Frage von evita2067:
Hi! just made a review of new dvd-cam of sony because I really wanted to buy the part with hdd, which will be equally so, wenns comes out, I was very interested but the only book now but sees the Case nich so toll aus
-image sensor is the same in spite of noisy than the HC3,
- That is synonymous less resolution than the HC3,
- No manual exposure time adjustment (clearly, the cam ja jetz nen microphone input, so something else has gone to sony;)) has
The schlimsste is, however, that the codec is apparently of garkeine program is supported, so you can still do nothing for months reasonable, this appears in the current bitrate the picture even ne corner 'worse' than with HDV ..
well, book now seems to be the cam not the bringer of being, not just a worthy successor to the HC1, the HC3 is apparently even better, at least the show when it comes before .. pity really, will probably take some time until the Case maturity is!
Antwort von Jan:

Yes 15 minutes on a non-DL disc at a high data rate of 12 With / sec is synonymous not so great. I do not trust the SR 1 still a little bit more, which may indeed, to my knowledge 15 MBit / sec, and the DVD of the UX 1 Anyway one only has to look at a few devices.
Well, it was expected that the UX with the MPEG 4 compression codec and the new problems get the HC 3 beat.
VAD provides for the UX 1, but in terms of image quality synonymous LowLight just behind the HC 3 in the first pretest. I hope once the SR 1 is still a trace better.
But surround sound in HDV, either 720 - or 50 P i 1080 50, HDMI, and finally synonymous with 3.5mm jack microphone input and headphone output, and the focus ring - gabs in the price range yet.
Antwort von jatorf:

hi had the camera now to try new and get the corresponding codec. someone has a tip?
Antwort von ruessel:

Yes, PowerDVD 7 Deluxe version plays SR1 + UX1 Files from super. But only the Deluxe version!
Important are the different graphics drivers, only my picture was washed out and faded .... wanted both AVCHD cameras come into the barrel .... now the picture is sometimes better than the HC3.
It is synonymous to give another good freeware player for AVCHD
But if you put the camera on the ground ..... you were really there but is in the package an AVCHD Player of Sonydabei ...
Antwort von jatorf:

yes, the software is to play the original of sony it, but I can not edit the videos with movie maker of windows eg
Antwort von ruessel:

tja .... that is synonymous not provided.
I can deal with anyway, but only one software: digital fusion with. Somehow, the software uses the AVCHD codec ... at least invite the stream, store is only possible in mpeg2.
Antwort von poluroud20:

Canopus Edius will support AVCHD - as you can read here:
(Registration required)
Antwort von Jan:

This surprises me but even the professionals themselves Canopus, the consumer AVCHD format is a chance. If I had not expected.
When I look at it but some of the rolling or better yet, just look at Russell's films
Antwort von Markus:
This surprises me but even the professionals themselves Canopus, the consumer AVCHD format is a chance. If I had not expected. I recently had time to read a report Canopus Edius, and with what formats can the software (within a project! Deal). - Since then I have Edius in mind, if I should get something unusual for cutting.
Antwort von Jan:

Yes there will be synonymous but the best engineers of Canopus sweat come with a solution for AVCHD.
Even a stable 2 Ghz Calculator already gets in trouble shows the material smoothly, we are not even in the cut. The visible stuttering are usually really depends on the PC and not incorporated by SR 1, then slips in the 3.5 "LCD, the picture as butter. Is also a reason why Sony2, 8 Ghz sets as a minimum.
We'll see - it will still run out on a proxy solution at Canopus, I can not imagine that Canpus the MPEG 4 transport streams can handle natively really stable. Let's hope the best - Canopus is indeed known mostly for positive results.
Antwort von prem:

Even for the same recommend Canopus HDV editing using the Canopus HQ codecs. Why should we now go on to the native AVCHD editing?
Antwort von sr1 user:

But meanwhile this is the problem CHQ use is not possible with the SR1. No, the AVC HD deCoder used by Procoder ..
could go eventuel .. Sony AVCHD via Converter to create yet MPG2 and then from the ProCoder one CHQ File ..
If the question is whether 4.1 EDIUS converted MPG2 process in which the SONY HD Size TOOL can I create?
One thing is certain, the country needs a new calculator gg *
Antwort von ruessel:
Sony AVCHD via Converter to create yet MPG2 and then from the ProCoder one CHQ File .. there is only likely to get out more waste. Even a change of AVCHD MPG2 big picture has been lost, at least with the bundled Sony software.
Antwort von Jan:

I just look like snout, the material I have been synonymous in MPEG 2 to output via SonySW, it's really very mixed.
Antwort von Videostudio:

