Frage von Grintolix:
Hello first time
I'm quite new here.
I digital movies, cut and burn to DVD for about 1 years (ever again).
I have already read widely on the Internet about this and synonymous here much studied.
Sorry, but I have found for my basic questions to date, not quite what.
So I'll start times.
1. Fundamental question: When I plug in the digital camcorder directly s.TV and I look at the Raw Film is the quality of the movie a little better than the cut film on DVD. Particularly with pan & zoom the DVD Picture pixelated (not so clear and sharp). Since the amount of data a miniDV so much greater than the amount of memory-DVD, I think that it is normal, right?
So is it generally the case that I cut through capturing car ring, and always have a quality loss?
2. I put on my PC about 5 ways to see the film from your camcorder to your PC. I always import in DV-AVI via FireWire, because of quality (there is enough space). I can adjust anything in any program because of DV-AVI import the settings are always off.
Fundamental question: Is there a quality difference in different softwares on capture?
3. I import the movie of the camera with Adobe Premiere 7 (DV-AVI), cut with Adobe Premiere 7 export the movie with Adobe Premiere 7 as Avi, and create the DVD with Ulead DVD MovieFactory (5 I think).
When the film so I s.DVD Players (auf'm TV look), is the picture in movement bildüberlagert extremely choppy. In calm Picture the Picture is perfect and sharp.
Council knows someone here? Can it be s.irgendwelchen Halbbildoptionen?
Avi export settings for Adobe Premiere, I have found none!
(I've got a lot rumexperimentiert. A sequence in all possible settings exported Field & burn a DVD with MovieFactory. Strangely, however, this problem seems to always emerge in other settings, interlaced or sometimes not synonymous).
4. I then created a test basis with NeroExpress vision of the DVD and here's that same picture on motion picture and calm. The quality is slightly lower than for "Movie Factory" in calm Picture .....
... and that picture "jerky" quite easily. The movement does not seem as smooth as the original miniDV. When I see someone walking movies, the motion is easily checked (?). It is only slightly noticeable, but it bothers me.
Is it perhaps by the loss of quality (see Question 1) in the normal processing levels? I have chosen to Nero burn options in the "best quality" (the slider, I've made yet synonymous to 100%).
I would like to use Movie Factory because some controls on NeroExpress vision do not exist.
... so that there were many questions.
I am grateful to have time and hope that one or the other question is cleared up.
Antwort von Andreas Jigme:

So, basically you do things right. Import as DV-AVI is the right place and the cutting synonymous gibts erstmal no loss of quality.
DV-Avi is a standardized standard, as set gibts anything (except 4.1.1 or 4.2.0 Chroma-luminance distribution, I think, but initially not machts synonymous and has nothing to do with your problem, I work with Avid, here are the files in the Open Media Framework Interchange format created, but that means only different, but is basically the same as DV-AVI.)
The critical point is to convert to mpeg2 fils for the DVD, here is a lot go wrong. First, the Tip: Stay away of the consumer programs! Just create the mediocre quality, sorry.
On the course you have to Halbbildordnung eighth (usually lower first), I am still an active soft addative deinterlacing, because of the consideration s.PC.
I reckon you solttest with one bitrate Caculator how high the bitrate of mpeg2 streams may be () the higher the better. Here, the ratio of space, movie length, number of audio tracks, possibly complicated menus is interesting.
Always TwoPass with variable bit rate encoding. and use the professional rendering programs dicreet cleaner XL (which I use) or the Cinemacfarft encoder. Tmpec also provides good results.
There is this issue that is very complex and voluminous many good tutorials on the Internet and check out here on the Slashcam tips. Your thread is called encoding!
Good luck,
PS: If you do everything right you can see after (almost) no difference in quality.
Antwort von beiti:

