Frage von darKOR:
nochn problem.
surely the same Final Cut Pro confusion:
... Not only that with a few clips in the deactivated level funzt
(-> See article)
I now have a much bigger problem, despite multiple reboots.
in the Canvas will always me a different clip than the one who take the time line is.
when do I double click it with the correct content synonymous opened in the viewer.
There will always display the contents of earlier times there was. now I have the clip, not only on an invisible level shifted, but synonymous raus
were missed, and still makes Final Cut Pro somehow the clip content mapping wrong.
when I use the clip from the Biblio drag and s.die insert body, he shows me is still the part of the contents of previous clips.
echt diagonally.
you get the out with rescue?
Antwort von Nicht eingeloggt:
There will always display the contents of earlier times there was. now I have the clip, not only on an invisible level shifted, but synonymous raus
were missed, and still makes Final Cut Pro somehow the clip content mapping wrong. Seeeehr strange. If you have not made any big mistakes, you have you Riesenmurks in the system. Suspicion: Is this really
the Canvas Canvas? Please try the following: Changing the experimental arrangement (somewhere in the top right of the Finder, the program did not before me), and try a default layout. That the current material from the timeline is not playing in the Canvas, it is totally illogical.
Please forgive if I am still a word to say to your workflow: Alternative clips in an invisible track to move in simultaneously recorded to a second camera perspectives sense - as a kind of precursor to Multiclip average. But it is not practical, because it cuts files and render the whole Chose makes unnecessarily confusing. If you are unsure about the effect of certain cuts, I would rather an alternative version in clear name.
Antwort von darKOR:

hola, thanks to you.
it is really the canvas! 've tried everything and changed. nix brought. canvas and viewer are really 100% as I have described the prob, because double-click on the clip in the timeline, so synonymous is truly the clipinhalt in the viewer, not only halt the canvas when I play with the needle drüber go.
I did follow gelößt.
it was as I said just make s.manchen on the timeline.
I have s.die make the time bar is still the old (former) material was simply playing a new clip that, in the reduced saturation etc and apple-R.
so he had to this point (the time bar) new render.
and it worked.
he was probably from the old clip was still in the cache or something.
Although not the elante but effective art to solve the problem.
anyway. hätt a question because I still.
and at times make you invisible Recommendation:
because how can I prevent that already ausgerenderte clips (green)
lose their information as soon as I briefly NEN other clip in its other flat drüber move?
and ask two, while if I ever am. and it .-)
and although, as I can because the clips on top of each other
(with partial mask for imaging, for example) group
so that they always move in a group behave?
thank you very much.
achso, last question.
me is my previous project (diploma, 20 min, but 70 source material) very important. how can I protect myself, that not more sone error occur? I store every two days with a new project file is 35MB. but what's more effective? eg Rescue?
yet thanks ma
Antwort von prem:

hola, thanks to you.
it is really the canvas! 've tried everything and changed. nix brought. canvas and viewer are really 100% as I have described the prob, because double-click on the clip in the timeline, so synonymous is truly the clipinhalt in the viewer, not only halt the canvas when I play with the needle drüber go.
I did follow gelößt.
it was as I said just make s.manchen on the timeline.
I have s.die make the time bar is still the old (former) material was simply playing a new clip that, in the reduced saturation etc and apple-R.
so he had to this point (the time bar) new render.
and it worked.
he was probably from the old clip was still in the cache or something.
Although not the elante but effective art to solve the problem.
anyway. hätt a question because I still.
and at times make you invisible Recommendation:
because how can I prevent that already ausgerenderte clips (green)
lose their information as soon as I briefly NEN other clip in its other flat drüber move?
and ask two, while if I ever am. and it .-)
and although, as I can because the clips on top of each other
(with partial mask for imaging, for example) group
so that they always move in a group behave?
thank you very much.
achso, last question.
me is my previous project (diploma, 20 min, but 70 source material) very important. how can I protect myself, that not more sone error occur? I store every two days with a new project file is 35MB. but what's more effective? eg Rescue?
yet thanks ma
Antwort von Nicht eingeloggt:
... because how can I prevent that already ausgerenderte clips (green) lose their information as soon as I briefly NEN other clip in its other flat drüber move? Not at all. That I tried to convey to you in advance. You can be a re-rendered by repeated Reset Undo (Apple + C), but until then try differences are completely lost.
Get about a fundamental workflow to give tip:
1. Use the timeline, not the browser as a helper for the experimental cuts. Do you have a clip already perfectly cut, but still want a little play, convert it into a Subclip around, then you can always use it again and delete.
Do you have a complex composition with several layers that you want to
save first, you should do exactly synonymous with> Save As:
"Complex Comp.
2. Rendering costs time, nerves and Space. You have a real-time program and a - hopefully - Calculator fast enough to exploit this real-time. Let auto render in the background, or render, only if it is no longer any other way, preferably s.Ende session. Even with an older calculator you usually see the picture on which the Play Head is, and the usually enough to assess. 5 years ago was pure real-time hardware-luxury, and people have still not rendered Wolf. Is it, huh?
and ask two, while if I ever am. and although, as I can because the clips on top of each other
(with partial mask for imaging, for example) group
so that they always move in a group behave? You choose all the clips in the timeline by clicking it. Then you go (I think I am on vacation and not sit in front of it) in the Finder in> modify (?)> Objects nest. The whole patchwork is a handy bolt together. With a double click in this bar are you doing the reverse.
Are you 100% sure that the agency is final, I would prefer to isolate the piece as an independent and Quicktime Movie (not QT conversion) export and import again.
how can I protect myself, that not more sone error occur? I store every two days with a new project file is 35MB. but what's more effective? eg Rescue? No idea what this is Rescue. Where working with inconvenient methods is lost and the logic of the program deliberately turned upside down because there is nothing to salvage. I repeat:
Save As, clearly, and which, as I believe the program by default suggests, every 30 minutes, at least, but after exhausting every stage. Who is well secured, the mountain can sleep who dive with fins in the wall increases, for each of the
rescue comes on speat.
Antwort von bu5hm4nn:

dank dir erstmal ... and nen schönen urlaub.