Frage von Supe:
Hello Filmmakers!
I have two problems in Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5, I - synonymous with Help & Manual - still could not solve.
s.Quicktime Effect
In WP 6.5, I had the wonderful auto Quicktime Effects drin, usden Effect 'film damage. Are there still these effects separately for APP? Where do I come from? Is there any freeware alternatives?
b) Audio Cut
In APP, I have an audio (wav) imported, that I - like the video - with the razor blade wants to cut. Audio and video are not linked. Keyframes, I have activated and some, but unfortunately can not cut the audio, s.diesen Keyframes not synonymous. The symbol for the razor blade is crossed out in red. I can not synonymous audio track Audio2 (Audio1 is the soundtrack of Vorvideos) fix, but only in the audio track 4th What am I doing wrong?
c) Presentation Options
Is there a possibility in a separate APP again track the transitions to get? The transitions always stick up s.den videos, which I do not think soooo doll.
Thank you for tips and help!
Antwort von Jörg:

to s.nein
to b: the audio track 4 is stored, which does not correspond to your project settings, eg for stereo Monotracks code, 33100 etc.Warum but not to be cut?
to 3: no
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Jörg:

: Hi again,
the red razor blade is activated immediately, once they have the clip pulled. So cutting is no problem.
Gruß Jörg