As Andrew has already said is, and is the quality of the DVD with the used MPEG encoder and its settings. If you premiere 7 (ie are using Premiere Pro 1.0), but there would have been a good MPEG2 encoder (MainConcept) be integrated; of it should therefore not be necessary that you are such a funny Ulead program used for encoding.
Authoring, ie the creation of DVD menus and structure, from a professional point of view is an entirely separate process, which one should not unnecessarily mix in with the encoding. Unfortunately, these 1-Click-to-DVD programs, but made just that.
From experimenting with Halbbildeinstellungen I would advise against this as long as you do not really know what you're doing (and) why. The DV-cut is indeed s.sich loss, inasmuch as no special settings here should be required.
Antwort von StefanS:
of it should therefore not be necessary that you use such a strange Ulead program for encoding.
In this comic Ulead program is the way
a good MPEG2 encoder (MainConcept) integrates What Beiti already said above :-)
Antwort von HaPe:

Hello Andreas,
Thanks for the reply only once.
to 'hands off of the consumer programs ":
If I understand correctly that, indeed, that encoding is converting the home movie into the DVD suitable mpeg2 format.
How can I see, you know the complete machining process?
I once write, how I do it until now:
1. Capter via Firewire as a DV-AVI on a PC
2. Scene detection by Szenalyser
3. Import in Premerie, editing
4. Exporting from Premiere to AVI (Here it is held to render, or)
.... up to this point, I have no quality loss, right?
5. Load AVI into Autoringrogramm and create DVDs.
Now I have a problem understanding.
1. to 4 ok, I can not export settings in Adobe Premiere working, I assume that I have as a result of any AVI quality loss.
I am now always assumed that occurs when you export the rendering. Is not that so?
You write:
"And using a professional rendering programs ..."
When do they come to be used?
Encode only just come to the conclusion, that after the film was re-rendered? Then the film is presented as a mpeg2.
Finally, I can load this movie into mpeg2 "Ulead DVD MovieFactory" and the DVD drive ring to perform (ie, with menu, chapters ...)
If I told now complete crap, I would ask you to identify the correct order (1., 2nd, 3rd). Encodingprogramm What should I use it? (You have listed a few rendering programs).
... or happened rendering & encoding in a program?
... Oh my God, my head buzzes, it's all about!
Thank you
Antwort von HaPe:
If you premiere 7 (ie are using Premiere Pro 1.0), but there would have been a good MPEG2 encoder (MainConcept) be integrated; of it should therefore not be necessary that you are such a funny Ulead program used for encoding. Hello beiti,
synonymous thank you!
yes, I use Premiere Pro 1.0. So far I've made the cut movie premiere as a "movie exporting". The result is a Avi File. For exporting, I have to date found any setting (or not even really looking for).
If I understand you correctly, it should indeed arise from out the premiere mpeg2 file, right?
After that, I can then load with "Movie Factory" this mpeg2 file and create a DVD (which, hopefully, without re-encoding by "Filmrennerei" happens)
Antwort von HaPe:
of it should therefore not be necessary that you use such a strange Ulead program for encoding.
In this comic Ulead program is the way a good MPEG2 encoder (MainConcept) integrates What Beiti already said above :-)
Stefan Hi Stefan,
Thanks for your posting.
Now I do not understand what you mean.
Quote: "In this comic Ulead program is actually a good MPEG2 encoder (MainConcept) integrated"
Ulead is a "film distillers' in that there car ring program.
You probably meant in Premiere is set to MPEG2 encoder (MainConcept), right?
Antwort von beiti:

Under the umbrella term "rendering" one can understand anything. Hence the confusion synonymous.
If one DV-AVI exported from premiere, need only render the parts () are therefore recalculated s.denen what you've changed: transitions, title Einbledungen, picture effects. Part of the film s.denen, nothing has changed, wander into the output lossless AVI.
The encoding in MPEG2 could be synonymous called "rendering", but that it really affects the entire movie.
Premiere can encode MPEG2 directly, without that, you first have a DV-AVI spend your final movie. Should be found to export this function by choosing File> Timeline ... (or something similar).
Whether the Ulead program that will really ready MPEG2 authoring takes, or whether it is here once again re-encoded (with clear cost and quality loss), I can not tell you. I would certainly caution. (Consumer software!)
The "real" authoring programs even not have its own encoder, but always require the prior encoding.
Antwort von HaPe:
Premiere can encode MPEG2 directly, without that, you first have a DV-AVI spend your final movie. Should be found to export this function by choosing File> Timeline ... (or something similar). Thanks, I'll just check once at home.
Whether the Ulead program that will really ready MPEG2 authoring takes, or whether it is here once again re-encoded (with clear cost and quality loss), I can not tell you. I would certainly caution. (Consumer software!)
The "real" authoring programs even not have its own encoder, but always require the prior encoding What are the real "authoring programs then use the professionals (ie you), there are as synonymous good freeware, or do I have to dig deep into his pocket?
PS I'll be right (away from the work of writing).
I later guck home again clean, but may take a little for women / children. So excuse me if I on tolls. Postings do not answer!
Antwort von StefanS:

