Frage von Lucina:
Hi folks,
I had extra Final Cut Studio 2 purchased for the EX1 files edit pages. The update to 6.0.2. I have also just made. Nevertheless, it will not work.
"File error: 1 file (s) detected at 0 access denied, 1 unknown" I get when I try to MP4 file to import. Do I need some more files, maybe of Sony? I do anything wrong? Please help me, thanks.
Antwort von weitwinkel:

I have only FC-Express (since I aufm pc with Edius cut),
but without the mpeg2 plugin for quicktime gehts not on the
mac with mpeg/m2t/hdv-daten, perhaps this is it?
gruß cj
Antwort von Helene:
I have only FC-Express (since I aufm pc with Edius cut),
but without the mpeg2 plugin for quicktime gehts not on the
mac with mpeg/m2t/hdv-daten, perhaps this is it?
gruß cj Thanks for the tip. So synonymous have the MPEG2 plugin for QT bought it and still not working. : (
Antwort von robbie:

Well ... google:
You need the EX transfer software and a special plugin. Again this will probably be somewhere near goole still leave out;)
Antwort von Lucina:

I'm s.verzweifeln and it does not get out. Have everything installed. Please: Can I use the MP4 files directly into FinalCut 6.0.2. import, or do I need it before in a different format?
Thank you
Antwort von robbie:

What are the (normal) quicktime - version hast thou?
Antwort von lucina:
What are the (normal) quicktime - version hast thou? Thanks, I did it but now after your help right.
Thank you very much
Antwort von PowerMac:

The Quicktime MPEG-2 plugin is completely unnecessary, because it is in Final Cut Pro included. Well, not properly researched and for 25 euros down the drain.
Antwort von Lucina:
The Quicktime MPEG-2 plugin is completely unnecessary, because it is in Final Cut Pro included. Well, not properly researched and for 25 euros down the drain. So it is! : (
Antwort von weitwinkel:

I am interested in buying from you the plugin ...
you've finally given reingeritten ...
and am still not had a
credit card to order ...
gruß cj
Antwort von Lucina:
I am interested in buying from you the plugin ...
you've finally given reingeritten ...
and am still not had a
credit card to order ...
gruß cj No, no. You're not to blame, because
I would have to inform myself better. No problem and thanks for the well-intentioned help;)
Antwort von weitwinkel:

with the repurchase of the mpeg2 plugins was already serious,
because when apple gets nothing without a credit card.
So when interest send me a mail.
gruß cj
Antwort von grapevine:

the interplay of the MP4 files of the EX1 and Final Cut Pro 6.0.2 works for me still does not. SxS Drivers and Transfer Tool is installed.
Calculator is a dual-core G5.
The Transfer Tool does not recognize MP4's - 0 clips ...
Did it with Quicktime 7.3 and tried 7.4.1. Without success.
Has anyone of you an idea what's might?
Antwort von PowerMac: =