Frage von charletto:
gerda had an interesting conversation with director of production of JVC Germany. Accordingly, you should - if the basic material ne simple DVD would ALWAYS shoot in DV mode, this material via Firewire to restore the normal and - if the editing program supports it - then unconverted to the DVD issue, the result is much better than if you -- as I have - in HDV rotates synonymous edited in HDV and then as Mpeg 2 on dvd output. I have always believed that the source material should be the best, to a first-class results to come - synonymous to DVD! Question now, is it ever on the one hand and on the other hand - I cut to CS 4, with what codec should I get the whole output to DVD - as DV 50i Project created?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Interview with director of production of JVC Germany Produced JVC cameras now in Germany?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... provided the source material would ne simple DVD ... Raw material? You mean sure the final product?
... in the DV mode unconverted ... then turn on the DVD output ... For a data DVD (for instance for archiving) so you can handle, if you will, but a video DVD that has a play, is now under standard MPEG2 mandatory times.
Antwort von charletto:

Is synonymous me new, but it was not meant. He is available for this product line manager of it. Whether the only questions now are concerned about this or not, well, then I had - unfortunately? - Not asked?
Antwort von charletto:

Mpeg 2 is clear, however, he meant that the material - because as HDV created and edited - by eventually converting to Mpeg 2 lot s.Qualität einbußt - in contrast to pure DV material, which was then just as unconverted DVD can be output. This would be the most optimal path to deliver a high quality final results to come - on DVD!
Antwort von DoBBy:
... as opposed to pure DV material, which was then just as unconverted DVD can be output. That is not exactly true. Everything you pack on a VideoDVD, in the MPEG2 format, before the data on the disc are written. Even "pure DV."
But somehow I think the thing it just makes sense reversed:
HDV is already MPEG-2
If you now HDV to DVD want to pack, it must no longer only in MPEG-2 be converted, since it is already in MPEG-2 format is. Only the resolution must s.die, an SD VideoDVD adapted.
With DV, the whole thing has yet to MPEG-2 at the end be converted, but the resolution no longer be adjusted.
Hmm ... Distinguishes itself somehow to ... I would rather tend to the same suspect, as you:
HDV is better than DV and is also already in the MPEG-2 format -> So nothing more needs to be converted and is therefore a (visible?) Better quality than DV.
The fact that DV should look better than HDV, I can not now imagine. An SD-DVD, with full HD-Material "downkonvertiert" was created so synonymous looks better than a normal SD-DV-DVD.
The most important role to any discernible differences are to be played but the used encoder. With a good encoder will probably be sometime eh no differences see more ...
Antwort von charletto:

Hi Dobby,
tja, so I saw it was always synonymous, but according to this statement, I came into the brooding synonymous, have so far only a few minutes with the new cam rotated - in HDV - and ausgegebn than DVD, but that was already first-class material, whether it now in DV looks better, I venture to doubt, yes I use the Media Encoder CS of 4 and think that's a damn good part. That's why so synonymous to the thread ....
Grübbel, grübbel ....
Antwort von DoBBy:
... but according to this statement ... I would just say that this statement is plain and simply not true.
Yes you can use the test. Comparisons times DV and HDV material on a DVD together. And I do believe (as already described), that probably no one will notice any visible difference.
Antwort von charletto:

Well, what can I say, I had the conviction synonymous, the ads starting material - in HDV - is a better basis, Allier of the quality and sharpness of the images based - quite apart from that I'm still there! Would I use the 'statement as a basis for a purchase, has no sense to ne HD cam to buy, if you s.keinen Blue Ray player has
b) no plasma or LCD has
c) do not have Blue Ray burner and last but not least, no editing program for HD has.
Absence of this component, you should forget and is ne of Aiptek DV Cam in RTL shop.
I have had with the XL 2 in Thailand rotated - DV es and beautiful film about, but if I have this on DVD and Aufanhmen mene short clips about this with the new Cam (in HD and rotated as' spent normale'DVD) Watching -- there are worlds between them very well - even though the XL 2 is a good cam.
Well, somehow should be done against the advertising strategies and - campaigns for unfair competition law to proceed ...
Antwort von Alex_HH:

but now you übertreibst something. Even without BluRay HDV can enjoy on the LCD: By Cam s.TV or via multimedia hard disk. In addition, these things always so synonymous cheaper.
I can already imagine that the SD material from the cam at least as good, as the downscalierte. You save the SD movie on DV tape a lot less compressed than HDV. You have (to my knowledge) the same bandwidth 25Mbs but a much lower resolution. So much more information per frame on the tape. (If I use the times as may express unworkmanlike)
But you are of course synonymous many disadvantages that are already sufficient to have been enumerated.