Hi Stefan,
Thanks for your posting.
Now I do not understand what you mean.
I mean the following:
Beiti has said that is integrated with MainConcept encoder premiere of the excellent. In the same breath he says that you are therefore not as a comic Ulead product will need to create from your DV AVI to an MPEG.
That reads as if in a worse Ulead MPEG Encoder s.Werke.
Given this understanding is wrong, I've tried are just right. It is true that in the film distillery, at least since version 4, the same MainConcept codec tinkers, like in Premiere.
The DVD MovieFactory incidentally encodes no material new if it exists already as a compliant MPEG. Thus you have the use of MovieFactory two in the quality of the encoder is nearly identical ways:
1. You stay in Premiere as DV AVI and importierst it into the DVD MovieFactory
2. You already walk in Premiere of DV AVI to MPEG and MPEG importierst them into the DVD MovieFactory
At the same settings of the encoder in Premiere and under Filmbrennerei You'll be able to see any difference.
Antwort von HaPe:

Hi Stefan,
Thanks for your posting.
Now I do not understand what you mean.
I mean the following:
Beiti has said that is integrated with MainConcept encoder premiere of the excellent. In the same breath he says that you are therefore not as a comic Ulead product will need to create from your DV AVI to an MPEG.
That reads as if in a worse Ulead MPEG Encoder s.Werke.
Given this understanding is wrong, I've tried are just right. It is true that in the film distillery, at least since version 4, the same MainConcept codec tinkers, like in Premiere.
The DVD MovieFactory incidentally encodes no material new if it exists already as a compliant MPEG. Thus you have the use of MovieFactory two in the quality of the encoder is nearly identical ways:
1. You stay in Premiere as DV AVI and importierst it into the DVD MovieFactory
2. You already walk in Premiere of DV AVI to MPEG and MPEG importierst them into the DVD MovieFactory
At the same settings of the encoder in Premiere and under Filmbrennerei You'll be able to see any difference.
Stefan ups .....
I'm just as far as in my original posting.
I'll do that already but just the same.
1. Capter via Firewire as a DV-AVI on a PC
2. Scene detection by Szenalyser
3. Import in Premerie, editing
4. Exporting from Premiere to AVI
5. AVI to Autoringrogramm "Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4 or 5" to create and load DVD.
Can s.Szenealyser lie? Unfortunately, the films are as a whole DV-AVI movies on my hard drive before .... and so do I have to edit, to use the scene detection Szenealyser.
I'm going with that: 2 You already walk in Premiere of DV AVI to MPEG and MPEG importierst them into the DVD MovieFactory "times to try and see if that improves ....
.... otherwise I'm just as perplexed as s.Anfang.
Antwort von HaPe:

Time a question s.The professionals:
What are you now hold of the programs
Szenalyser (freeware), Adobe Premmiere Pro (which schweinteuer), Ulead DVD MovieFactory 4 or 5 (tolerable price).
Should I leave out what or replace it with another?
After the posting of Stefan, I understand that now so that I used with the programs may well live well .......
....... but then what is my problem with the first posting?
Antwort von Grintolix:

now I've ruined a couple of posts ... Sorry.
I have answered as a guest.
Antwort von StefanS:

