenshot of the settings or Beispielmateriall.
Antwort von WWJD:

Hi PowerMac
Here is a screenshot of the Seq.einst.
Do you see the screenshot?
Do not understand, if I log in I see the screenshot, not out ???!!!