I said once here you can read the files of the SR1 look at with a 2.8 Gigaherz Calculator ..
I've got a Pentium 4 HT with 3.2 Gigaherz and 512mb DDR Ram, but for me the jerky picture only ....
Or is my calculator or too slow .... I must in due time I buy a new calculator?
I think that is on me to either buy the SR1 or HD1A .... the time is my only reason not to take the SR1 I can not play the files ...
Antwort von Jan:

I know the configuration of your PC not to 3 Ghz I've seen ordinary material of the SR 1. According Sonysind 2.8 Ghz prerequisite.
I think it is rather s.Player, really you're using the supplied AVCHD Player of Sony?
Antwort von rootfire:

No, I do not yet have the camcorder, I have sample videos of the Page
At the Sony software comes without the camcorder so you do not, unfortunately, ran well ... right?
Antwort von Jan:

Since we had our times with Wolfgang (FXsupport) talk, I've seen as I have said already smooth, good material.
VLC player should be good, but which will probably have a problem with AVCHD?
Yes the included SW is kept simple, but plays well on the data.
No idea whether the SW is having irgenwo the net.
Antwort von ruessel:

I have a P4 2800 Mhz Calculator synonymous with 2 GB Ram and a PNY Quadro graphics card, there NOT the AVCHD material can be played smoothly! First my dual Xeon 3.2 system has no problems with the material.
The Sony software, I have very quickly removed from the system, I get the feeling here is thwarted, the system is indeed infected with any USB or CD insert the system in accordance with AVCHD data scanned. Furthermore, I consider the software as a very weak tool that is profitable for nothing (but make the 5.1 soundtrack from a stereo track).
I bought PowerDVD 7 deluxe, the player plays the SR1 and UX1 from streams directly from the camera very well ...... but only in auto deinterlace. As soon as the H264 codec of PowerDVD is installed, you can invite some other synonymous Programs and streams edit .....
The VLC media player can start with nothing AVCHD. What I really really wonder, writes the ninth something about the reversed tracks? The annoying when playing quite well in the picture of a truck is left to the right and the sound comes from the speaker to front ..... In Australia there are so Sonyschon of a recall of the SR1 + UX1 (the call, however, is now back of the Sony site disappeared ).... A new firmware will fix this error. Embarrassingly for Sony, as sowas could run through the final inspection? Or not synonymous with striking all magazine tests, despite apparently large Laboratory ......
Antwort von Jan:

If I read correctly, has at least recognized it VideoAktivDigital:
Orginalton: "It is strange: the AVCHD cams provide Left / Right-reading notes again."
I've been concerned about me in my attempts Picture, sound, I have not yet been reviewed. Yes that's probably not entirely true - from the sound professional Sonywohl not expect ...
Maybe I'm hardly Kamerafreundliches swiveled and rotated around a PC extremely damaging not to ...
Antwort von Jan:

I got me this time and grabbed the headphones with my 3 colleagues for 30 min with the SR 1 running through the store, and let me constantly of sound for the right or left. Sorry I have not heard Exceptionally, the right of synonymous came right greater, left - left halt. Yes the 5.1 sound is einwenig otherwise, which no preference Page
from the Headphones - you can hear more of both sides, no preference whether a right or left reinschreit.
Maybe you get the good with surround sound system only s.einer with, or SR 1, I was awarded as last week, has the error anymore. 2 of my colleagues were synonymous hear anything bad.
My SonyDtl. Man synonymous knew nothing, should be wenns massive problems here, I would know about it.
How can I test that proboscis s.Besten, or I have noticed that only s.PC?
Antwort von mastaTraxx:

Hello everybody!
The whole does not cover all cameras. (My unfortunately already ...)
Sonyhat this by now "recognized".
The affected serial numbers are
A firmware update for end users, there will be the beginning of December.
Antwort von ruessel:
How can I test that proboscis s.Besten, or I have noticed that only s.PC? You take on, you hear through headphones from the sound of the UX1 and SR1 is ok .... everything
Now you stop it, the recording to put on play, you hear about the same headphones .... Sound channels are reversed!
Now, you just record the AVCHD stream recorded with the Sony software on your PC ..... swapped the stereo audio channels are still.
You transmit the file of the camera with the Windows Explorer, the sound is in 5.1 ...... Sound is still reversed.
Antwort von Jan:

Thank you both, I'll try again when you play, if I can hear irregularities. On the Sony Support Page I have been a few weeks, no more. Times the serial numbers I had a look ....
Yes my new Sony man is absolutely reliable, but it was relatively new to Sonyangestellt, one reason why he still knew.
And for the opening text:
First AVCHD (SonyHDR-UX1) Review, a sobering ...
Yes in terms of actual sound problems and support section that does not exist already, otherwise the HDR SR 1 for me a good device.
Antwort von Jan:

Oh, shame on me I - SR 1 has the same problem when playing. Mist of the serial number, only 390 more, and I had not had the error ...
Thanks to you both, we'll hope for the beginning of December Sonywie quickly promised an online update raises the market.