For each of the software may have their own opinions and beliefs of the war between the various editing programs, there is now time still available, including the along going prejudices. That you are zBsBeitis contributions "as a comic Ulead product", a "consumer product" halt.
Beiti not know that potters in this "comic Consumer product" of the same codec as in the "professional product" of Adobe, and he did not synonymous know that this "consumer product is not" re-render, if that is compatible with a DVD MPEG2 is fed.
Beiti, no offense :-)
From my personal point of view your software equipment is in order, and leads many to the desired results. I would describe them as "Not Adobe fan"
You stay on imports to the PC until the final editing on the DV-AVI rail. That too is okay.
Whether you now do in premiere or the film from this distillery produce an MPEG AVI DV, is in principle no preference, it is the same encoder, since the potters. You'll just have to pay attention to the settings, both in Premiere as synonymous in the film distillery.
Now that you have but with some settings that have just tested Relating to Field ", I suppose even that it you will not be able to say what attitude is behind the outcome. And if it would claim a lot of space here: -)
What you have not told you yet but synonymous, is, of what film lengths and bit rates which we speak.
It is synonymous difference, whether you prepare the films for a PC and then play as or device for a normal TV.
Play s.PC: Because you can when you encode the video de-interlace, but usually then have to possibly correct, enter the DV-AVI existing field order correctly (: lower first, bottom first, a first). If you do not when converting to MPEG de-interlaced, then this is the playback software for DVD during playback do for you. It is therefore ultimately sausages.
Play s.TV: In any case, stick with the half-frames, and in such a way as they come of the mini-DV camera, then lower first, bottom first, A is called first, or whatever it is, because if you the DVD player in combination with a TV device de-interlaced to submit material, there is now pleased to be a little shaky presentation times, as the TV finds itself nothing else than can be interlaced.
Antwort von beiti:
Beiti not know that potters in this "comic Consumer product" of the same codec as in the "professional product" of Adobe, and he did not synonymous know that this "consumer product is not" re-render, if that is compatible with a DVD MPEG2 is fed.
Beiti, no offense :-) Ulead that uses the same encoder, I really did not know. Shame on me. Had: (As Grintolix complained about poor quality and jerky, I had assumed that the Ulead's encoder is still as bad as I remembered him.
That one at the recoding Ulead already can avoid conforming material I have ever heard, although I remain skeptical that the software recognizes this right in every case and not "in doubt" but re-encoded. It is indeed synonymous cases where we differ quite a bit conscious of the DVD specification will (for example) during the burning of DVB recordings. In Grintolix 'case (coded material from Premiere / MainConcept) like everything is working fine, but it just evades the control of the user.
Consumer software is tailored to the beginner and trying to iron out the (alleged) errors. I call this "patronizing" and find it annoying. But is only my opinion and has nothing to do with the present problem.
If the AVI has been well spent, Ulead is expected to make when encoding actually no more errors - that's the advantage of paternalism. In this respect I would be the error if there is any one that is already in the AVI output Search by Premiere.
What you have not told you yet but synonymous, is, of what film lengths and bit rates which we speak. Perhaps here lies the key, though, the rest of the processing chain in order. If one squeezes more than 2 hours movie on a DVD, get a good encoder synonymous s.ihre limits.
Antwort von StefanS:
Since Grintolix had complained about poor quality and jerky, I had assumed that the Ulead's encoder is still as bad as I remembered him. Yes, I am back with you as MSP6.0 still puttering in the bad old Ligos, that's true, but I am since the time of 6.5 or 7.0 (since I am not sure because skipped 6.5) it is on the Ulead MainConcept .
That one at the recoding Ulead already can avoid conforming material I have ever heard, although I remain skeptical that the software recognizes this right in every case and not "in doubt" but re-encoded. So far everything has been properly recognized.
It is indeed synonymous cases where we differ quite a bit conscious of the DVD specification will (eg burning of DVB recordings) There are appropriate since the version 4 plug-ins or extensions that but I have not yet tested or used.
... but it just evades the control of the user.
Consumer software is tailored to the beginner and trying to iron out the (alleged) errors. I call this "patronizing" and find it annoying. agree with the angry, I mean
In this respect I would be the error if there is any one that is already in the AVI output Search by Premiere. True, or there. But to see me, what in the story of the de-interlace in connection with the output device comes out.
PS: I am the way, not representative Ulead :-)
Antwort von Grintolix:

