Frage von bj-the-oj:
Hello Leute.Ich had my own video with Windows Movie Maker made and wanted to be on Youtube setztn.Aber it did not work because he does not accept the file hat.Youtube wants flv files but my video is made I can dateien.Wie wav wav files to convert flv files?
Edit from Mod: Question of the existing discussion
Antwort von Pianist:
Hello Leute.Ich had my own video with Windows Movie Maker made and wanted to be on Youtube setztn.Aber it did not work because he does not accept the file hat.Youtube wants flv files but my video is made I can dateien.Wie wav wav files to convert flv files? So how now? Is it a movie or just sound? WAV files are tones. How was the synonymous: encoding you need a program that FLV files can produce. In the professional field, the Flash encoder quite expensive, I recently had a flash codec for $ 100 purchased. Whether it is in the amateur field, there was favorable, I do not know.
Is it even true that you then FLV files can upload? Previously it was so that all kinds of video platforms, video files and they believed in themselves then converted FLV, right? Of course it would be better if the quality of the FLV file himself.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... Wants Youtube flv files ... According to the recommendations on the youtube homepage, just as the format WMV, AVI, MOV and MPG accepted - of Flash is no speech.
Gruß Bernd E.