Newsmeldung von slashCAM: For color film and Farbmosaike of Thomas - 9 Mar 2009 15:06:00
The example of Ridley Scott's "Black Hawk Down" explains Isaac Botkin, author of "Outside Hollywood," as color shooting in being used to plot locations and emotional states visually characterize - the corresponding visual conventions and Hollywood has established itself as any film Farbassoziationen can define your own.
To color the entire film arranged to show he's using a very nice tool called
Cinema Redux(, welches aus Einzelframes eines Filmes die jede Sekunde gemacht werden, ein großes zusammengesetztes Picture erzeugt - s.dem man eben wunderbar die Farbwechsel of Szenen and deren Verteilung über den Film erkennen kann. Beispielposter einiger bekannter Filme wie eben "Black Hawk Down", "Taxi Driver" and vieler weiterer gibts auf dem Cinema Redux Site and noch mehr / matt strange / Matthew_Merkovich / Photos / Pages / Film_Mosaics.html (here.
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Antwort von mannamanna:

Cool to see how farbstimmung / schemas through an entire movie out - s.den mosaics film (which I would like something bigger) you can pretty well the day / after-Sszenenwechsel recognize and roughly synonymous the cutting frequency of a film to estimate (1 line = 1 minute) - you should be so fast action scenes can be identified.
The nightmare sequence from Vertigo stings a synonymous immediately apparent - would be a nice media player as a sort of alternative navigation interface to create a scene again - that should be with the Mplayer no problem :-)