We are already talking of a movie, the max. Lasts for 1 hour (I know that the quality is worse when the film about an hour to run).
I've always done that now so that I burn a couple of AVI movies together in "Movie Factory" on a DVD. Max, these no longer hold together as 1 hr.
I'll always like that, so I let the main menu, the main chapters show (ie: Christmas 2004, Easter 2005 ,...) and then have the submenus, the chapter on the main theme.
Bitrate. Erlich said, no idea. Given that "consumer product" pretends everything. I currently hold only imported, cut, exported, produced DVD.
I have tried once before to generate from Adobe Premiere Pro to an MPEG2 file (encode).
That first problem came right at the beginning:
You can pick x options.
I tried it with the following window's ...
a. MPEG2
>> PAL MPEG-2 Generic
>> PAL DV (High Quality 4MB 2 pass)
In both experiments is me. M2v movie file and a. Wmv generated sound file. Unfortunately, breaking premiere in 3.55 minutes s.and to 4.01 minutes, giving the error message:
"There was no video frame will be returned. Operation aborted"
I've tried that with 2 different Fertiggeschnittenen shooting, which I have saved as projects still in Premiere.
Takes a minimum 45 min, the other 15th
I now look after again, if you can bring things like Halbbildoptionen & PASS in the 1 or 2x DVD MovieFactory can adjust synonymous (Until now I have found nothing about this).
PS You have not yet said anything about whether there might be s.Szenalyser.
As I said, the movies I have only rough cut on the hard drive and are for crushing the scenes, I use Premiere Szenalyser.
Antwort von Grintolix:

Hello one more question:
Stefan wrote:
"Whether you now do in Premiere or in the film
from this distillery
produce an MPEG
AVI DV, is, in principle, no preference, it's the same encoder, since the potters. You have to stop pay attention to the settings, both in Premiere as synonymous in of MovieFactory. "
Do I have to spend the movie in Premiere only in AVI and then convert it to MPEG2 again, or I can be a finished cut Premiere project directly in MPEG2 issue ???????
OK ......... I now again the first film output as AVI and then tried to ENDCODE that AVI to MPEG2 same> situation: after 3:55 min, he breaks off with the above error message. M2v file size of 225 MB wave file 86 MB ...
I am at a loss
Antwort von beiti:
Do I have to spend the movie in Premiere only in AVI and then convert it to MPEG2 again, or I can be a finished cut Premiere project directly in MPEG2 issue ??????? That is what you are theoretically two possibilities. But why the output from Premiere does not work, I do not synonymous white.
In both experiments is me. M2v movie file and a. Wmv generated sound file. Sound file would. Wma or. Mp2 or. Wav. This is called "elementary streams" and is required for professional authoring programs. Ulead DVD MovieFactory understand whether the synonymous, I do not know. (I'm cautious with my comments on Ulead.)
Otherwise you'll have somewhere to "program stream switching. Picture and sound are then packed together into a file (extension. Mpg).
I now look after again, if you can bring things like Halbbildoptionen & PASS in the 1 or 2x DVD MovieFactory can adjust synonymous (Until now I have found nothing about this). I do not think that the Ulead program of these things are wrong turns, so you should have nothing synonymous change.
You said nothing about whether there might be s.Szenalyser. No, it is not intended s.dem. The only cuts the AVIs into pieces, but otherwise does not alter.
One a completely different approach to determine whether your export AVIs with what's bad:
1) How long does the output of these AVI's? If the assumption of unchanged film places very quickly, or you have the impression that since the entire film will be re-rendered?
2) Got a camcorder with DV - In, so that you can try, looks like the restored film directly on tape?
Antwort von StefanS:
Do I have to spend the movie in Premiere only in AVI and then convert it to MPEG2 again, or I can be a finished cut Premiere project directly in MPEG2 issue ??????? That is what you are theoretically two possibilities. But why the output from Premiere does not work, I do not synonymous white. And I, unfortunately, not synonymous.
I now look after again, if you can bring things like Halbbildoptionen & PASS in the 1 or 2x DVD MovieFactory can adjust synonymous (Until now I have found nothing about this). I do not think that the Ulead program of these things are wrong turns, so you should have nothing synonymous change. False Ulead does not do that (at least not since the wrong template in MSP6.0). But it is worth it yet, take a look into settings, because with 4 Mb / sec irritates you the DVD and the bit rate at max. 60 minutes on a DVD correctly.
Search here once in the project settings. There can set these things. Choose a quiet a data rate of about 7000 - 7500 Kbit, then are you so worry that you usually do not even VBR and 2pass need, but of course you can adjust it anyway.
On the site, even the DVD MovieFactory's seems a little removed from the consumer, especially if you know how to activate all options :-)
But how are things out with your project settings in Premiere? I think this Beitis synonymous moving in that direction?
You said nothing about whether there might be s.Szenalyser. No, it is not intended s.dem. The only cuts the AVIs into pieces, but otherwise does not alter. Yep, which is something outside of any criticism :-)
PS: Good night, next time we see tomorrow, but may be that I have as much time
Antwort von CorpoRasion:

Citation Beiti:
"It a very different approach, to determine whether your export AVIs with what's bad:
1) How long does the output of these AVI's? If the assumption of unchanged film places very quickly, or you have the impression that since the entire film will be re-rendered? "
Basically, once the output of the AVI's. Maybe I'm doing something wrong already. If I had the Premiere project finished, I shall go:
File \ Export \ film, where I can set it nix> an avi file created. That does not last that long. 45 min min movie takes about 15 to 20
That's ok, I think.
Citation Beiti:
"2) Do you have a camcorder with DV - In, so that you can try, looks like the restored film directly on tape?" Nope, only DV - Out
Stefan Quote:
"But how are things out with your project settings in Premiere? I believe this Beitis synonymous moving in that direction?" Which project settings do you think?
I put in a new Project. Import the Szenalyser-avis, music, pictures, create Tiltel, and then I'll give it under File \ Export \ film.
Should I pay attention because even at the project settings?
So, yesterday I tried again, from premiere to encode.
So when I try to encode movies for 4 minutes, he breaks me off after 4 min with the described error message. Premiere then generates just 1x *. m2v movie file and one 1x *. wav sound file.
When I encode only one scene, he gives me no error message, with the same settings, a *. mpg file.
Antwort von Grintolix:

mal ne more general question ......
because if it would go with my premiere .....
I would have to create an MPEG2 or MPEG2-DVD file?
or is that jackets and trousers?
Antwort von Grintolix:

Problem with that because Premiere is a more specific, I want to even open a new thread as this thread title does not refer to this problem. Title:
Encoding from Premiere Pro just cuts off after 10 minutes I hope it goes ok. Yesterday I tested all that again, record the settings, please look in the other thread views.
Bothers me that already huge.
Because I want to try it, if the encode is working at all .... There is a good freeware Encodingprogramm (enables in German) that you can recommend?
Antwort von Grintolix:

so that in the premiere issue has been resolved with the encode. Thanks to the links funzt of Jörg that in the other thread now.
As I read, working with both Stefan premiere as synonymous with the film distillery.
(Hence my question, I have made synonymous in the other thread):
I'm taking premiere under File \ Export \ Adobe Media Encoder ...
3 MPEG2 data types to choose (I think that is relevant for me):
In Manual, I have now found nothing about this, or perhaps I understand it synonymous not right!
MPEG2 >> PAL MPEG-2 Generic
MPEG-2 DVD >> PAL DV (High Quality 4MB 2 pass)
>> PAL DV (High Quality 7MB 1 pass)
what shall or shall I choose?
... or should I create my own maybe even one type of data with its own details?
I had yesterday with
MPEG2>> PAL MPEG-2 Generic encoded in the default settings. (The exact description of the MPEG2>> PAL MPEG-2 Generic settings I have in another thread "Encoding from Premiere Pro always aborts described after 10 minutes.
Is it normal that the encoding took 2 hours?
Is it normal that 41 minutes encoded movie "only" about 2GB is big?
What settings do you use, Stefan?
What settings may use different?
So if I now know with what settings I need to encode, then I try next with the mpeg2 files into DVD MovieFactory create a DVD.
Thanks for your help!
Antwort von StefanS:
so that in the premiere issue has been resolved with the encode. Thanks to the links funzt of Jörg that in the other thread now. I've just been synonymous removed your other thread.
As I read, working with both Stefan premiere as synonymous with the film distillery. Since you have misread. I do not work with Premiere can, to say nothing in detail synonymous, but the DVD MovieFactory know something.
Among the various settings of the MPEG creation on Premiere, I can not give you much to say because I just did not work with Premiere, and the taste was not so. In principle, however, it should be like this:
I do not think that the DVD MovieFactory would complain if you either with the default "Generic MPEG" or the "MPEG DVD Templates are working as long as you yourself s.The basic specifications of the DVD half (eg max. Data rates , etc.)
But this time you yourself should try out.
The data rate, I had written you once already, and extend this a little:
You have 2 templates: 4 Mbit / 2 right and 7 Mbit / 1 pass
I told you before, not that exhausts you with 4 Mbit the DVD.
A DVD has a capacity of) 4,7.7 GB (according to printing, which is 4.38 GB on the computer kilo = 1024 Specification
Basically, it adjusts the data rate of waste within the specifications of the DVD s.The length of the film in order to equally Weing capacity of the DVD as possible, because the higher the data rate at least better the image quality.
If You work:
[4 mbit / sec (image data rate) + 256 kbit / s (data rate ton)]: 8: 1024: 1024 x 60 sec x 60 min so you will receive approximately 1.826 GB
Do you expect that with 7 Mbit / sec you will get about 3.1 GB for 1 hour movie
Professional DVDs are Traderjob with about 5.5 Mbit / sec encoded, however, have synonymous class reference material.
2 pass VBR then make much sense if you are a longer piece of art with low average data rate you want to bring to the DVD / must, for 2 pass VBR does nothing other than the first time through the reference material analyzed and appropriate during the second pass the requirements of data rates between the specified limits (eg min. 4 Mbit - max. allocate 6 Mbit) so that the result as close as possible s.der selected average data rate (eg, 4 Mbps). So one can at a lower average data rate but the passages that require a higher data rate to the "quality life" (eg, fast panning) to provide a higher data rate.
If you min now "only" 60th bring to a DVD you want, then you can just synonymous choose a consistently high data rate such as 7 or 7.5 Mbps to choose it as a fixed data rate, ie, CBR, and synonymous You only need one pass (1 pass), because you here so no need to analyze before.
You can, for example, thus widening the existing two templates that you are your templates in several additional steps, such as 10 minutes with giving appropriate bit rate adjusted or just count everytime.
Since you have asked how I do it:
1. The DVD exploited as fully
2. small safety margin to meet Maximaldatenrate the DVD, Total (Picture and Sound) max. ca 8500 - 9000 Mbit / sec.
3. I wrote an Excel sheet that was only because the movie length and the desired data rate for the Sound on and it gives me back the data rate be set for the film
4. Depending on the quality of the presentation material and duration of the film is still between VBR and CBR to distinguish 1 - or 2 to pass.
Incidentally, it is quite normal herumzurechnen s.einem 41 minute film about 2 hours "until an MPEG file is came of it.
On my 3.6 GHz is roughly in real time (+ / - minutes), with my old 850s that lasted like 4 times.
PS: once you read a little through the various FAQs etc relating to DVD specification, MPEG encoder, etc.
A good address is synonymous
Antwort von evita2067:

Hi Stefan,
synonymous to you again many thanks for your help and patience.
I will again note your advice and I capture.
Unfortunately for me the moment the whole Mbit / sec and Kb / sec Rechnerei told not to understand (as I've never had anything to do).
8: 1024: 1024 x 60 sec x 60 min = about 1.826 GB ?
Will that necessarily understand but for me the best possible out of my shooting raushole.
One question I have still to MovieFactory. If I understand correctly that described so far it's always better to have a complete movie (Create with me then about 1 hr) in Premiere and encode.
As already mentioned once, I had never done it until now so that I have multiple films (eg, 3 films, had created together last, approximately 1 hour.) And this was then imported into DVD MovieFactory (reason for this that I have on the finished DVD main menu had 3 main chapters (Ostern06, Urlaub06, ..) and including the sub-created.
Now the question:
Is it possible to import into DVD MovieFactory for an entire movie with 1 hour to create this and then the main menu with 3 main sections and each of its subsections?
... enough for me even if you say that it will work, then I find that already.
Antwort von Grintolix:

Hi Stefan,
synonymous to you again many thanks for your help and patience.
I will again note your advice and I capture.
[[u] Unfortunately for me the moment the whole Mbit / sec and Kb / sec Rechnerei told not to understand (as I've never had anything to do).
8: 1024: 1024 x 60 sec x 60 min = about 1.826 GB ????][/ u]
Edit Clock 11:38
OK !!!!!!!!
Computation understood!
I've had synonymous just created an Excel sheet and get it there. Will that necessarily understand but for me the best possible out of my shooting raushole.
One question I have still to MovieFactory. If I understand correctly that described so far it's always better to have a complete movie (Create with me then about 1 hr) in Premiere and encode.
As already mentioned once, I had never done it until now so that I have multiple films (eg, 3 films, had created together last, approximately 1 hour.) And this was then imported into DVD MovieFactory (reason for this that I have on the finished DVD main menu had 3 main chapters (Ostern06, Urlaub06, ..) and including the sub-created.
Now the question:
Is it possible to import into DVD MovieFactory for an entire movie with 1 hour to create this and then the main menu with 3 main sections and each of its subsections?
... enough for me even if you say that it will work, then I find that already.
... and how many MB as consumes Filmbrennerei so around for 1x and 4x the main menu, submenu, and each animated with Music?
that I have indeed still strike with my calculation.
Antwort von StefanS:

Since potters in Premiere and in the film of the same distillery MainConcept codec, it is really no preference, with what program you make will the conversion to MPEG.
You can in Filmbrennerei both individual AVI files to import as synonymous single MPEG files. If you importierst them individually, you'll get the proposal on the auto division and Chapter Menuerstellung.
You can however specify in Filmbrennerei synonymous of a complete AVI or MPEG still jumps chapter manual. Here you can choose whether you want to identify the individual agencies themselves or manual set fixed intervals, for example, like, for example, min 5th
Otherwise: You see, it is difficult with the bit rate calculation does not. Excel has a custom recipe sheet to produce Bitratenkalkulatoren that you will find anywhere in the network, the advantage that you necessarily have much better understanding of what it is why so.
Antwort von Grintolix:
Since potters in Premiere and in the film of the same distillery MainConcept codec, it is really no preference, with what program you make will the conversion to MPEG. Yes, that we had already discussed above. I only find that the controls are in MovieFactory not make them in detail. I'll try that site is available in premiere and now look what comes out there.
Since the films, I never spent more than 60 minutes do, I can live with the attitude MPEG2-DVD>> DV PAL 7.5 MB CBR 1 pass well. That are then so about 3.4 GB and then remains synonymous enough on the menu.
Irgenwo that you can actually see how many MB is required MovieFactory for Menuerstellung? Can one not say any so'n benchmark ... so about 400 MB for an extensive Menugestaltung. ... back I could still hochschrauben to PAL DV 8MB CBR 1 pass!
You can in Filmbrennerei both individual AVI files to import as synonymous single MPEG files. If you importierst them individually, you'll get the proposal on the auto division and Chapter Menuerstellung. I will do so!
You can however specify in Filmbrennerei synonymous of a complete AVI or MPEG still jumps chapter manual. Here you can choose whether you want to identify the individual agencies themselves or manual set fixed intervals, for example, like, for example, min 5th ok
Otherwise: You see, it is difficult with the bit rate calculation does not. Excel has a custom recipe sheet to produce Bitratenkalkulatoren that you will find anywhere in the network, the advantage that you necessarily have much better understanding of what it is why so. :-)
... at least I again s.Montag questions, I think ;-)
nice weekend!
Antwort von Massivo:

Moin Stefan, Andreas, Beiti & Jorg,
.... I'm just thrilled.
The Picture is sahnehäubchenmäßig, bombastic, grandiose!
That is a huge difference from before.
Thanks again for your help. When I looked at the finished product s.DVD player, I felt like a caveman, where someone has been after a long fires with a cigarette lighter flints.
As you already said you had, it is "not an" image difference from the original miniDV identified.
I could just as all those years ...............
Krass, Geil, madness.
Antwort von StefanS:

Beautiful end of a thread
Thank you